Daniel Perez on William Roe
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 28th, 2013
William Roe in his mid 30s. Photograph courtesy and copyright © of The Roe Family, 2013.
By Daniel Perez
Take a good hard look at the picture above of the late William Roe. Never once did his picture appear in a book or newsletter alongside his now classic story of having seen a female Sasquatch in October 1955 on Mica Mountain, British Columbia.
So this is really the first time ever the Bigfoot community has laid eyes on a life-long outdoorsman and hunter, married over 50 years to the same woman and father to nine children.
Let’s back up a minute. First, without the help of Loren Coleman, Todd Prescott and Craig Woolheater, I never would have found family members, and they were hiding in plain site, not far from where the incident happened so many years ago. I was told that Todd Prescott and others looked high and low for the family with no success.
It is true that on April 23, 1957 the Vancouver, British Columbia, Province did write about the matter, with staffer Don Lory covering the story:
“Girl Sasquatch Sighted – Hunter Can’t Fire,” which included a picture of William Roe holding the rifle he had on the day in question. It is the only time a picture ever accompanied a write up on the matter to my knowledge. However, that was so long ago the Bigfoot community is largely unaware of that newspaper coverage.
In that article, Mr. Roe told the reporter, “whatever it was, and I’m not claiming it was a Sasquatch, it was about 6 feet tall…”
There were, in fact, a few early newspaper articles on the matter and the late great Warren Thompson spent time and financial resources tracking them down.
When William Roe had his sighting in 1955 he had with him the only gun he ever hunted with, a .25 Remington rifle (still owned by the family), which he aimed at the subject but could not bring himself to pull the trigger – “It looked almost human.”
He had an opportunity to resolve one of the world’s great mysterious but because of the humanity of the subject declined to shoot.
In 1997 near Spuzzum, British Columbia hunter Mike McDonald had the cross-hairs of his rifle scope on the backside of a Sasquatch – but again – declined to pull the trigger.
In 1941 the late Paul Shabaga thought he had shot and killed a moose in Manitoba, until he saw the animal up close, at which time he thought to himself, “holy buckets,” and walked away from the kill, keeping quite for many years. The body was never recovered. He later thought it must have been what we now call Sasquatch.
William Roe’s daughter-in-law told me that William “spent all his life in the bush,” and he “wouldn’t have mistaken a bear for what he saw.” “Dad,” as she called him, “never would have told the family a lie.”
Revisiting this poorly researched book, Abominable Science, Daniel Loxton writes on page 39, “It began to dawn on me: no cryptozoologist had ever met Roe.” And some more: “In fact, we do not even know what William Roe looked like.” Not so fast, Daniel! What should have dawned on him was to track down family members. Instead, Loxton basically assassinated Roe in this book, just coming up short of calling him liar (“If Roe’s report is a hoax…”).
When I spoke with William Roe’s son by telephone just recently, he told me that Roe went to see René Dahinden about his sighting, but he doesn’t remember when.
More than likely that would have been around 1957, around the time of the so called Centennial Sasquatch Hunt, when René enjoyed tremendous newspaper publicity and likely the way William Roe found out about Mr. Dahinden.
So when I look back to my 1980 meeting with René, when he talked non-stop, he offhandedly said something like, “ever see a picture of William Roe,” and he gave me a piece of mica from Mica Mountain.
In Don Hunter and René’s book, Sasquatch, Roe’s sworn affidavit is reprinted but René doesn’t say much else, except, “Roe’s story rings true.”
Myrtle Walton, Roe’s deceased daughter, was responsible for the profile drawing of what was seen on Mica Mountain. Other family members tried but were rejected, “No, that’s not good enough,” William Roe said.
From the Bigfoot Times newsletter October 2013. Used by permission of the editor and publisher of the newsletter.
For more than a decade, Bigfoot Times has provided its readers with up-to-date accurate information on Bigfoot. Published monthly by veteran researcher Daniel Perez, Bigfoot Times is a subscription only newsletter.
Bigfoot Times is issued 12 times per year at a cost of only $16/year in the USA. Funds payable to Daniel Perez, 10926 Milano Avenue, Norwalk, California 90650-1638. Telephone: (951) 509-2951 Email: Bigfoot Times
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Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
On the pile.
But if it’s typical of what’s on the pile – and I think it is, and maybe better than most – that’s a pile that scientists should have far greater interest in than they do.
Very interesting story. The Bigfoot Times seems like a really good publication. Is it well reviewed?
Myrtle Walton was featured in the 1972 documentary Bigfoot: Man or Beast. Her and her husband spoke of their own sightings and her father’s sighting. The drawing and how it was constituted was covered too. I remember seeing this at the Campus Theater in Los Angeles in 1972 and was surprised when looking the title up the on imdb.com site that some people were saying it was 1975. Maybe the movie was recut.
Excellent work Daniel Perez. The interesting part is that he was supposed to have met Rene Dahinden. I talked to Rene loads of times about William Roe, but he never once mentioned that they had ever met. I’m not saying they didn’t meet, but Rene never spoke of it.
The dissection of Roe in Abominable Science troubles me immensely. I am only part way through the book, but will not comment on it until I finish it. Myrtle Walton – Roe’s daughter – is sincere as sincere gets in Bigfoot: Man or Beast. You can see her here, she starts talking at 07:30:
It is pleasing to see what Roe looks like after all these years. I did not expect a guy who looks like he could be Brad Pitt’s brother. Thanks Daniel Perez. You have done us all a great service.
That is my great grandpa!!!! So cool! His daughter, Alberta(Berta) is my grandma, she is 86 years old now! She will be so thrilled when I show her this article and photo of her daddy. Amazing the resemblance between him and my dad!