Archive for the “Skunk Apes”

China’s Flustered Yeren Takes A Vacation at Last

Posted by: John Kirk on February 21st, 2006

Imagine you live in one of the most beautiful nature reserves in all of your country. It is an idyllic oasis in the midst of a country marching towards mass-market industrialization that is leaving the rest of the world behind. Imagine that because you live there, the local authorities decide to make you a tourist […]

Read: China’s Flustered Yeren Takes A Vacation at Last »

Creatures of the Outer Edge

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 1st, 2006

I am happy to announce that my first two books, The Unidentified and Creatures of the Outer Edge, with Jerome Clark, long out of print, are now back. First appearing in 1975 and 1978, these two classics have now been published as a special double edition with a new introduction. The Unidentified and Creatures of […]

Read: Creatures of the Outer Edge »

Movies, Music, and Teaching About Hidden Animals

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 20th, 2006

I guess I could discuss the ill whale swimming up the Thames today, and how the crowds are flocking to see it. It does remind me of what might have happened along the New England coast in 1817-1819, during the era of all those Sea Serpent sightings. Or I could talk about the fact that […]

Read: Movies, Music, and Teaching About Hidden Animals »

The New Yorker: “The Cryptozoologist” (A Critique)

Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 2nd, 2006

The magazine The New Yorker will publish a contribution to fiction entitled “The Cryptozoologist” by Tony Earley, on the 9th of January 2006, but it is online now. Here’s my early literary critique of this effort at capturing cryptozoology in The New Yorker: We are introduced to the concept of Skunk Apes, cryptozoologists, and organized […]

Read: The New Yorker: “The Cryptozoologist” (A Critique) »

The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2005

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 23rd, 2005

The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2005 by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoologist and Author, Bigfoot!, Cryptozoology A to Z, and other books. Welcome to this year’s Top Stories in Cryptozoology. It was quite a year, and perhaps captured best by the headline used on Mark Baard’s article in the November 1st issue of Wired News, "America Goes […]

Read: The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2005 »

The Top Cryptofiction Books of 2005

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 21st, 2005

The Top Cryptofiction Books of 2005 by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoologist Coauthor of The Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep and Creatures of the Outer Edge. What are the best and most interesting new works of fiction that have become near and dear to the hearts of those […]

Read: The Top Cryptofiction Books of 2005 »

Tampa Truth Today – Lizard Man

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 16th, 2005

Tampa Truth Squad Today: Taking on the Lizard Man Lizard Men remembrances seem to be popping up all over, in the midst of the interest in King Kong. But in the realm of media reporting, another Tampa journalist joins Florida Frank in making a major mistake in writing about cryptids. First, in the realm of […]

Read: Tampa Truth Today – Lizard Man »

Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Recognize Bigfoot?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 16th, 2005

Several years ago I either found a document on the web, or someone sent it to me that was a press release from the Department of the Interior & Fish and Wildlife Service that was titled Are We Ready for “Bigfoot” or the Loch Ness Monster? It was dated December 21, 1977. I do not […]

Read: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Recognize Bigfoot? »

Yes, Florida Frank, There Are Skunk Apes

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 15th, 2005

Florida Frank Falls Flat Flinging Follies After the Tampa Tribune printed a relatively positive article touching on Cryptozoology and the work of cryptozoologist-educator Scott Marlowe, the very same Tampa Tribune decided to publish a highly opinionated, wrong-headed, rebuttal column by Frank Sargeant. Entitled "Don’t Buy Into Skunk Ape Tale," Sargeant makes it seem like cryptozoologists […]

Read: Yes, Florida Frank, There Are Skunk Apes »

Seeking Florida’s Skunk Ape

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 14th, 2005

Although Scott Marlowe prefers the term swamp ape to skunk ape, the latter is the term usually used when describing Florida’s version of Bigfoot. On Tuesday, the Tampa Tribune ran a front page article detailing Marlowe’s search for the elusive primate. Ape believer Scott Marlowe holds a casting of a footprint said to have been […]

Read: Seeking Florida’s Skunk Ape »

What Is The Tops in CZ for 2005?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 5th, 2005

Help Pick The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2005 Assembling and writing my annual lists of top stories in cryptozoology has been an enjoyable yearly event for me. How would all of you like to join in on the fun, research, and recommendations? Send in your links to what stories you feel should be considered for […]

Read: What Is The Tops in CZ for 2005? »

The Curious Encounters of Loren Coleman

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 2nd, 2005

Excellent interview with Cryptomundo blogger Loren Coleman on the Phenomena website. Some might dispute it, even Loren Coleman might dispute it, but there is very little argument that Loren is not only the leading cryptozoologist in the world today and has been for some considerable time, but that he will also turn out to be […]

Read: The Curious Encounters of Loren Coleman »

Memoirs of a Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 1st, 2005

Graham Roumieu’s followup to the hilarious In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot is just out. Titled Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir is now available on Amazon for only $10.20. If it is half as funny as the first book, it’s a bargain at twice the price. Roumieu says he was shocked at […]

Read: Memoirs of a Bigfoot »

Bigfoot, NASA, late night Mexican Food and Gassy Skunk Apes

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 31st, 2005

What do these 4 items have in common? Not much really, other than we took in all 4 this past weekend. We being myself, Alton Higgins, Daryl Colyer and Gino Napoli went to the Houston area to give a presentation at College of the Mainland in League City. This was on Friday night, October 28th. […]

Read: Bigfoot, NASA, late night Mexican Food and Gassy Skunk Apes »

Stomp! Shout! Scream! The Skunk Ape Hits the Big Screen

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 24th, 2005

Stomp! Shout! Scream!  is a movie about an all-girl rock band on tour in 1966. "Somehow" there van breaks down in a southern beach town. From what I can tell from the trailers available online, it looks like a globster washes up on the beach. When the local constables investigate it, one of them gets […]

Read: Stomp! Shout! Scream! The Skunk Ape Hits the Big Screen »

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