Finding Bigfoot to Film in The Illinois River Bend

Posted by: Guy Edwards on November 14th, 2012

Bigfoot Lunch Club

Finding Bigfoot is filming in Illinois this November (2012). More specifically Madison County in the River Bend area.

“Producers and organizers will hold an invitation-only [Bigfoot] town hall meeting during the last week of this month.”
— The Telegraph, November 13th 2012

The River Bend is a small region in western central Illinois and Southern Illinois that includes three counties: Madison, Calhoun, and Jersey. Madison County, with 15 encounters according to, tops the list as the county with the most sightings. Calhoun and Jersey? Only 3 between the both of them.

It is reasonable that Madison is a hot spot for Bigfoot. If you look at a map the River Bend is where the Illinois and Missouri river feed into the Mississippi River making for the greenest part of Illinois.

The Telegraph. a local Illinois paper, has published a staff report requesting Bigfoot experiences on behalf of the cast of the TV show, Finding Bigfoot:

Telegraph staff report

ALTON — The cast of “Finding Bigfoot” is asking River Benders if ever they have had a Bigfoot experience.

If anyone has one, “Finding Bigfoot” producers ask that they send their stories to Producers and organizers will hold an invitation-only town hall meeting during the last week of this month. Bigfoot experiences sent to the email address should include the date that it occurred and the location.

This will be the first time “Finding Bigfoot” has appeared in person in Alton. They will be filming the town hall meeting. Anyone interested should email the above address.The Telegraph

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Guy Edwards About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event

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