Archive for the “Lake Monsters”

51st Anniversary of First Manipogo Sighting

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 11th, 2013

(Today) will mark the 51st anniversary of the day that two people claimed to see Manitoba’s lake monster while having a picnic at Toutes Aides.

A day later, on Aug. 12, 1962, the only known photo of the creature was shot by two fishermen from their boat.

Read: 51st Anniversary of First Manipogo Sighting »

Abominable Science! Authors Interviewed

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 10th, 2013

Q: How widespread is the belief in cryptids such as Bigfoot or the Yeti?

Daniel Loxton: Much more widespread than the fringe reputation of the topic suggests. For example, when asked “Do you think Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch) is real?” in a 2012 Angus-Reid poll, 7 percent of American respondents affirmed the belief that Bigfoot “Definitely is real,” and 22% said Bigfoot “Probably is real.” That’s a more-or-less typical response to polls about cryptid beliefs. And that adds up to an awful lot of people.

Read: Abominable Science! Authors Interviewed »

Tianchi Lake Monster Returns

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 2nd, 2013

A recent sighting and photograph of a Chinese lake monster.

Read: Tianchi Lake Monster Returns »

Tim Dinsdale: The Man Who Filmed Nessie

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 31st, 2013

Here’s a newly-published biography that no fan of Cryptozoology should be without: The Man Who Filmed Nessie…

Read: Tim Dinsdale: The Man Who Filmed Nessie »

What May be a Hitherto-Undocumented Sighting of the Loch Ness Monster, Given to Me by Tim Dinsdale on July 25 1987

Posted by: Karl Shuker on July 29th, 2013

Tim gave me a copy of a most interesting Nessie sighting that an eyewitness had recently sent to him. He didn’t provide me with the eyewitness’s name, because he no doubt intended to publish an exclusive report of it in some future publication.

Read: What May be a Hitherto-Undocumented Sighting of the Loch Ness Monster, Given to Me by Tim Dinsdale on July 25 1987 »

The Changing Face of Nessie

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 25th, 2013

“…In the past, a great diversity of alternative ideas concerning the likely appearance and identity of Scotland’s cryptozoological megastar existed…”

Read: The Changing Face of Nessie »

Champ Witnessed by Family of FIve

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 25th, 2013

The event took place after one of the kids reeled in a largemouth bass. A splash turned their heads away from the fish back to the water: a big, greenish thing came up through the surface. At first they weren’t able to make out the shape. There was another man fishing next to them.

Read: Champ Witnessed by Family of FIve »

Monsters of North Carolina

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 19th, 2013

“Interested in terrifying tales of Bigfoot? How about giant and monstrous snakes? Maybe legends of mermaids and mermen fascinate you. Or, perhaps, lake monsters and sea serpents are your thing…”

Read: Monsters of North Carolina »

Lake Monsters: Where Are The Bodies?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 18th, 2013

“…why, if lake monsters are real, don’t we ever find hard and undeniable evidence of their existence?”

Read: Lake Monsters: Where Are The Bodies? »

Does the Loch Ness Monster Have a Split Personality?

Posted by: Karl Shuker on July 15th, 2013

Today, the classic, pre-eminent image indelibly engrained in everyone’s mind when speaking of Nessie, the Loch Ness monster (LNM), is that of a plesiosaur lookalike, complete with long slender neck and tail, small head, and four large diamond-shaped flippers. However, this was not always the case.

Read: Does the Loch Ness Monster Have a Split Personality? »

Monsters of Staffordshire

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 15th, 2013

“…Bigfoot, wolf-men, strange water-based beasts, wallabies, coypu, armadillos, big cats, weird winged things, and much more are contained in its packed pages…”

Read: Monsters of Staffordshire »

Loch Ness Monster Afraid of Charlie Sheen?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 14th, 2013

Now Sheen tells TMZ the one they call “Nessie” was not beast enough to come out and play with the Warlock. He explains, “Clearly the monster labeled ‘Nessie’ stayed both hidden and ashamed as it knew deep in her own ancient heart to be NO match both in mythology or reality, to a Beast known throughout the Highlands, the Lowlands, and the Badlands, by one bone-chilling word: MaSheen.”

Read: Loch Ness Monster Afraid of Charlie Sheen? »

3 Years of the Loch Ness Mystery

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 13th, 2013

“The most popular posting to date is Marcus Atkinson’s sonar story with over 81,000 hits…

Read: 3 Years of the Loch Ness Mystery »

Nessie: A 1972 Encounter

Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 12th, 2013

“A 14-year-old Bo’ness boy claimed that he had come within 15 yards of the Loch Ness Monster…”

Read: Nessie: A 1972 Encounter »

Peter Byrne’s New Book “The Monster Trilogy Guidebook” Reviewed

Posted by: Guy Edwards on July 11th, 2013

The Monster Trilogy Guidebook by Peter Byrne

Joe Beelart a/k/a King of Clackamas reviews Peter Byrne’s new book “Monster Trilogy Guidebook”

Read: Peter Byrne’s New Book “The Monster Trilogy Guidebook” Reviewed »

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