Footprint Casts on Display

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 17th, 2006

A photo of some of the casts on display in San Antonio at the Institute of Texan Cultures until July 30, 2006. Details on the exhibit, Bigfoot in Texas?, here.

Footprint Casts

Photo courtesy of Chris Buntenbah

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

9 Responses to “Footprint Casts on Display”

  1. Loren Coleman responds:

    Is there an inventory list of what is on exhibit?

  2. Craig Woolheater responds:

    Nearly 40 footprint casts, a positive and negative copy of the Skookum cast, a large pop culture display, skull comparison display with giganto, gorilla, human and an actual fossilised primate skull found in West Texas. Many text panels, a children’s area to make copies of their handprints to see the “dermal ridges” and to color a Bigfoot mask, a Big Thicket environment, sasquatch mask and stone foot bowl from the Vancouver, BC museum, and a stone ape head from the Oregon museum. There are other displays as well. Still to be added: Eyewitness sketches, photos from the field with the TBRC…

  3. fuzzy responds:

    Man, a lot of work went into that display !

  4. Craig Woolheater responds:

    You are correct fuzzy. I have been working on this project with the museum since February 2005.

  5. mike2k1 responds:

    Awesome job Craig!! I’m anxious to come back to Texas and check out the exhibit.

  6. Ole Bub responds:

    Nice Job Craig…thanks TBRC….

    Do you see any distinctive differences between the Sasquatch prints of the Pacific Northwest….and the prints of the ArklaTexhoma region….any soil compression/weight estimate data for the displayed prints….any way the TBRC could post some high resolution closeups of prints with good dermal ridge defintion?

    Not nitpicking just very curious….I’ve never seen a clearly defined footprint up close….

    Seeing is believing….

    ole bub and Toshiba the Samurai dawg

  7. Craig Woolheater responds:

    ole bub,
    Are you going to get to make it down from OK for the exhibit? I will be there for all three of the remaining lecture weekends.

    May 6 will be Jeff Meldrum, Rick Noll and Jimmy Chilcutt.

    June 3 will be our esteemed Cryptomundo contributor Loren Coleman and frequent Cryptomundo commenter and editor of the Skeptical Inquirer Benjamin Radford.

    July 8 will be our esteemed Cryptomundo contributor John Kirk, the TBRC’s Alton Higgins and Daryl Colyer.

    As far as differences in the footprints, the main thing is that the soil composition here in this region is not very conducive to getting great casts.

    And Mike, looking forward to seeing you again. Are you GA boys loading up and coming down? Like I said, I will be there for the remaining lectures.

  8. mike2k1 responds:

    We are planning to come, knock on wood(raps on the bald noggin) and the creek don’t rise ..
    Steve and I talked about it the other day. I need to shoot you an email in the next couple of days about an idea we had. Good job on the displays again! That is quite a collection.

  9. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    Oh my goodness. I’m so happy I moved to Texas now, unbearable heat or no. I miss my Kentucky backwoods sometimes, but Austin is just a hop, skip and a jump from San Antonio.

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