Champ on Land?
Posted by: Katy Elizabeth on March 6th, 2014
Reference minute mark 23:45 for the eyewitness testimony.
20 years ago, dogs baking wildly woke Christine Hebert’s Marina on a foggy night. A new dock had recently been built at the Auer Family Boathouse, with a light that extended out into the water. Christine looked out to see what was alarming the dogs, thought someone might be taking a boat, and to her surprise she saw a large creature rise up out of the water right under the light. A couple of weeks later a similar incident occurred, a smaller creature appeared under the light. My group “Champ Search” had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Hebert on the phone and go to the location (the lightpole) where this sighting occurred. Here is her story:
Reference minute mark 7:36 for the eyewitness testimony.
“We just put the walk out and you’ll see the lamp, now the lamp is right where he came out to light and he stopped, where the new cement ramp is. He looked all around and even though I looked at him I couldn’t even see him moving and then finally he turned around and went out in the Lake. He wasn’t laying down in the water. His head stuck up, he looked like a dinosaur. His head was up maybe the head and the body and it went into the water and then there was a hump. He was pea green, he looked all moldy to me that’s all I could think of but I was so tired I didn’t realize what I saw. Maybe a week or two later my mother was with me in that window up on the right and the same thing happened again only this one that came out of the woods was smaller and it was brown, it was not pea green”.
Katy Elizabeth
Katy Elizabeth was born in Warwick, Rhode Island. Katy has been studying the existence of Champ since a child. As one of the youngest and most recent Cryptozoologists, she made her life long dream into reality when she had her own sighting and experiences of this elusive creature on Lake Champlain. It prompted her to start her own non-profit group called “Champ Search”. The group's goal is to study, investigate and prove the existence of unique animals that inhabit New York and Vermont’s beautiful Lake Champlain. She is the author of the books Water Horse Of Lake Champlain and Water Horse Of Lake Champlain II available on