Today in Bigfoot History | 2008 | Mike Rugg Exposes Pogonip Hoax

Posted by: Guy Edwards on January 20th, 2016

Bigfoot Lunch Club

The Pogonip Bigfoot side-by-side with the Bigfoot Discovery Day streaker, composited in Photoshop. Photoshop composite by Mike Rugg

Today, January 20, 2008, Mike Rugg posted in his newsletter Bigfoot Discovery Project (Vol. 3 No. 9) a series of events that lead him to believe he was dealing with a hoaxer.

Initially he was sent an email from a gentleman named John Henry Camper claiming he had taken photos of a Sasquatch running away from him. Mike Rugg expressed interest and Mr. Camper sent three digital photos.

Three Images sent to Mike Rugg

Read how Mike Rugg was able to piece together another photo taken around the same time to solve these mystery photos at Bigfoot Lunch Club

Guy Edwards About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event

One Response to “Today in Bigfoot History | 2008 | Mike Rugg Exposes Pogonip Hoax”

  1. Goodfoot responds:

    John Henry Camper. The investigation should have ended the moment that name was offered.

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