Sierra Nevada’s Bigfoot Barleywine Release Party
Posted by: Guy Edwards on January 7th, 2015
For the 2nd year HopsSquatch is sponsoring Sierra Nevada’s Bigfoot Barleywine Release Party. Help us celebrate Sasquatch and Beer at the White Owl Social Club (SE 8th and Main) this Thursday Jan 8th from 6-11pm. It’s Free, but you must be 21 or over. #hopsSquatch. Special guest Cliff Barackman!
On Thursday, January 8th, I will be speaking at the White Owl Social Club here in Portland, OR. It’s totally free, and starts at 6 pm. (However, it is 21 and over…) Also speaking will be Marc Myrsell, the rediscoverer of the Ape Canyon Cabin location! I guarantee it will be fun and informative!
~ Cliff Barackman
Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event
Bigfoot Ale is a quality barleywine, though perhaps not for the faint of heart. Aged bottles are excellent and if you get a chance to try successive years, it is really interesting to see how it ages from year to year.
Insanity: Thanks for the article! I had forgotten that it’s almost time for the Bigfoot Barleywine! Comparing successive years is likely something I’ll never get an opportunity to do – there’s no way a bottle is going to survive a year at my house.
The last time I thought about the BB was before Thanksgiving. I remember thinking, “it’s almost here!”
They don’t usually show up here on the East Coast until the latter part of February, but that’s pretty soon. Right now I’m enjoying Shiner’s 106th annual Birthday Beer. This year it’s a delicious Chocolate Stout that I’ll never see again, as long as I live.