Turner Bigfoot vs Patty… Let’s Get It On!
Posted by: Bill Brock on March 8th, 2015
Bill Brock from Team Rogue here presenting an interesting case for the Turner Bigfoot Footage.
In this video I use a screenshot from ThinkerThunker.com, I did this to compare the Turner Footage to the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film. In the screenshot from ThinkerThunker there are some basic lines drawn on Patty that shows major joints in her body. For instance the lines show her shoulders knees and hips. I decided to superimpose that screenshot of Patty over the possible Bigfoot filmed in Turner. The results are interesting because the bodies of these two creatures seem to line up. I am still not comfortable saying to anyone that this was a Bigfoot but Team Rogue is still actively seeking the truth.
See also:
Return From Crypto-Paranormal Road Trip
Breakdown – Maine Bigfoot Footage
Shocking Info Exposed – Turner Bigfoot Sighting
Turner Maine Bigfoot Footage
Turner Maine Bigfoot Drone Recon
#DestinationAmerica #MonstersUnderground #CryptoParanormalRoadTrip #TeamRogue
Bill Brock
Bill Brock is the host of Discovery Channel's Monsters Underground, where he and his team are hell-bent on proving the existence of monsters living beneath the earth's surface. During their underground investigations, one wrong move could turn the cave into their tomb. But the most dangerous threat of all is the pitch-black darkness and the risk of coming face to face with a cave creature - such as the shape-shifting Aswang or the bat-like Olitiau - and not seeing it until it's too late!
Brock's Team in Maine are known as “Team Rogue”, they travel the Northeast in search of Cryptids and the Paranormal. Team Rogue investigated the Turner Bigfoot sighting where a young man filmed what some say is the best Video since the Patterson/Gimlin Footage! The team has investigated multiple sightings in Maine and New England.
Well, I previously posted here at Cryptomundo when ThinkerThunker posted his hypothesis here. I pointed out how it was flawed on so many levels. I explained why it was flawed due to compression from lenses, angles changing the actual measurements, etc. His theory did not hold up to scrutiny or objective analysis on many levels. I even pointed out that this bad science and incorrect hypothesis would promote the younger generations using his flawed hypothesis. And here we have that prediction coming true, just as I predicted. I feel like a prophet!
Anyway, the same points I made with ThinkerThunker’s original post apply here. Not to mention, that Bigfoot has never been proven and since we do not have one in captivity or even a body, we can not translate any measurement to that of a Bigfoot or any unproven animal.
Please take no credence in the perpetuation of this flawed and failed theory. It is like taking a square peg and fitting through a round hole and then proclaiming, “it fits perfectly.” Physics would disprove that in seconds–just as I disproved ThinkerThunker’s junk science in seconds.
Although I do approve of those trying to investigate Bigfoot sightings. I can get behind that!
who is coming up with this nonsense?
can’t even believe I’m wasting my time commenting on this garbage.
and btw… I agree with photo expert’s comments.