Southern Fried Bigfoot
Posted by: Sean Whitley on March 18th, 2014
Shameless plug: my documentary Southern Fried Bigfoot is airing twice this week on Destination America: Tues, Mar 18 at 5pm est/4 pm cst and Fri, Mar 21 at 2 pm est/1 pm cst.
Official trailer for the 2007 documentary about the Bigfoot legends of the American South, now airing on Destination America!
Sean Whitley
Sean Whitley first heard stories of Bigfoot lurking in Texas at the ripe old age of four. Several sleepless nights and nightmare-laden years later, he attended Southern Methodist University on an academic scholarship and graduated with a BA in Cinema. Whitley has worked as a scriptwriter and field producer for a wide variety of programs that have been broadcast on The Cartoon Network, The Learning Channel, SPEED Channel, MTV, Spike TV, Starz/Encore, Turner Classic Movies, HGTV, and The Cooking Channel. "Southern Fried Bigfoot" is his directorial debut.
He lives in the Dallas, Texas metro area with his wife Cynthia, a cat named Josh, and two dogs: Speckles, an Australian cattle mix, and Lovey, a Potcake from the British West Indies.