Archive for the “Alien Big Cats”

Devilish Melanistic Panthers

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 16th, 2008

Relatively old-fashioned wildlife and outdoors reporters are few and far between today, and especially in big city papers. But San Francisco is lucky enough to have one: Tom Stienstra. Stienstra has a history of being open-minded enough to pen and tackle thoughtful pieces on Sasquatch, which seems reasonable concerning his location. He also appears to […]

Read: Devilish Melanistic Panthers »

Chicago Cougar Video

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 16th, 2008

The story of the cougar killed in Chicago, detailed here yesterday, was documented by the visual news organizations. Here’s the video. The crowd of onlookers included representatives of the media.

Read: Chicago Cougar Video »

Cougar Killed in Chicago

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 15th, 2008

“Cougars don’t exist in Illinois,” we have all been told for years, especially before two 21st century incidents began to alert people to the notion eyewitnesses seeing the cats weren’t crazy. “They are extinct in the state,” officialdom still claimed. Now, beyond belief, a cougar or puma or mountain lion, whatever you wish to call […]

Read: Cougar Killed in Chicago »

Kansas Cougar: First in 100+ Years!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 27th, 2008

Bo Rader/The Wichita Eagle Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks game warden Tracy Galvin displays the pelt of a mountain lion that was killed in Barber County last November [2007]. Galvin has been investigating the rumor that a mountain lion had been killed in Kansas for the past several weeks. This is probably the first […]

Read: Kansas Cougar: First in 100+ Years! »

Night of the Demon Remembered

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 25th, 2008

Nick Redfern alerts me to the fact a character actor of some note, Brian Wilde, 80, died on March 20, 2008. Like Nick, I recall Wilde for his role of Rand Hobart in the classic 1957 UK movie Night of the Demon (Curse of the Demon in the USA). For me, the film was a […]

Read: Night of the Demon Remembered »

Outing the Ozark Howler

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 19th, 2008

Ten years later, the “Ozark Howler” still haunts the world of cryptozoology, and everyone from adventurous artists to Wikipedia writers continue to get it wrong. Here we go again. A new example has popped up in the modern blogsphere. Artist Robyn Fabsits of Kansas City, Missouri, shares her vision of what two “cryptids” supposedly look […]

Read: Outing the Ozark Howler »

Bladenboro Beast Is Back

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 17th, 2008

As the North American warm weather develops and the two new cryptozoology television series, “MonsterQuest” and “Destination Truth” battle for ratings heats cryptid matters, it will be worth our time to notice how many media mentions are generated by these two programs. For example, the Beast of Bladenboro article below appears to have been written […]

Read: Bladenboro Beast Is Back »

Tsushima Cat

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 8th, 2008

Guest blog from Japan by Brent Swancer: In light of the recent blog on the Iriomote wildcat, I thought people might be interested to know that there is another type of wildcat living on Tsushima island in Japan, which lies on the western side of Kyuushu island, between Japan and Korea. The endangered Tsushima wildcat […]

Read: Tsushima Cat »

The Lion Of Nottingham

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 4th, 2008

Why did the Maned Mystery Cat cross the road in front of the bus? Obviously, to get to the other side. It was bound to happen. After all those years of my gathering accounts of “Maned Mystery Cats” that look like African lions in North America, now comes word of one from the United Kingdom. […]

Read: The Lion Of Nottingham »

Disturbing Big Cat Videos

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 28th, 2008

The large felid exhibition has reopened, but a cloud of “why” still floats over the death of a young man killed during a tiger attack at the San Francisco Zoo. Videos such as the following are disturbing, because they give the illusion that “wild animals” are friendly. How can we teach children to enjoy zoos […]

Read: Disturbing Big Cat Videos »

Wisconsin’s Big Cats

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 22nd, 2008

Dateline Milton, Wisconsin: Kevin Edwardson has been trapping wild animals for years, but he wasn’t prepared for the creature that lunged at him from a hay mound in an abandoned barn last month. It was a cat. A very big cat. The Chicago Tribune publishes an article on mountain lions in the American hinterland, “Are […]

Read: Wisconsin’s Big Cats »

Patio Puma

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 16th, 2008

I’ve received the following four photos so many times lately, I figured I better address the flow of alerts to me about them. The email usually is labeled “Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.” The location is given as someplace familiar and near you. I saw copies of these, wow, first about five years ago. It is amazing […]

Read: Patio Puma »

Mystery Tracks: What-Made-’Em?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 30th, 2008

What kind of animal made these tracks? Bear? Human? Manufactured Hoax? Bigfoot? Windigo? Knuckle-walking Swamp Ape? Mountain lion? Dog? Cryptid Canid? Mystery Cat? Phantom Panther? What? These tracks were found in Pennsylvania in 2002, but the photographs were just shared with me. What do you see in them? What kind of animal left these tracks?

Read: Mystery Tracks: What-Made-’Em? »

Exotic Cat Woman Dies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 23rd, 2008

With the widespread news that actor Heath Ledger, 28, has been found dead in New York City, all other deaths have a tendency to be overlooked. Therefore, it is important to mention the quiet announcement this week of the passing of a legendary person known within the exotic cat business, Jeannette Giacinto of Tarzana, California. […]

Read: Exotic Cat Woman Dies »

10,000 B.C.: Cryptofiction?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 23rd, 2008

You have got to love the mammoths! And sabertoothed tigers! What elements of narrative cryptofiction, in which these animals, as well as the hominids, are shown as surviving late into protohistorical times in 10,000 B.C. overlap with our interests? Frankly, I always find it intriguing and instructive to see how artists, filmmakers, and scientists recreate […]

Read: 10,000 B.C.: Cryptofiction? »

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