Finding Bigfoot: More Preview Videos
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 5th, 2011
Finding Bigfoot: Have You Ever Seen Bigfoot?
Find out who on the bigfoot research team has actually encountered a sasquatch, and for those who believe they have, what it was like to be that close.
Finding Bigfoot: Real vs. Fake Evidence
The bigfoot team explains how they can tell real evidence from fake. Since only a few pieces of what they deem real evidence exist, it’s fairly easy for them to spot a fake.
Finding Bigfoot: In Search of the Squatch
Is Bigfoot out there? Join a team of bigfoot researchers as they go in search of the elusive ape man. Watch “Finding Bigfoot,” Sundays at 10pm, only on Animal Planet!
Finding Bigfoot
“Swamp Ape” Premieres Sunday, June 5th 10 PM CST
Bigfoot expert Matt Moneymaker takes his team to northern Florida to help a family that believes they have a Bigfoot living on their property. The team meets with members of the Seminole nation, whose history with the creature goes back hundreds of years.
Finding Bigfoot: Bigfoot’s Handprint?
The team meets a woman who claims Bigfoot opened up her back door. Amateur video shows a greasy smear mark that she claims is Bigfoot’s handprint. Is she right?
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Ummmm… Considering the fact that all of the evidence from the last episode was faked, I’m not so confident that they could tell the difference between real and fake.
CRISCO does not a bigfoot hand print make. This show is quickly turning the BFRO into the WWE of the crypto world and Matt Moneymaker it’s Vince McMahon. How can anyone take this seriously when it was publicly outed for fake evidence and staged events?
I’m a bit suspect that ‘they’ have determined that only a narrow set of evidence is ‘real’. (I would want to see/hear their reasons and documentations for why the include ‘this’ and exclude ‘that’) It seems a bit over reaching. We (as a community) don’t have enough hard evidence to include or exclude a whole lot at this point. I’m of the ‘write it all down, get as much details as you can and photographically document everything before touching and collecting anything’ school of thought myself – analysis for outliers can be done later as we amass more data.
As for the greasy print? Who knows. I personally don’t have enough info about it to make any sort of informed opinion at this point.
I will give the series another chance but if it turns out like last week, I’m done. I have to admit that MM’s reactions and comments on this site haven’t done much to impress me thus far.
I just can’t give it another chance, all the episodes have already been shot, so if the 1st one was tainted with enhancements, I’d say everthing else is suspect as well. This program has been ruined before it even left the gate…
Ok… Animal Planet keeps showing the same commercial for the show over and over… The really annoying thing is that they keep highlighting the evidence that we all know to have been faked.
@flame821 – You’re right. Moneymaker’s ego and responses here do not help. I think it is key for anyone involved in a field of study such as cryptozoology should be a humble attitude, a scientific approach and thick skin. They need to be able to take criticism without belligerently lashing out. They need to NOT automatically accept everything and anything as proof. They NEED to do their due diligence to rule out what it could be. If after ruling every possible other explanation and you are still left with a mystery, then you file those things away into the “could be” file. This is a field based on stories and unproven things. One can’t go around acting like they are some all knowing expert on a cryptid. The term “expert” seems to get thrown around very liberally. Claiming to be an expert and being an expert are two very different things. Those who claim to be an expert most likely aren’t in the slightest. As for cryptozoology, there really is no way one could be an expert on a cryptid. After all, how can one be an expert on something that has yet or may never be proven to exist? Maybe one day there will be a Jane Fossey of Bigfoot, and therefore an expert…but as of yet there is no such person, this includes this Matt Moneymaker fellow.
I think many people are confusing the incorrect term, expert, with the (IMHO more correct) form of ‘authority’. Someone can be an authority on anything with enough experience, study and dedication.
I am by no means an expert seamstress or a master gardener, but I am an authority; as my work produces excellent results and I am the local ‘go to’ person for questions and assistance in these areas and my opinion is sought to end disputes on these matters.
Part of being an expert or authority is knowing what you don’t know. None of us know it all. I have a lot of luck/skill with getting high yielding, quality vegetables from raised garden beds without the use of insecticides or commercial fertilizers, BUT i know enough that when I see something I do not recognize (such as a new insect, fungus, etc) to go to someone who DOES know. I do not argue with them, I do not pretend that I know better than them, I show them what I’ve got and ask them for assistance and guidance. This is what science does, medical science in particular. I understand the benefits of working as a cog with a group (such as giving weekly reports on types and amounts of insects on my crops) so that, together, we can find a way to more effectively reach our goal. (whether that is controlling crop eating pests, finding big foot or knowing when certain species are flourishing or failing)
Skunk Apes smell because of methane? From living in alligator dens? ROFLOL.
So they show this figure on the thermal at the end, but don’t show it running off when Matt approaches it?