Archive for the “Bigfoot”

Binnall of America: Adam Davies & Lori Simmons

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 1st, 2014

For the first time ever and exclusively on BoA:Audio, cryptozoologist Adam Davies will reveal the secret Bigfoot expedition, from May of 2013, that was funded by renowned Oxford University geneticist Dr. Bryan Sykes. Sworn to secrecy for nearly a year and a half, Adam has finally been granted permission to divulge the details surrounding this clandestine research project and will do so on the BoA:Audio, Season 8 finale. Bigfoot researcher Lori Simmons, who took part in the expedition with Adam and Dr. Sykes, will also join us during the conversation to share her take on this groundbreaking and historic event. More on Adam’s various expeditions to search for cryptids around the world can be found in his new book Manbeasts: A personal investigation.

Read: Binnall of America: Adam Davies & Lori Simmons »

Monster Hunters: On the Trail with Ghost Hunters, Bigfooters, Ufologists, and Other Paranormal Investigators

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 31st, 2014

Do ghosts exist? What about Bigfoot or Skinwalkers? And how will we ever know? Journalist Tea Krulos spent more than a year traveling nationwide to meet individuals who have made it their life’s passion to hunt down evidence of entities that they believe exist but that others might shrug off as nothing more than myths, fairy tales, or the products of overactive imaginations.

Read: Monster Hunters: On the Trail with Ghost Hunters, Bigfooters, Ufologists, and Other Paranormal Investigators »

SasWhat: Wes Germer

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 31st, 2014


Seth sat down with Wes Germer to talk about his Bigfoot sighting. They also dig into other Bigfooty topics.

Wes does a show called Sasquatch Chronicles on Blog Talk Radio with his brother, Woody, and Will Jevning.

Read: SasWhat: Wes Germer »

Bigfoot Exists for Halloween

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 31st, 2014

Director Eduardo Sanchez and screenwriter Jamie Nash from “The Blair Witch Project” talk about their new film, dealing with a different kind of supernatural creature.

Celebrate Halloween with a VOD screening of Exists tonight!

Read: Bigfoot Exists for Halloween »

Cryptologic Radio Archive: Around the Halloween Campfire with Jeff Kelley

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 31st, 2014

Join us for a special Halloween edition of Around the Campfire with CryptoLogic Radio as we welcome special guest The Rev. Jeff Kelley from The Squatcher’s Lounge Podcast. We’ll be covering and discussing some of the most terrifying and disturbing Sasquatch encounter stories in anticipation of All Hallow’s Eve. Jeff is known for his large accumulation of reports and Real Bigfoot Encounters video on YouTube so there will be no short supply of scary Bigfoot tales.

Read: Cryptologic Radio Archive: Around the Halloween Campfire with Jeff Kelley »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Sasquatch on the Reservation

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 31st, 2014

Coming this Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 5pm PST:

We speak to a local on a indian reservation who talks about several encounters her and her family have had while growing up on the reservation. The witness also talks about some possible cover ups going on with the peoples encounters.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Sasquatch on the Reservation »

Troglodyte Gives Exists Two Non-Opposable Thumbs Up!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 30th, 2014


Read: Troglodyte Gives Exists Two Non-Opposable Thumbs Up! »

ISU Student Anthropological Society Fundraiser

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 30th, 2014


Read: ISU Student Anthropological Society Fundraiser »

Skeptical but Open-Minded, Texan Ken Gerhard Hunts for Bigfoot and Other Monsters

Posted by: Ken Gerhard on October 30th, 2014

A well-researched article that discusses the field of cryptozoology… particularly as it relates to south Texas. A big thanks to my friends at the Houston Press!

Read: Skeptical but Open-Minded, Texan Ken Gerhard Hunts for Bigfoot and Other Monsters »

See Exists While it Still Exists in Theaters!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 30th, 2014

Well, it looks like the theatrical run for Exists ends today…

I suggest you take advantage of the fact that it’s still in theaters today and go see it!

Read: See Exists While it Still Exists in Theaters! »

Something in the Woods Movie

Posted by: Lyle Blackburn on October 30th, 2014

There’s been a horde of bigfoot films lately, of which I’ve seen many (and reviewed in Rue Morgue magazine). Most are terrible and a few are good. Many of the terrible ones try to exploit the fame/name of The Legend of Boggy Creek or imitate it, or flat out take footage and paste it into their “movie.” I recently got a sneak peak at 7 minutes worth of an upcoming bigfoot-themed flick called Something in the Woods.

Read: Something in the Woods Movie »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Missing People and Bigfoot Encounters

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 30th, 2014

Tonight we bring you the odd and strange bigfoot encounters. We talk to a gentleman who had an encounter with a Sasquatch back in the 1940s that appeared to be carrying a person who came up missing. Its a strange tale that happened in Oregon. In the missing 411 books a lot of the people who come up missing do so without their clothes. We talk to a gentleman who had an encounter and the result of the encounter is very strange and ties into a lot of missing people. The final encounter we speak with Amanda who has Sasquatch on her property and one of the creatures chased her 10 year old son.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Missing People and Bigfoot Encounters »

Cryptologic Radio: Around the Halloween Campfire with Jeff Kelley

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 29th, 2014

Jeffrey Kelley on Cryptologic tonight!

Read: Cryptologic Radio: Around the Halloween Campfire with Jeff Kelley »

Which State is Missing from USA Today’s List of ‘Best States for Bigfooting’

Posted by: Guy Edwards on October 29th, 2014

USA Today provides a list of the top 8 states for bigfooting. Is your state on the list?

Read: Which State is Missing from USA Today’s List of ‘Best States for Bigfooting’ »

Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up 2014: John Mionczynski “Evaluation of Possible Sasquatch Forage”

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 29th, 2014

Wildlife Consultant John Mionczynski gives an information-filled presentation about the possibilities of forage for the sasquatch. John is an expert in edible and medicinal plants, the father of goat packing and spends months each year in the mountains.

Read: Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up 2014: John Mionczynski “Evaluation of Possible Sasquatch Forage” »

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