Archive for “August, 2010”

More Thoughts on Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage

Posted by: John Kirk on August 19th, 2010

Having read the comments on my earlier post regarding purported Cadborosaurus footage from Nushagak Bay, Alaska, I wish to address and clarify some of the points raised by readers of Cryptomundo.

Read: More Thoughts on Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage »

Now, Manipogo News!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 19th, 2010

Manitoba’s Lake Monster is getting some media attention. Is this a further sign that Canada is the location of all the water cryptid action this summer? Images.

Read: Now, Manipogo News! »

Megalodon Slicing Up The Seals?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 18th, 2010

The cut resembles a corkscrew. Images.

Read: Megalodon Slicing Up The Seals? »

Cadborosaurus Carcass Recovered?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 18th, 2010

The creature apparently had been about 30 feet long, with a skin like sandpaper, a head resembling that of a horse and a hide partly covered by hair and partly by spines or quills. Images.

Read: Cadborosaurus Carcass Recovered? »

Wild and Wooly 1891 Bigfoot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 17th, 2010

Just as they came to the end of the defile and were about to turn down the mountain side, they heard a peculiar cry, half human and half brutish, and quite near them.

Read: Wild and Wooly 1891 Bigfoot »

15 Cadborosauruses? Maybe a few less.

Posted by: John Kirk on August 16th, 2010

My erstwhile colleague Loren Coleman posted about the television program that is said to contain footage of 15 Cadborosauruses. This was in response to comments about the footage made by my good friend and colleague Jason Walton.

So as to clarify things and end speculation, allow me to tell the readership about this footage. I have seen it and examined it repeatedly for three hours in May last year and am satisfied that what is in the footage is not a known animal.

Read: 15 Cadborosauruses? Maybe a few less. »

Eight Corner Globe Museum of Curiosity

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 16th, 2010

Ah, what wonders do exist out there. Images.

Read: Eight Corner Globe Museum of Curiosity »

Filmed: 15 Cadborosauruses?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 15th, 2010

What will the footage of the Sea Serpents show? Image.

Read: Filmed: 15 Cadborosauruses? »

Ohio Bigfoot: 1930?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 15th, 2010

It reportedly leapt over a fence.

Read: Ohio Bigfoot: 1930? »

Wisconsin’s Mystery Cats: 2010

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 14th, 2010

What are the big yellow cats being seen in this Midwestern state? Map. Images.

Read: Wisconsin’s Mystery Cats: 2010 »

Why Are There No Great Yeti Photos?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 14th, 2010

One of life’s enduring mysteries, I suppose. Images.

Read: Why Are There No Great Yeti Photos? »

St. Vrain Monster

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 13th, 2010

The body was from ten to twelve feet in length, of a glossy dark brown color.

Read: St. Vrain Monster »

Shuker and Coleman: Killer Kangaroo Konfusion

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 13th, 2010

Sometimes trying to get to the bottom of an old story has you bouncing around all over. Image.

Read: Shuker and Coleman: Killer Kangaroo Konfusion »

New Titi Monkey Discovered

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 12th, 2010

The South American primate was a surprise. Image.

Read: New Titi Monkey Discovered »

What Is It?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 12th, 2010

Can you identify this taxidermy item? More photos.

Read: What Is It? »

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