Two Terrified Kids Unleash THE DEVIL AT LOST CREEK
Posted by: Monster Island News on June 7th, 2010
Written By: Ken Hulsey
Sources: Ray Castile / Avery Guerra
So, you thought that after two years of non-stop hairy hominid horrors, the Bigfoot movie craze may have run its course? Run out of gas? Be coming to an end?
No way amigo. Just as you may think that the last indie film maker has gotten their fill of Sasquatch, another new movie pops up outta nowhere.
Why this fascination with Bigfoot? Why is this the monster of choice for low-budget horror movie makers? I honestly don’t know, but I’m sure that these kind of movies are going to be with us for a while longer.
I just have a gut feeling.
The latest entry into this Bigfoot movie marathon, Ray Castile’s, “The Devil at Lost Creek”.
What does this film offer that all the numerous others don’t? Honestly, not much. Well, I guess the basis for the story is somewhat different, this time around it’s a couple of adorable little kids that unleash the man-beast on everyone. Beyond that, ‘Lost Creek’ looks like your typical Bigfoot on a killing spree film.
Here is the plot:
Little Gary and Shelley live in a dismal world of poverty, trying to avoid their mother’s abusive, drug-dealing boyfriend. Their mother, Susan, hesitates to seek help, afraid the state will take her children. Gary and Shelley escape into an innocent dream world, trekking into the woods to search for Gary’s obsession – Bigfoot.
Children say, if you hit a stick against a tree three times in the wilderness, Bigfoot will appear.
In a moment of crisis, Gary calls forth a creature of rage, death and destruction. Is it a demon or avenging angel? Not even the children are safe from its wrath. At Lost Creek, the devil is on the loose.
That sucks. Poor kids have a terrible home life, social services seem to be failing them, so they unleash a crazed Sasquatch on their town.
Kinda like “The Chronicles of Narnia” meets “The Legend of Boggy Creek.”
In fact, as Castile explains, the work of the late Charles Pierce was the main inspiration for “Lost Creek”.
“’The Devil at Lost Creek’ draws inspiration from 1970s low-budget Bigfoot movies such as ‘The Legend of Boggy Creek’ and ‘Creature from Black Lake.’ The film respects its antecedents, but resists wallowing in retro nostalgia. ‘Lost Creek’ uses the Bigfoot horror sub genre as a milieu for assertive, contemporary storytelling.”
To be honest, after viewing the trailer for this film, I think that it looked more like Pierce’s “Boggy Creek” than Brian T. Jaynes’ new horror film does.
Only one thing, doesn’t the Bigfoot in “Lost Creek” kinda look like Ted Nugent?
I keep expecting to see the monster break out into a redneck rendition of “Wango Tango” or something.
Maybe it’s just me.
Actually, it is Raymond Castile, himself, playing the monster. The rest of the cast includes Cara Barresi, Carlos Valenzuela, plus Sydney Hackney and Carson Hackney as the two little tow-headed youths who unleash the beast.
Hey, at least this Bigfoot doesn’t have a pumpkin for a head.
UPDATE: Raymond Castile just sent me these upcoming screening dates:
July 30-Aug. 1
Fright Night Film Fest in Louisville, KY
Details to be announced
July 20 7 p.m. at the Tivoli Theatre in St. Louis
10th Annual Stella Artois St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase
St. Louis, MO
Official festival page
July 9-11
Famous Monsters Convention in Indianapolis, IN
Details to be announced
For more information visit the film’s website here.
Here are a whole grip of photos, plus the trailer for “The Devil at Lost Creek”:
Monster Island News
Founder of the popular monster and sci-fi blogs Monster Island News and Godzilla 3D News and Information.
Ken Hulsey began his writing career in 2000 when he founded a popular site with fans of Japanese sci fi/monster movies (Godzilla, Gamera and the like) and other B movies.
In 2008, he closed down his original site and created the blog "Monster Island News" a showcase for classic horror/monster films and independent/alternative cinema.
I keep hoping someone will make a good one. They’ve all been so awful. Why can’t someone film something like Gorillas in the Mist or The Edge or Val Kilmer film about those two lions only with bigfoot? These are intelligent, well-acted films that still deliver thrills without sacrificing in any artistic measure. They don’t turn bigfoot into some bogeyman or monster. The animals in those films were forces of nature that are both respected and feared.
@ eireman
I’ve had a screenplay in development for a while that’s very much in line with what you describe. The studios are so very fickle when it comes to things that are “off formula” so odds are good that it’ll never get made since it deviates from all the schlock approach that most of these films take. Then again, if the script were to get into the right hands…
THE DEVIL AT LOST CREEK is a neat little, well done film, clocking in at 27 minutes long. I love the classics like LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK & CREATURE FROM BLACK LAKE. The newer stuff, not so much. But I like this. It’s not overblown or too far over the top, and it’s a cool little “folk-lorish” story. Sure, the Bigfoot is a ferocious monster, but I’ll bet, to more than a few people, he IS the bogeyman of their dreams.