Archive for the “Bigfoot”

Abuzz About Very Little

Posted by: Steve Kulls on November 21st, 2014

Yesterday Dr. Jeff Meldrum broke his silence over what may or may not have been a Bigfoot encounter while he was out with the infamous Todd Standing.

The people that follow Standing blindly, “The Standlings,” took this as full vindication of their hero, the “Toddster.”


Read: Abuzz About Very Little »

DNA Evidence of Bigfoot Promised at Sasquatch Summit

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 21st, 2014


The Sasquatch Summit at the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino this weekend promises “big” things, including possible DNA evidence of a bigfoot.

Read: DNA Evidence of Bigfoot Promised at Sasquatch Summit »

The Best Bigfootage: This Bigfoot Sighting was a Family Affair

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 20th, 2014

A family sees an interesting creature on the side of the road while driving and is pretty sure it was Bigfoot.

Read: The Best Bigfootage: This Bigfoot Sighting was a Family Affair »

Conducting a Sasquatch Related Investigation

Posted by: Steve Kulls on November 20th, 2014

Investigation should not be just a jaunt into the wooded area looking for Sasquatch signs.

Determination of merit is what we need, if an account is to be considered real.

Read: Conducting a Sasquatch Related Investigation »

Sykes’ Yeti Book Retitled?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 20th, 2014

Originally titled The Yeti Enigma: a DNA detective story, as shown on the cover artwork below:


It is now titled: Nature of the Beast: The First Scientific Evidence for the Survival of Apemen into Modern Times

Read: Sykes’ Yeti Book Retitled? »

Meldrum Speaks Out About Standing’s Claims

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 20th, 2014

Does he refute or reiterate Todd Standing’s claims of a Bigfoot being seen by the good doctor?

Read: Meldrum Speaks Out About Standing’s Claims »

Possible Bigfoot Howls Recorded in Mississippi?

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 20th, 2014

What do you think?

Read: Possible Bigfoot Howls Recorded in Mississippi? »

Cryptologic Radio: Adam Davies-Manbeasts: A Personal Investigation

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 19th, 2014

This week our guest is British author and cryptozoological investigator/researcher Adam Davies. Adam has been all over the world investigating and researching a wide array of cryptids. From the Orang Pendek in Sumatra, the Almasty is Russia, the Death Worm of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, the Mokele Mbembe in the Congo of Africa, the Seljord Serpent in Norway, the Yeti in Nepal, the Mande Burung in India, the Yeren in China, and most recently the Sasquatch of North America. He has appeared on numerous television programs and channels including The National Geographic Channel’s specials entitled Russian Bigfoot and Ape-Man, Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot episode titled Indonesia’s Little Bigfoot, and History Channel’s Monster Quest episodes; The Real Hobbit, The Abominable Snowman, and China’s Wildman.

Read: Cryptologic Radio: Adam Davies-Manbeasts: A Personal Investigation »

Bigfoot North: The Feature Film

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 19th, 2014

A special 40-minute advance screening of the documentary feature film “Bigfoot North” is premiering in Seattle, Washington on Tuesday November 25th, 2014 where we will begin a petition for species protection of Bigfoot in the United States.

Two PhD’s ( Professor Jeff Meldrum PhD of Idaho State University and wildlife Biologist PhD John Bindernagel) experiencing live interactions with Sasquatch. As well as an eye witness accounting.

This is an advance screening of the full 90 minute documentary that there is a KickStarter campaign that was launched on November 18,2014 to raise $900,000 CAD.

Is this the final payoff for Standing? Is this what years of his videos were leading up to?

Read: Bigfoot North: The Feature Film »

The Best Bigfootage: Can’t Bigfoot Just Take a Selfie and Clear this Whole Thing Up?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 18th, 2014

A series of pictures raises the question of whether a Bigfoot was spotted on the peak of a mountain in Washington State. Much to Keith’s chagrin, though, they are too blurry to be definitive.

Read: The Best Bigfootage: Can’t Bigfoot Just Take a Selfie and Clear this Whole Thing Up? »

Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Government Cover-Up

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 18th, 2014

Tonight we speak with a ex-police officer who was investigating a Sasquatch encounter on a property and was told to back off of his investigation and when he didn’t he was forced out of the police force. Join us for a crazy night, you will not want to miss this government cover-up. Why is the government covering up Sasquatch? Tonight we will give you some insight as to why.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Government Cover-Up »

The Short Bigfoot Flap of 1981 in Waterford, NY

Posted by: Steve Kulls on November 18th, 2014

Freedom of Information Act filed on the Waterford Police Department returns Bigfoot sighting reports?

Read: The Short Bigfoot Flap of 1981 in Waterford, NY »

Terrifying Childhood Sasquatch Encounter!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 17th, 2014

A woman relives her absolutely terrifying encounter when she was 7 years old, when a Sasquatch chased her family in a truck and jumps on the back of the truck!!

Read: Terrifying Childhood Sasquatch Encounter! »

Anaheim Ape or Baby Bigfoot?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 17th, 2014


Anaheim Hills residents going ape over gorilla-like creature sighting

Baby Bigfoot or just a guy in a gorilla suit?

Read: Anaheim Ape or Baby Bigfoot? »

Bigfoot Ground Zero Archive: Todd Neiss

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 16th, 2014

…interview Todd Neiss. Todd is a well know Sasquatch researcher, who has had one of the most interesting experiences I’ve heard…two actually! A career military man, Todd brings a unique perspective to how he views, and approaches Sasquatch research. I am excited to bring you this interview!

Read: Bigfoot Ground Zero Archive: Todd Neiss »

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