Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

Momo and Me

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 30th, 2006

An eyewitness-directed sketch of the famed Momo, the Missouri Monster of 1972. I will be speaking in SW Missouri this evening on Yeti, Hobbits, Bigfoot, Johor Bigfoot, Skunk Apes, and Momo. See you there. Missouri State University 901 South National Ave Springfield, Missouri “Monster Mash” PSU Food Court 7:00-8:00 PM Monday, October 30, 2006 Investigator […]

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Loren’s Top 50 Cryptids

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 28th, 2006

Please click to enlarge this image of Bigfoot as drawn by Paul Smith, and sepia-colorized for the cover of Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America The Top 50 Cryptids From Around The World Cryptids are the yet-to-be discovered animals or recovered supposedly extinct zoological species that are being sought by cryptozoologists, zoologists, anthropologists, […]

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Loren Coleman’s Top Cryptids

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 27th, 2006

Halloween 2006 seems as good a time as any to publish a response to several requests I have received lately for my top ten picks in cryptids, those animals that serve as the focus of cryptozoologists. Of course, thinking outside the lines, as I always do, I had to choose thirteen. Also, I had to […]

Read: Loren Coleman’s Top Cryptids »

Searching for Sasquatch – Using Ideas from Law Enforcement Part IV.

Posted by: John Kirk on October 24th, 2006

Part IV How – I would recommend the following procedure from start to finish in investigating a sasquatch occurrence. 1) Secure the scene temporarily by using the caution tape to rope off the site where evidence may lie. 2) All investigators in the zone must wear shoe protection bags and gloves, and optimally filter masks […]

Read: Searching for Sasquatch – Using Ideas from Law Enforcement Part IV. »

Missouri Monster Events

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 22nd, 2006

As Cryptomundo readers know, especially from a recent blog entry, the Bates cryptozoology and art exhibition has moved to Kansas City, Missouri. Shown above, Marc Swanson’s White Yeti (a/k/a “Killing Moon”) is part of the exhibition, Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale. The collection – from art from artists from around the world to nonfiction […]

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California Cryptozoic

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 16th, 2006

What: “CALIFORNIA CRYPTOZOIC” When: October 28 – November 25, 2006 Opening Saturday October 28, 9pm – Partytime Who: Artist Megan Whitmarsh (visit her site for her little Yeti film) Where: October, 28 2006 at the New Image Art Gallery, 7908 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90046 How Much: Free “Yeti does Disco” with bling […]

Read: California Cryptozoic »

Yeti Jacket

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 13th, 2006

Hey, I want one of those as a gift for the holidays, don’t you? David Pescovitz mentions a great new piece of cryptozoology outerwear to add to anyone’s wish list. David writes at Boing Boing: This amazing track jacket embroidered with Tim Biskup’s Yeti illustration is part of his Gama-Go collection for Fall. It’s $78 […]

Read: Yeti Jacket »

Arcturus Cryptozoology Books

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 13th, 2006

Looking for a rare Keel title? A paperback from the 1970s demonstrating that era’s view of Bigfoot? An oldie but a goodie? Trying to pick up a scarce cryptozoology book? Bob Girard has been selling used books for years, and now does it from Port St. Lucie, Florida. If you want to keep the good […]

Read: Arcturus Cryptozoology Books »

Almas Skull Sample?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 13th, 2006

Mark A. Hall alerts Cryptomundo to a new dispatch out of Russia, “Moscow Hominologist gives bone sample to the USA for investigation”. It appears to be from the skull of an alleged Almas’ relative, Khwit. Click the Richard Klyver’s Almas drawings, above, for a larger view. According to the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaja Pravda, Igor Burtsev […]

Read: Almas Skull Sample? »

Rarer Than Thylacines

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 1st, 2006

Only 30 exist in Maine and they won’t become visible for sightings until October 7, 2006. Overall, only 200 are known to be around, and some of those already have vanished into private hands. They are almost extinct, although just discovered, and the entire group will disappear soon, mostly into private collections. What in the […]

Read: Rarer Than Thylacines »

Happy Birthday Cryptomundo!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 29th, 2006

(Click on image to see full size version, enhanced by shockbeton) It is a few minutes beyond midnight in the East, and a year ago today – on September 29, 2005 – Cryptomundo was born. Thank you everyone, for a wonderful first year of Cryptomundo! The images here are a quick trip down memory lane. […]

Read: Happy Birthday Cryptomundo! »

Mystery Cryptozoologist Photo

Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 28th, 2006

Due to dogged diligence, indepth investigative inquiries, and long hours in pursue of the truth, Cryptomundo brings you today the identity of the mystery cryptozoologist pictured all year by the North American media, next to the now famous Johor Bigfoot cast. You remember the photo, shown above? The cast was found in February 2006, at […]

Read: Mystery Cryptozoologist Photo »

Bigfoot vs Mummy

Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 27th, 2006

Will the above “mummy” displace efforts to seriously study the “Johor Bigfoot”? As previously mentioned here, the group the Seekers have decided to sell the oft-photographed Johor Bigfoot footcast (see below). The cast is the one that Joshua Gates, the host of the Sci-Fi Channel’s Destination: Truth, and his producer Neil Mandt were filming in […]

Read: Bigfoot vs Mummy »

Brunei Bigfoot Trackway Photo

Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 26th, 2006

In an earlier blog, Liew Kim San’s discovery of unknown tracks was mentioned here. The prints were said to have been found along the Andulau forest area in Labi, Brunei, which according to Liew Kim San (“Kim”), the footprints “do not resemble human or animal footprints.” (I would hope that this is a mistranslation, as […]

Read: Brunei Bigfoot Trackway Photo »

Brunei Bigfoot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 25th, 2006

Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam September 26, 2006 Bigfoot In Brunei? By Liza Mohd Bandar Seri Begawan – Bring on the cryptozoologists. The Bigfoot has left the jungles of Johor to the allure of Brunei’s Labi, or so it seems. A Sungai Liang resident has discovered several strange footprints along the Andulau forest area in Labi, which […]

Read: Brunei Bigfoot »

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