Finding Bigfoot: Preview of “Caught on Tape”
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 12th, 2011
Tonight’s episode of Finding Bigfoot “Caught on Tape” will cover several pieces of evidence from North Carolina.
From deep inside the North Carolina Uhwarrie National forest comes one of the most convincing pieces of Bigfoot footage from the past 40 years. The team of BFRO investigators use decades worth of experiences to determine if this footage is the real deal.
Finding Bigfoot: Chasing Bigfoot at Night
When Matt Moneymaker captures a thermal image of what he thinks might be a sasquatch, he takes off and runs after it… in the dark. Ranae and Bobo confront him when he gets back and things get a little testy.
This episode of Finding Bigfoot is sure to include Mike Greene’s thermal footage.
This is an excerpt that is available for free viewing.
Below is news story footage that shows more of the video and backstory.
This footage has been discussed many times here, here, here and here at Cryptomundo.
The episode will also investigate the muddy footprints we posted here on Cryptomundo yesterday at: Finding Bigfoot: Footprint Evidence From NC.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
The first video is pretty interesting. I’m looking forward to the episode tonight.
I look forward to seeing this one myself.
I wonder what will be “edited” into the show.
Again I’ll state… Other groups and investigators spend a lifetime looking for this creature and are lucky to get one or a few pieces of “evidence”. These guys seem to get all kinds of “evidence” wherever they go.
So let’s not forget folks, this is just a reality TV show….just like Real Housewives or Jersey Shore.
“This footage has been discussed many times here, here, here and here at Cryptomundo.”
What was there to discuss? It’s real. 🙂
I wonder what animals can sense electro-magnetic rads.
Why waste your time? Nothing but phoney, fake, staged “evidence” so-called. No they didn’t find bigfoot, & they never will either…
Good grief He ran after the thing! That’s like chasing a Grizzly Bear or charging a Silverback Gorilla: you don’t do that! Not only is that thing going to outrun anybody, even in daylight, it could tear a man’s arms (and possibly legs) off! It could have been a crazy in the woods too. Probably just the excitement of the moment.
Matt proved to his own team he has no idea what he is doing. And he really has to stop with that’s a bigfoot.. oh that’s a bigfoot. I found a acorn on the ground has to be a bigfoot around. Even your own people are telling you that not everything is due to bigfoot. Like the deer!
I do agree that Bigfoot kill and eat deer, but you even prove it was not a bigfoot. You said it had no teeth marks on it. If it was a bigfoot I would expect to see teeth marks on it, or it broken up more. That deer skeleton was too intact. I am sure bigfoot does not carry around a knife to butcher it’s prey. It would eat it like we eat a chicken. pulling it apart and gnawing on it.
Don’t you think ????
The show tonight was a crock…
He treats his team members just like he does people here. He yells at them and then brags about himself, trying to make himself feel superior to them. I feel sorry for them. Despite not agreeing with the idea that they attribute everything to bigfoot, at least they are nice, calm and think/do things rationally.
As for the evidence on the show…NOTHING that was shown was proof of anything. The thermal evidence showed that it could have easily been a person reaching for the candy bar. The other thermal that Matt felt he needed to run after was obviously faked. It looked like someone really trying to walk like a bigfoot would. Besides, if it really was a bigfoot, then why would you go running after it? A wild animal of that size isn’t something you go running after. And I don’t know why he was surprised he didn’t catch up to it… I mean…seriously…any wild animal could easily outrun a man in the dark woods. Now, the deer carcass…just natural predation, but he automatically dismissed Ranae’s very likely explanation and attributed it to a bigfoot. If they had looked closely at the bones, they would have found teeth marks. Even humans leave teeth marks. I guess bigfoot doesn’t…they just break legs and very carefully remove the meat without leaving any teeth marks, hair, footprints or any other evidence.
It just makes me laugh hardily when I see him talking about bigfoot in the tense of fact.
@ Hapa – “Let the Wookie win.”
For those who have been following along. The Kraken is gone and I have 3 impromptu overnight guests, heaven help us one of them is a colleague of mine and he’s due in Oncology tomorrow. This is the last Finding Bigfoot show for me. A fellow poster had it right, this show is too far into the ‘Real Housewives’ territory for my tastes. Too bad, it has a good premise but it falls flat on many levels. I’ve been checking some of the litmus sites that gauge shows and the comments all pretty much fall along the same lines.
That whole deal with MM running into the woods after a thermal hit and then freaking out when his team called him out on it. And those prints….really? Twelve foot stride? We figured out they were fake in a matter of minutes just by the recurring splotches and the fact that both the left and right footprint was identical in shape. (Weight bearing animals need not apply, apparently) . And the deer, oh lord the deer. No other way for a deer to get a broken bone? Love a duck, would someone please listen to Ranae.
As for that whole “highest premiering show on Animal Planet” I have to wonder how the follow up numbers are looking. Following on the heels of the number one rated show on the network you’d have to be pretty schlubby to not have a good showing for the first 15 minutes. So curious as to how weeks 2 and 3 rated on their score board.
On the plus side, my guests and I started flipping through the channels and caught a repeat of Swamp People, that show now has 7 new converts. Have fun everyone, I’m off to finish cleaning up the kitchen and putting away what’s left of the BBQ.
Good night and deep sleep to my fellow crypties.
These Cryptid hunting shows are looking more and more like the ghost hunting shows every season. How many times will these folks run “I almost got it” and “I sort of taped it” shows before even the most adamant believers become skeptics? The breathless close ups, the multiple angle chase scenes, the classic staged reality of reality TV.
Kahil Nettleton:
“Let the wookie win.”
@flame 821: Well played, Sir. Well played indeed.
Really says a lot when the commentary reviews are more entertaining than the program itself. Wouldn’t know though, didn’t watch it. Keep the laffs coming, cryptofriends!
Before Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot, I was a believer in Bigfoot. After watching three episodes, I am no longer a believer. Here are my thoughts:
Matt Moneymaker is responsible 100 percent for this show failing to its audience. The NUMBER ONE THING people need to believe in bigfoot is someone who is in touch with reality and CREDIBLE. Moneymaker’s antics of attributing EVERYTHING to a “squatch” makes the show more of a joke than anything.
And one final thing and then I’m done with this show:
Nearly every witness on the show has had a daytime encounter, yes there have been some night time encounters, but majority are daytime. Yet, Moneymaker’s crew always looks at night with these thermal imagers, something in which you cannot say with 100 percent confidence that you have a bigfoot on film. The reason why I bring this up is because I have a conclusion as to what this show is trying to do and here it is:
I think that Moneymaker and the BFRO firmly believe in the existence of bigfoots. However, I think that they even know they (in 25 years) have NOTHING that can actually prove the existence of bigfoot. So they suit up at night with thermal imagers to go hunt him. They capture things in which we cannot and will not ever know what they are. They do howls and knocks at night, basically their whole show is centered around finding bigfoot in the blackness of night. Why?
I think they know they do not have enough evidence to prove the existence of bigfoots and by doing the nighttime hunting and thermal imagers, the audience CANNOT SAY THERE IS NO BIGFOOTS because they are doing enough to pique our interest.
With all the daytime eye witnesses on the show you would think they would hunt during the day so if they caught a bigfoot on camera we could see the BIGFOOT, not the BRIGHT RED AND YELLOW BLOB on a thermal imager.
Simple conclusion:
Daytime hunt will prove they are nowhere near Finding Bigfoot.
Night time hunt will show enough “unknowns” so they can justify the existence of sasquatch
I feel asleep during it.
Just wondering if any of you have gone to thbe BFRO site, and read the explanations of creative editing that is being used, and to find out what really happened a the time, as opposed to what the cameras show.
Also, maybe some of the commenters here should look up some words such as defamation or libel.
As always, Loren and Craig, and all the other bloggers doing a great job in keeping us up to date as to what is going on. Thanks guys!!
Did not watch it but I enjoy reading the comments. I am interested in BF but not this show. I’d like to see an actual documentary based on several years of investigations done by someone credible. As for looking for BF in the dark, I think jvanley nailed that one all ready. How many hunters of any kind of large animal hunts them at night “legally”? This show is a crock in my opinion.
@ OmahaBF – defamation and libel doesn’t apply here, plain and simple. If you had looked up the definition before making that comment you may not have done so. For those to apply, we would have to be actively saying false things that lead to physical and/or financial harm. Opinions don’t fit the definitions. We aren’t saying anything like Matt is or has committed a crime he didn’t commit. Our comments here are direct reactions to what was shown on HIS tv show. They are direct reactions to the hateful, and sometimes bigoted, things he has said to us.
Is Matt involved with a TV show that is actively deceiving viewers? Yes. Is all of the creative editing Matt’s fault? No. Has Matt defended what was shown on the show one moment and then gone against it the next? Yes. Has Matt attempted to dismiss and discredit the work and findings of others in order to boost his own ego and make himself look/feel important? Yes.
Anyone who watched the episode last night saw first hand how he is to others with his ego and superiority complex. Anyone who has been following the posts and comments here have seen how he is to others. Instead of engaging critics maturely, he jumps right to bashing them with names and slurs.
Yes, how the show is making him look to the public is doing its own harm…but we all have come to expect that from reality TV….its purely for entertainment, not the truth or education. All other negative aspects and repercussions are all solely Matt’s doing. He’s reaping what he has sown.
I’ve been to the BFRO site and wasn’t impressed at all. Its just a simple website from the 90’s. I saw a link to a database full of “sightings” and experiences….most if not all can easily be discounted with plausible answers. I saw an ad or two for BFRO merchandise, etc. But nothing special. The Cryptomundo website is much better, especially in content. Craig and Loren don’t attribute everything to bigfoot or a cryptid. Like any other well educated and well rounded cryptozoologists, Craig and Loren approach things with a degree of skepticism, as they should. They share things with us here and ask others for opinions. They never claim to and know that they aren’t the almighty experts on it all and they value alternative answers and ways of looking at things. I personally see them as leaders in the field.
I had high hopes for this show. We have seen the exact same thing from each episode. Unidentifiable images on a FLIR. I don’t get any more from this than Destination Truth. This show seems to be more about Moneymaker than Bigfoot. I think this show will ultimately hurt his credibility in the field. The whole thing really seems to be self serving to me.
As I said above, the NUMBER ONE THING someone needs to prove the existence of bigfoot is credibility. Matt Moneymaker destroys his with every single episode. Attributing every single thing to a bigfoot is killing him. I can tell you that he is personally responsible for me going from 90 percent believing to 0 percent. Why?
As I mentioned in my other comment it seems to me the premise of the show is not to “find bigfoot” I think they are simply trying to do enough to sway public opinion that Bigfoot does exist because they cannot provide any solid proof of Bigfoot. Therefore when Moneymaker attributes EVERYTHING to a “squatch” you can see he is clearly reaching and trying to sway public opinion.
It seems to me that Moneymaker believes in the existence of bigfoot so much that he is simply trying to sway public opinion that they are real long enough so he he can find one. I think he has to do this show so the funders of the BFRO will continue to support them.
“finding bigfoot” is nothing more that public propoganda to beef up Moneymaker and the BFRO’s purpose so they can buy more time (25 years so far) to actually find bigfoot. I think they believe in bigfoot that strongly….
After more time to reflect on this I have some more thought. Maybe I am wrong about the show, I don’t know. But something Bobo said caught my eye after rewatching this episode.
When MM runs after the “blob” Bobo says “that’s not how you gather evidence of a squatch, you film it as long as you can.”
Maybe they are so convinced that Squatches exist, they are not actually trying to “catch or find a bigfoot”, but just to get more evidence on it for research.
Afterall, their name is the Bigfoot Field RESEARCH organization. After thinking about this, I firmly believe they have little thought of “catching” or “killing” a bigfoot and are simply trying to gather more evidence for research on a animal which they FIRMLY believe exists.
Pretty stupid if you ask me, spending thousands of dollars to research humans in suits, bears, deers and other animals on thermal footage and fake footprints and dead deer.
You would think it would go like EVERY OTHER research organization:
1. Prove its existence
2. Research it