Is It The Great Pumpkin? Or The MOMO Monster?
Posted by: Monster Island News on May 24th, 2010
Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Avery Guerra
It’s Halloween night, Sally and Linus are waiting patiently in a pumpkin patch for the ‘Great Pumpkin’ to come along with his bag of toys and other goodies.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, this thing pops out of the ripe pumpkins.
Sally screams, drops her sack of candy, throws both arms up into the air and runs for the hills.
Linus, scared beyond words (and a little bit let down, because his beloved hero is a Bigfoot with a pumpkin head), just stands there, frozen.
After a few seconds the statue that is Linus just falls to the ground.
The pumpkin headed Bigfoot thing, stops, looks at Linus, then eats up all of Sally’s candy and walks away into the crisp fall night.
I don’t know why I felt like ruining a beloved children’s holiday special just now, but it’s what came to me after seeing these brand-new poster images from Count Zee’s ‘Missouri Monster’ inspired movie, “Momo”.
Actually, nothing that I have ever written has made me laugh out loud like this before.
Okay, I’m composed.
Actually, the funny thing (really) is that every time someone (like me) mentions that Momo has a ‘pumpkin head’, Zee always responds by saying that the monster doesn’t have a pumpkin for a head, it’s just orange and shaped like one.
Well, call me stupid, but doesn’t the top of the monster’s dome have a stem?
Just saying……..
Anyway, ‘Momo’ was originally to completed this past March, but has run longer than expected. Zee and his crew a still feverishly working on the film, with hopes of having it completed very soon.
I can only hope that all you “Peanuts” fans out there can forgive me…..
See Also: MOMO – Bigfoot Crossed With The Headless Horseman
Monster Island News
Founder of the popular monster and sci-fi blogs Monster Island News and Godzilla 3D News and Information.
Ken Hulsey began his writing career in 2000 when he founded a popular site with fans of Japanese sci fi/monster movies (Godzilla, Gamera and the like) and other B movies.
In 2008, he closed down his original site and created the blog "Monster Island News" a showcase for classic horror/monster films and independent/alternative cinema.
I think it is MOMO the pumpkin eater
It’s not a stem, it’s a topknot. No, seriously….
No. No we will not…
Aw shucks, we just can’t stay mad at you! Anyhow, as much fun as this little endeavor looks I think it does give us a moment to ask if Momo and other “swamp apes” are more aggressive (if they actually are) than “traditional” bigfoot because we have encroached more deeply into their habitats, or if it is a symptom of genetic diseases caused by constant inbreeding? Momo is clearly group of sasquatch suffering from macrocephaly, which can be the result of several genetic conditions. A restricted breeding population could allow such a condition to become prevalant in seveal generations. I believe that it is no coincedence that Momo, and the three-toed “lizardmen”, represent not only the most aggressive sasquatch, but also the most sick.
Too bad that even a bad scifi film like this couldn’t have tried to stick a little more closely to the completely hair-covered, Bigfoot-type, faceless description of the original MOMO, if they were going to use the name.
I usually make it a rule to skip over and not read all the new posts about movies that have been dominating Crytomundo recently….now I remember why.