Pennsylvania 911 Bigfoot Caller Sticks to his Story
Posted by: Guy Edwards on June 30th, 2013
On May 14 Bigfoot Evidence reported of a possible Bigfoot shooting reported over a 911 call:
This is unconfirmed at the moment and we’re still trying to figure out what exactly transpired here. According to our source, PBS [Penssylvania Bigfoot Society] is looking into a possible shooting of Bigfoot somewhere in Pennsylvania. “It has been all over the police scanner in the area,” our source tells us, but he will not confirm the exact location. SRC: Bigfoot Evidence
Eventually the story unfolded into: An officer responding to the 911 call and found John T. Winesickle, who told him he’d found Bigfoot tracks when out for a walk. The officer accompanied Mr. Winesickle to the tracks, and took pictures of them.
The 911 call was a request to have an officer confirm the tracks and thus confirm Bigfoot. Mr. Winesickles story and Stan Gordon’s conclusion are paired in a local Pennsylvania Paper, Daily American. Read an excerpt below.
Daily American Staff Writer5:37 p.m. EDT, June 1, 2013
PAINT TOWNSHIP β John T. Winesickle is still convinced there’s a Sasquatch in his neck of the woods.
Summarily dismissed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Paint Township police and Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, Winesickle said he remains certain that there are at least two β plural β Bigfoot roaming the state game lands near his home.
“He’s a giant,” the Paint Township man said of the male. Though he’s never seen the creatures, Winesickle claims to have heard the Mr. make bassy, guttural sounds.
The Mrs., he said, can be heard “cooing” at times: “I think she’s pregnant.”
Adamant that his findings are sincere and legitimate, the Paint Township resident doesn’t present himself a charlatan. He isn’t writing any books and has declined offers to buy his original photographs, which depict large, ambiguous footprints in the mud.
Read the rest of the story at Bigfoot Lunch Club
Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event
The witness admits he has not seen any Bigfoots, only heard them or in reality, he heard what he thought may be a Bigfoot. And from this he deducts there are two of them. And that one is male and rather a giant. In addition, he deducts from unconfirmed sounds that there is also a female that happens to be pregnant.
LOL Brilliant! All that from hearing sounds, oh, and a claim of tracks in his possession. A bit of a stretch in the old hypothesis there, eh buddy? I mean, not much of an extrapolation at all. He fermently held to reason, logic and the scientific method–NOT!
So, again, I am going to deduct with a more credulous statement that the witnesses testimony is incorrect, funny, but still incorrect. I am not saying that there are not Bigfoots about in his vicinity. What I am saying that deducing two Bigfoots, a giant male and pregnant female from sounds he heard that could have come from any animal, is BS!
If I heard a splash in the water and saw a wake, I would not deduct that I know there is an undiscovered sea monster, just feet from the beach in the Chesapeake Bay. Unbelievable! And he wants people to take him seriously? Really? Then quit making up crap from noises you heard. End of story!
Moving on!
So he found some prints and heard some noises and came to the conclusion that there are two apes in his woods AND that one of them must be pregnant. Not the most convincing account out there.
DUDE! Sell the photos. OK, if you can’t part with the originals, make prints and sell those.
Get something out of this, because I don’t think you are getting what you want to get out of this.
Offers are people exercising their right to spend their money however they choose. Go for it.