Andrew Stengele’s Documentary KINGS OF THE MONSTERS Will Look At Creatures Real And Imagined
Posted by: Monster Island News on May 17th, 2010
Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Andrew Stengele
This past week I was contacted by independent film maker, Andrew Stengele, about his plans to film a very Japanese Monster heavy documentary this upcoming summer, tentatively called “Kings of the Monsters”.
According to Stengele, the film will center on monsters, both real and imaginary, and their transition from myth and folklore to movies and television.
“It (the documentary) will be a look at mankind’s view of monsters from mythical creatures, cryptozoology, and horror/scifi movies, books, video games, and so on.”
At this time, due to budget limitations, the film maker will be making the rounds of local Midwest conventions interviewing scholars, people in the movie biz and fans to get his content.
Stengele adds, “I am looking for anyone who might have something to say about monsters, basically. I am going to start by interviewing some people at the University of Illinois about monsters in folklore and literature, and probably some sort of psychology professors as well to get their perspective on why we are fascinated by them and why children always imagine there are monsters everywhere.”
So far, Stengele has zeroed in on two Chicago area conventions, that being “G-Fest”, the official gathering of Godzilla and Japanese sci fi movie fans, and the Famous Monsters of Filmland convention.
Though, the documentary will feature monsters of all types, the film maker admits that Godzilla and his Japanese monster cousins will steal the show.
“The project isn’t limited to kaiju (Japanese movie monsters), but I will admit I know that sub-genre better than the others and will make it a bigger portion of the movie.”
Luckily for Stengele, he already has all the equipment necessary to film his movie, but he still needs to raise the money to travel outside his area to do more interviews. Namely, to travel to California to talk to Hollywood monster movie makers, stars, and more fans.
In fact, if he can raise the money, yours truly will be included in that prestigious list.
Stengele has started a fundraiser through Kickstarter, a company that helps independent film makers raise money for their projects, to aid in gathering the funds necessary to produce a top-of-the-line documentary.
I urge all of you out the to give what you can to help get this one going. I have talked with Andrew Stengele in length about his movie, and it sounds like he has great plans for producing something that will be both educational, and very entertaining.
Once again, to donate to this film project, go to Kickstarter (project page here).
Monster Island News
Founder of the popular monster and sci-fi blogs Monster Island News and Godzilla 3D News and Information.
Ken Hulsey began his writing career in 2000 when he founded a popular site with fans of Japanese sci fi/monster movies (Godzilla, Gamera and the like) and other B movies.
In 2008, he closed down his original site and created the blog "Monster Island News" a showcase for classic horror/monster films and independent/alternative cinema.
$3000 shouldn’t be that hard to raise through Kickstarter.
One thing most people don’t realize about filmmaking is that if you have the interest, innate talent, learned skill/education(film school or otherwise), people to do the sound, filming, editing, writing(unless you do it yourself which goes back to innate talent and learned skill), and budget……..YOU STILL NEED TIME TO DO IT…..which goes back to budget. Meaning that if you have some kind of funding you can live off the funding while you work on the project, instead of making the movie in your spare time(after “real” job)….which can take forever, if it all.