Mike Greene Puts Out Press Release For “Squeaky Footage” Video/Website
Posted by: Monster Island News on June 3rd, 2010
Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Earth Times
It’s been named “Squeaky Footage”, about three minutes of film captured last April at an abandoned campsite in North Carolina, of what appears to be a rather inquisitive Bigfoot.
The footage, which was shot with a thermal imaging camera, is the work of Mike Greene, a 20 year Bigfoot investigator and former chief of the Welfare and Food Stamp Fraud Investigation Department.
The location that Greene chose for his stake-out is reportedly the haunt of a very curious creature who has been seen lurking at night near campsites, normally just out of fire light, for the past couple of years.
The veteran Bigfoot hunter knew that this may be a prime spot to investigate and his intuitiveness may have paid off.
Just after setting up his camp, Greene heard some of the same types of noises that he had heard during a 2007 expedition into the region, where he just missed capturing the elusive animal on film.
Not wanting to miss another chance to capture images of the elusive cryptid, the monster hunter set a trap. He placed some food on a tree stump next to his campsite, then moved to a safe distance and set up his thermal camera and turned it on.
Not wanting to scare off the creature, he left the area.
Two ours later he returned to discover that his camera had caught something large, and on two legs, rummaging through his campsite.
Is it Bigfoot?
Well, that certainly will be a topic of debate for sometime.
Now, as a Bigfoot eyewitness myself, I can tell you that the object in the film has the right shape and seems to move like the animal I saw.
But, that really doesn’t mean anything.
Many fellow researchers in the field of cryptozoology have made comments to back up Greene’s character and his long history as a fraud investigator for our government speaks for itself.
So, it would be safe to say that Greene wouldn’t be the kind of guy to try and pull off a hoax, but did someone play a hoax on him? That’s the tricky part.
Since he left the area while the alleged Bigfoot went trough his belongings, there is no eye-witness to the events captured in the video. So it could be Sasquatch or some really big homeless guy looking for a free meal.
Most of us are familiar with how a thermal imaging camera works, thanks to shows like “Ghost Hunters”, “Destination Truth” and “Ghost Adventures.” Basically it picks up heat generated by either a living entity, power source or….spirit…possibly.
Hot objects appear as oranges and reds and cold ones as blues.
Living creatures, like our Bigfoot friend in the above video, kinda appear a as blobs with a shape to them against the cooler background items, in this case trees.
Unfortunately, there are no distinguishable features in this type of image that could prove positive that it is either a man or a monster.
So it’s all inconclusive.
There is one thing that could, if anything, shine a dim light on both Greene and his footage. The fact that at the present moment, he is charging people to view the whole thing.
That’s right, the footage featured on Youtube and other websites is only a small sampling of the entire video, which is about three minutes long. To see all of that, you will have to pay Greene $2 through his website.
Now Greene has gone public by sending out a rather long press release:
A video of a Sasquatch taken with a thermal imager by eminently qualified 20 year Bigfoot researcher Michael Greene was lauded as “The most important footage since the Paterson (sic)/Gimlin film taken over 40 years ago”. With an explanation and website references of his 2 decade search and final success in North Carolina in 2009. Includes a 30 second excerpt of the video.
Uwharrie, NC (PRWEB) — ”This is the most important footage of a Sasquatch since Paterson/ Gimlin film taken over 40 years ago,” said Matthew Moneymaker, head of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) as he introduced guest speaker Michael Greene to a crowd of 250 Bigfoot researchers in Yakima, Washington, at an invitation only tribute to Bob Gimlin.
In 1967 The Paterson (sic)/Gimlin film of a Sasquatch striding across a creek in northern California made headlines around the world.
Since then there has been only dubious additional footage, usually crudely made fakes.
Until now.
In April 28th, 2009, some three minutes of video of a Sasquatch were taken through a thermal imager (FLIR) by Michael Greene, in the Uwharrie National Forest, NC.
This footage, known as “The Squeaky Thermal” was first shown at Bob Gimlin’s birthday party 2 weeks later. It was viewed with wild applause and a heartfelt “Thank you, thank you so much” from Bob Gimlin, who was finally receiving some well deserved vindication of his efforts so long ago.
Michael Greene is the retired Chief of a State Fraud Investigations Bureau. has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and is a Court Qualified Questioned Documents Expert, and former Investigator for the Public Defender’s Office. His hobby for the last 20 years has been searching for proof of this elusive beast. This quest has taken him from glacier fields in the Yukon, to a giant meteor crater in northern Quebec, the Everglades of Florida and the rain forests of the Pacific Northwest.
In 2008 he briefly saw a Sasquatch in the Uwharrie National Forest, and spent the next year repeatedly camping at the spot, trying to encourage its return and gain some semblance of its trust.
“Over and over I left out bananas, apples, peanut butter, Zagnut bars, and little squeaking bathtub toys that my grandchildren like to play with. Hence the name ‘Squeaky’, one of the toys the Bigfoot took. Sometimes things would be taken , most times not. At the time I could only record for about 2 hours, the battery life of the thermal , so a lot of the night went unrecorded. This is definitely a patient man’s game.
“A thermal imager sees only images made by heat. FLIR, or Forward Looking Infra Red, is most familiar to viewers of police reality shows like COPS, where a fugitive is seen from a helicopter as a white image, running through backyards. You cannot fool a thermal imager as it is recording only the heat signature of what it sees. Thus, a man in a costume would look splotchy and irregular, as his costume would suppress the body heat to varying degrees, unlike a naked man, or Bigfoot, which would appear primarily as a solid color.”
Greene continues, “Around 11:30 on the night of April 28th, 2009 I was setting up the thermal recording stuff, to try hiding it in the back of my Toyota Highlander when I heard movement in the woods down in the area I expected it to show up. On an impulse I took the thermal imager and put it on a tripod, with the DVR (Digital Video Recorder) on the ground next to it. Then I got in the car and drove away, leaving my campsite very obviously deserted. I drove to the one entrance to the area (which had no one else in it) and parked for two hours (the approximate life of the thermal’s battery ). When I returned the battery was indeed dead, but the bait was gone.
“On reviewing the tape I saw that about half an hour after I drove away, the creature very cautiously approaches, crawling up the hill behind the stump, then reaches up with its right arm and grabs the Zagnut bar. Then it crawls backwards, moving almost out of sight and moves off to the right of the screen. A few seconds later, perhaps emboldened by its success, it reappears on the right side of the screen and moves, standing upright, to behind a tree, where it slowly sways back and forth, giving the viewer a good idea of its enormous bulk. This swaying behavior has been repeatedly reported by other witnesses. The height I estimate at around 7 ½ feet, but it is hard to exactly pin down as the ground slopes down, away from the viewer so one cannot exactly tell where it’s feet hit the ground.
“My website, Bushloper.net, gives a thorough explanation of the area, and how it was filmed and a reenactment of the Sasquatch’s movements by me, wearing only shorts, taken from the same spot, with the same equipment. You can see the difference, and I’m 6’5” tall and 190 pounds .By comparison, this thing is huge. The website also contains the complete Squeaky Thermal video (Copyrighted).
“After Bob Gimlin’s birthday party I posted some of the footage on the BFRO website, where it has been viewed over 80,000 times, with overwhelmingly positive feedback.
“Most people are completely unaware of the enormous body of reports and evidence for this fascinating but very elusive creature’s existence. I suggest that they explore the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) website at bfro.net and spend a few hours reading.
“My efforts continue to this day, now with the ability to record all night long with two thermal imagers, in hopes of getting clearer and longer footage to finally put the question of their existence to bed once and for all.”
Michael Greene recently moved to Salisbury, North Carolina. Formerly from New Jersey, he is a Private Pilot, Former EMT, and 18 year veteran of the National Ski Patrol. He served as a Sergeant/Tank Commander with the 4th Recon Squadron, 6th Armored Cavalry.
A full biography and details of his long search may be seen on his website www.bushloper.net.
An interview with Greene discussing how he obtained the thermal footage may be seen here:
Monster Island News
Founder of the popular monster and sci-fi blogs Monster Island News and Godzilla 3D News and Information.
Ken Hulsey began his writing career in 2000 when he founded kensforce.com a popular site with fans of Japanese sci fi/monster movies (Godzilla, Gamera and the like) and other B movies.
In 2008, he closed down his original site and created the blog "Monster Island News" a showcase for classic horror/monster films and independent/alternative cinema.
I paid the $2 for the footage, and there is something there that’s about all I got out of it. It’s a white bipedal blob. The behavior is the curious part. I don’t know what type of housing the thermal camera was in, but it must have been obvious because the subject in the video seems to be aware of it. It’s movement suggests that it knew the camera was there and it’s making every attempt to hide from it. I only say that because Greene states that he wasn’t present when the footage was shot, so the subject in the video had to be hiding from something. Not saying it’s a fake or real, but if it’s real, BF apparently knows when cameras are running, even unattended cameras.
The camera’s internal motors might be emitting a frequency that is within the BF’s hearing range, installing some kind of rubber shielding should reduce that.
Interesting case but inconclusive proof.
I have to wonder, if a FLIR was successful, why there was no follow-up attempts with a trail cam equipped with a flash? Seems like the logical next step to me. You could even leave a trail cam without batteries out near the bait and let the entity get used to it being there, then turn it on and see what happens.
It does look like the blob moves really similarly to the BFRO thermal image video. Lots of ducking and staying behind cover. In case you haven’t seen this footage, it is really worth watching, and the whole thing is on youtube for free.
when someone wants money for this kinda stuff it always sends red flags up for me personally..
i really dont buy the excuse” well i have spent 5 grand doing this” ..haha what BS if he did have legit conclusive video of Bigfoot he should reveal it to the world it would be the find of the 21st century.
and the dude could write a book and do a speaking tours and make a crap load of money after. he would be world famous as the man who found Bigfoot.
this just smacks of a cheap midway con come inside and see the Fiji mermaid only $2 !!!
The behavior is the curious part. I don’t know what type of housing the thermal camera was in, but it must have been obvious because the subject in the video seems to be aware of it.
Probably because it could see it. The tree at the left edge of the frame is much hotter on its left side, while trees at the right of the frame are mostly hot – almost as hot as the subject.
I’d say this was shot in daylight with the sun on the left. I’d also guess from the frames where the subject comes out from behind the tree and squats down that the subject was a female with shoulder-length hair and wearing a short-sleeved top. Play with the contrast/brightness and you may see it too. Maybe someone with the same camera can make a comparison video in daylight to share with us.
This is just more B.S…this clown says “Well I guess I will go now” like bigfoot would understand him! Then he says he is gone for 2 hours…..who is moving the camera? Bigfoot? What a crock of crap….as for some kind of special truth because its thermal…it just shows this clown is too cheap to BUY a suit! A human is going to throw off heat too….geez, these clowns will lie, do anything to make a buck…..what ever happened to honor, integrity, honesty? And people wonder why all this stuff is a laughing stock….run off the phony frauds!!
How is these even comparable to the Paterson/Gimlin footage that actually looked like Bigfoot and not some random white blob? Sorry, but this video does nothing for me.
Moving on.
With all due respect, this quote by Matthew Moneymaker is not accurate…
”This is the most important footage of a Sasquatch since Paterson/ Gimlin film taken over 40 years ago,” said Matthew Moneymaker, head of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) as he introduced guest speaker Michael Greene to a crowd of 250 Bigfoot researchers in Yakima, Washington, at an invitation only tribute to Bob Gimlin.
Matthew Moneymaker said no such thing during the Yakima Round-up. I can’t speak for Mr. Moneymaker as to his exact quote, but the one you have listed is not accurate.
As for Mike Greene’s video, I cannot attest to its authenticity, although I personally believe that it is authentic and genuine. But I can attest to the fact that Mike Greene is of exempliary character and is noble in his search for bigfoot evidence. Mike has spent uncountable hours in search of this creature, as well as thousands of dollars to do so. To ask for $2 to view it, in my mind, is not unreasonable.
Ask yourselves…If you had spend a lot of money and time to get this footage, wouldn’t you ask for a bit of money back? I know I would.
Could the camera have been rotated by remote control? Because I know he said he wasn’t there when this was filmed and although the camera does move if you notice it’s not erratic at all. It moves in perfectly straight upward and sideways motions. So it’s not in someone’s hand.
And I don’t think it’s a huge deal that it asks for just $2 to view the footage either. Think about it: the only people who are actually going to PAY to watch it are least likely to be jackasses about it. =)
I paid the $2 for the footage but the one posted on Youtube that is for our viewing above is not the same one I downloaded. The camera is still and the creature does exactly what Michael Greene says in his video statement.
The video embedded in this page is not the video you can download for $2. Not at all. I just bought it today, and it’s really interesting. This one does appear to have been shot in the daytime, or at least under far different lighting conditions. Also, this blog post does not follow the facts as posted on Greene’s site. The creature in the downloaded video is not rummaging through Greene’s belongings at the “abandoned” camp site, but checking out what was left on the stump that day. Among other things. I would strongly advise at least visiting Greene’s site and reading what he has written about the video before making disparaging comments about Greene, the video, or his motive for charging to see it. Greene obviously has no control over how the video is presented here, or what You Tube video is embedded here as though it were part of the one available for download. I don’t know anything about this embedded video, but I have to wonder why it was chosen for this page.
To me, the behavior of the creature in the download looks like an example of the extreme caution the creatures apparently use around humans. I think that is an excellent survival skill, too. We are very dangerous and not always predictable or even intelligent in our behavior. The creature does appear to be keeping a close eye on the campsite, which is where the camera is located. Another sign of intelligence.
V 2.0 with changes I made after I hit the Submit Comment button but before the comment was posted. I thought the You Tube embed was part of the original post. My mistake. Please clip this note and post the following. Thank you.
The video embedded in this page is not the video you can download for $2. Not at all. I just bought it today, and it’s really interesting. This one does appear to have been shot in the daytime, or at least under far different lighting conditions. Also, this blog post does not follow the facts as posted on Greene’s site. The creature in the downloaded video is not rummaging through Greene’s belongings at the “abandoned” camp site, but checking out what was left on the stump that day. I would strongly advise at least visiting Greene’s site and reading what he has written about the video before making disparaging comments about Greene, the video, or his motive for charging to see it. Greene obviously has no control over or what You Tube video is posted here, mistakenly presented as the one he has for sale. If we are going to complain about sloppy investigations, then we should at least try to base our comments on something better than assumptions.
To me, the behavior of the creature in the download looks like an example of the extreme caution the creatures apparently use around humans. I think that is an excellent survival skill, too. We are very dangerous and not always predictable or even intelligent in our behavior. The creature does appear to be keeping a close eye on the campsite, which is where the camera is located. Another sign of intelligence.