Ancient Human Origins, North American Giants
Posted by: Christopher Noël on October 21st, 2014
I have just donated to the cause of helping Melba Ketchum take her DNA research further down the road to scientific acceptance, and to new discoveries. I urge the rest of you to consider doing so as well, if you are able, and to post this link on research group pages you are associated with. Ketchum has been the victim of unfair and bias-driven insults and assaults over the past two years, and she now has in her possession new and ancient genetic material that a university has agreed to sequence at a substantially reduced rate: this work can be done for $9000, of which this campaign has raised $3250 (now $3550). To help see our field over the next hurdle, we need to reach this goal. I have never made a pitch like this in my research career, but this one is important. Even $20 would help immensely.
Click here to support Ancient Human Origins, N American Giants by Melba Ketchum.
We have been doing genetic studies on the origin of various ancient and extant hominins including the cone heads of Peru, Sasquatch, and the red headed giants of North America that are famous in Native American legends.
We already have DNA extracted from several museum specimens but need to have whole genome next generation sequencing to unravel the mystery of the red headed giants. Are they a Native American Tribe, an unknown hominin or are they Sasquatch? Next generation sequencing is the way to find out, but it is expensive so we are looking for funding for this venture. Wouldn’t you really like to know the origins of these giant hominins that once inhabited North America? We do! For more information go to
See also: Are the Paracas Skulls Sasquatch?
Christopher Noël
Christopher Noël is the author of Sasquatch Rising 2013 and editor of the newly released anthology How Sasquatch Matters: Writers Respond to the New Natural Order.
Christopher Noël holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Yale. Noël is a freelance editor ( and lives with his daughter in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.