Coming Soon-Into The Fray Radio with Shannon LeGro

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on May 6th, 2015

A new, multi-topic show is coming, Into The Fray, hosted by Shannon LeGro. With knowledgeable collaborators in specific fields, we explore the biggest questions ever asked by mankind.

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Survivorman: Bigfoot Searching the Southwest

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 6th, 2015

Les follows a trail from Texas to Utah in his quest to catch Bigfoot on camera. Locals report encounters in haunted mountains and spooky canyons, and Les applies scientific methods and his survival skills to lure the legend out of hiding.

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Exploring American Monsters: Arkansas

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 6th, 2015

The state of Arkansas in the southern U.S. is known for its lush green mountains, roaring rivers, and University of Arkansas football. It’s the headquarters of the world’s number one retailer, Wal-Mart, and is the birthplace of musician Johnny Cash, and former U.S. President Bill Clinton. It’s also the home of monsters. The most famous of these is the Fouke Monster, a sasquatch-type creature immortalized in the 1972 movie “The Legend of Boggy Creek.” But this series, “Exploring American Monsters,” isn’t about well-known beasts, it’s about the lesser-known creatures the world sees from the corner of its eye, like the Ozark Howler.

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Two Bigfooters Pass Away

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 6th, 2015

As noted by Loren Coleman, there were two deaths in the Bigfoot Research Community in the last few days

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Sasquatch Chronicles: The Hunter or The Hunted

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 6th, 2015

Tonight I speak to a professional game hunter with over 40 years of experience in tracking and hunting wildlife. David said “I was trying out a new call to call in a predator and I saw what looked like a bear coming in on four legs about 400 yards out. It was coming right to me. At about 200 yards I realized this was not a bear, at 100 yards this thing stopped, smelled the air and stood up on two legs….I focused on it with my scope…I have a very detailed description on what I saw and I am not sure this was a Bigfoot I think it was something else..”

Investigate Further: Sasquatch Chronicles: The Hunter or The Hunted »

White Bigfoot Spotted near Boulder Utah

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 5th, 2015

Two hikers see a pacing white Sasquatch at the top of a rise.

After departing the area, the hikers see the creature watching them from a distance.

Investigate Further: White Bigfoot Spotted near Boulder Utah »

Casting Tracks

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 5th, 2015

Les knows that sometimes evidence can be misleading. By casting bear tracks he demonstrates how the bear’s steps can often be mistaken for a Bigfoot footprint.

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The Whole Beast

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 5th, 2015

On a drizzly February afternoon in the Pacific Northwest a local news crew stepped into a small patch of woods to film a story on truffle hunting. It wasn’t long before they realized they were not alone.

To be held responsible for the discovery of Bigfoot is one thing, to have accidentally killed the beast in the process is quite another.

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SasWhat: Small Town Monsters Month Part 1 – Monsters of Ohio

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 4th, 2015

Mark and Seth kick off the month of May with our first Small Town Monster-themed episode. They discuss some lesser known cases from around their home state and talk a little about the differences between legitimate “unusual incident” cases and simple folklore.

Investigate Further: SasWhat: Small Town Monsters Month Part 1 – Monsters of Ohio »

Do Sasquatch Speak?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 4th, 2015

Is it possible to have recorded a Sasquatch trying to communicate? I always thought I had recorded people in the woods speaking weirdly but now I am not so certain. Recorded in central Michigan using a remote recorder.

Investigate Further: Do Sasquatch Speak? »

Curious, But No Smoking Gun

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 4th, 2015

Les reviews a Bigfoot tracker’s evidence caught on film, and explains how “pareidolia” – the psychological phenomena of seeing human faces in objects might be responsible.

Investigate Further: Curious, But No Smoking Gun »

Behind the Scenes of Minerva Monster

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 3rd, 2015

Borrowing audio from an interview done on director Seth Breedlove’s podcast, SasWhat, with Producers Alan Megargle and Jesse Morgan. This brief behind-the-scenes featurette gathers still photos and short clips from the shoot. This short film is a web-only exclusive.

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Father & Son see Bigfoot near Mogollon Rim

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 3rd, 2015

North Arizona Bigfoot sighting during the day time.

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The Mothman Curse

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 2nd, 2015

A creepy and unsettling horror mystery, writer-director Richard Mansfield takes a creature from the shadows of West Virginia and sets it loose on two unsuspecting young women.

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More: Is Nessie a Huge Salamander?

Posted by: Steve Plambeck on May 2nd, 2015

…the locals actually did identify and name the animal in question as “the great salamander”, or more simply just “the salamander” for at least two centuries before outsiders came in telling them it must be this or that. There is historical documentation this is how the locals identified the beast long before the press came along trying to sell people on plesiosaurs and long necks. (Long neck sightings are distinctly in the minority in witness reports from Loch Ness, and then usually at distances that would preclude telling a tail from a neck).

Investigate Further: More: Is Nessie a Huge Salamander? »

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