Florida Sea Monster Footage
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 11th, 2014
Remember back in the early days of Cryptomundo, we received footage of a purported Cryptid Mammal Reptile or Prehistoric Seal?
This dates back to 2006, so many of you may not remember.
An update was posted here on Cryptomundo in 2009, That “Cryptid Mammal Reptile” Footage, noting that the footage was to be featured on an episode of MonsterQuest, as seen in the video below.
Please reference the previous Cryptomundo posts with the original photos and drawing of the creatures.
And here is the main reason that I’m resurrecting this footage. I just saw the following footage from 2013.
Excuse the language we use in the clip. We were scared!
It’s either a massive Anaconda or a Sea Monster. Whatever came out of that water scared the life out of my fiancé and I. We were fishing on our boat in the shallow bay area of Sanibel Island, FL on October 6th, 2013 when we saw what looked like a bus speeding through the water. At first we thought we were watching Manatee swimming which we see all the time but this animal was moving very fast and looked to be attacking something. All of a sudden, part of its body sprung out of the water and appeared to have something wrapped up. Then it was gone. We honestly don’t know what it was but it’s head resembled a sea otter and the body looked like a giant 20 plus foot snake. If a cement utility poll was laying down horizontally, that would be the width and length of this sea creature.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
The History Channel’s MonsterQuest episode which features the Florida sea monster with very clear footage was proven to be a combination of videos showing a manatee with propeller damage to it’s tail – very common in highly trafficked areas – and a crocodilian’s serrated tail. No actual monster there.
This new footage is somewhat different. If authentic, at first viewing It appears to be a cetacean of some kind. Some of the more sinewy small whales or dolphins that are known to frequent Florida coasts may be a possibility. But this is good, compelling footage at any rate and I wish that they had filmed a longer sequence with the animal making more appearances.
Proven? By who and where?
Visit the Underwater Times.com. Jan. 11 2010. They include an image provided by the Florida Game and Wildlife Commission of a manatee with a trident tail mutilation from boat propellers that is practically identical to the tail in the video.
The second tail image clip featured on the History Channel’s “Monsterquest” episode is obviously of a crocodilian’s serrated tail and is a completely different video clip taken at a different time and local. The Xenophile site also covers this as well as SyFy’s “Fact or Faked” series which did an episode on the “Muck Monster” with similar results. There is more if you care to look.
The newer footage is something different I think. What? A small long bodied whale or dolphin that are known to frequent the Florida area. That would be my first guess until more footage is obtained. But as I said earlier, a very compelling video…if authentic. Why the abrupt ending of the clip since the animal was still there is a little puzzling and gives pause to wonder.
Compelling, perhaps. Practically identical = proven? Not even close…
Please read my posts carefully…I am saying that the “Muck Monster” footage is most likely a combination of videos of different animals that inhabit the area; manatees, crocodilians and seals. The new footage from 2013 is quite different and is “compelling”. I’m saying that the “Muck Monster” is most likely (definitely?) not a single cryptid but a combination of different videos of different animals presented at the same time. The newer 2013 footage is not practically identical to the “Muck Monster” videos and I didn’t say so or imply that it was. The videographers say that they took this video off Sanibel Island in Florida. It is very different but the shortness of the clip still bothers me. Not sure why it’s titled “Did We Find Nessie-…”though.
There is no more information from or about DaviesandPatties, the people who provide the video.
My opinion; small whale/dolphin or several manatees…leaning toward manatees.
Uh yeah. Absolutely nothing was proven–if we’re referring to the footage of the tail coming up out of the water that looked more spiny, then no. Loren thought it was a manatee too, but if you really take the time to look at manatee tails (and yes, pics of those that have actually been damaged by propeller blades), they look nothing like what was caught in the video.
That tail was more like a fish tail with straight angles on what I have been referring to as the “spines” and it was not rounded like a manatee tail. While I can’t say for sure, what it was, I will stand by the fact that it was not a manatee.
The three-lobed tail video is of a propeller damaged manatee tail. There are many examples of such damage available to see so why invoke “Muck Monsters” when there’s no need to. The flat serrated edged tail video clip is of a crocodilian’s latter tail portion where it flattens out and may also have some boat encounter damage. The head shots are of a seal or somewhat singular manatee. These animals all live in the area and are easily seen. The water in these areas is shallow and anything large living in it would be readily apparent, as the manatees, crocs/alligators and seals are seen. Do we need to add three separate videos of parts of three separate animals together to invent a monster? For TV ratings, I guess I understand but for daily sensibility…why.
Yet, I am not a debunker. I feel that there are possible cryptids to be discovered. These would include – followed by my estimate of probability;
1. Marine Cryptid…90% A safe bet. There’s always something new from the sea.
2. Mystery Big Cats…75% No reason big cats can’t exist outside their range.
3. Orang Pendek…70% Mounting evidence – new simian species are being discovered.
4. Bigfoot…60% Thousands of footprint evidence – they can’t all be fakes.
5. Yeti…25%…Legendary but what real tangible evidence exists?
6. Fresh Water Cryptid…10% The evidence is poor at best – some proven hoaxes.
7. Mokele Mbembe…5% No actual dinosaurs survive today. A relative, perhaps.
8. Flying Cryptid…2% Giant birds did exist and still might but no pterosaurs alive today.
9. Chupacabras…0% Folklore and superstition.
10. Flying Humanoids…0% Just plain silliness.
cryptokellie, I can ASSURE you that everyone reads your posts with a fine-tooth comb. They’re THAT vital to us all!
In the short video, there is no trident tail, but the body of something that is not shaped like a Manatee’s, and is too wide to be one. It might be a young whale of some sort. Who can say?
You combined apples and oranges and claimed it was an apple. What else could we have come to expect from you, but something bovine that sorta smells?
doubt there’s a “monster” there. there’s SO MUCH boat traffic and people in the area, HIGHLY doubt its something “cryptid”.
I will try again. Simplified;
As presented on History Channel’s “Monsterquest” series. Taken in 2010?
1. “Muck Monster” Trident-tail video…manatee with tail damaged by propeller.
2. “Muck Monster” Serrated edge tail video…crocodilian tail end splashing water.
3. “Muck Monster” head video…seal or singular appearing manatee.
As opposed to the short video taken in 2013 by DaviesansPatties; Shoreline with house clearly visible in background, male and female voices on audio;
1. Animate object or objects in water breaking surface. Possible cetaceans or manatees.
This is the footage I refer to as compelling yet, why was the filming stopped abruptly when a voice on the audio says “It’s over there (on the left of screen)” I have a little feeling that when the animal surfaces again, its identity is clear and not a cryptid, hence the quick exit.
I am not comparing the “Muck Monster” videos to provide an answer as to what is seen the “DaviesandPatties” clip. No apples to oranges. Just the opposite. I’m saying that the “DaviesandPatties” clip is very unlike the “Muck Monster” clips and deserves further consideration. Perhaps when they drop the “Nessie found” goofiness, we might be able to see more. Than again, perhaps not.
I hope this post will clear things up.
I should expect that most visitors to this site have some degree of reading comprehension but that may be a lot to ask.
Bovine comments aside…
Interesting video! Not sure what creature was captured there. But good video, nonetheless!
Cryptokellie–Fortunately, I am adept in reading comprehension. I understood what you were saying in your first post. And you further clarified yourself in subsequent posts. I don’t understand the nit-picking of your posts. And yes, I have read your posts since you started posting here and you are definitely not a debunker, sceptic or believer. I find you truly objective. There is no need for me to defend you as you are certainly capable of defending yourself. I was a little surprised to see the condescending tone taken by some some readers on your post. Although I do not object from time to time if someone decides to straighten out a poster, when they go over the top on a post. But this was not the case here. I don’t get it either.
I guess it is more about comprehending and understanding the “intentionality” of your post than nitpicking the choice of words used. I believe your intentions were to merely state that: It was your opinion, given the video and evidence presented, that the Florida sea monster was a manatee with propeller damage to the tail. And for yourself, your opinion was that the facts substantiated that in your mind objectively. Correct? And that this new video was pretty different and good video. Correct?
And guys, cryptokellie is a regular just like all of you. I don’t get or understand the degrading tone in the posts here lately.
Springheeledjack and Goodfoot: Hey guys! How have you been? Man, I read here every single day but post more infrequently. Good to see you are both on top of things. Just thought I’d give you a nod!
Anyway, let’s all try to be a little more kind and understanding until someone really needs to be brought into line for bad or incorrect posting. This was not the case. Crap, let me clarify. Restated: This was not the case with cryptokellie’s post, in my opinion, not fact, and not yet proven. Did I cover my bases? LOL
Yet, I am not a debunker. I feel that there are possible cryptids to be discovered. These would include – followed by my estimate of probability;
1. Marine Cryptid…90% A safe bet. There’s always something new from the sea.
2. Mystery Big Cats…75% No reason big cats can’t exist outside their range.
3. Orang Pendek…70% Mounting evidence – new simian species are being discovered.
4. Bigfoot…60% Thousands of footprint evidence – they can’t all be fakes.
5. Yeti…25%…Legendary but what real tangible evidence exists?
6. Fresh Water Cryptid…10% The evidence is poor at best – some proven hoaxes.
7. Mokele Mbembe…5% No actual dinosaurs survive today. A relative, perhaps.
8. Flying Cryptid…2% Giant birds did exist and still might but no pterosaurs alive today.
9. Chupacabras…0% Folklore and superstition.
10. Flying Humanoids…0% Just plain silliness.
Thank you. You got right from the first post onward…
Cryptokellie is off babysitting his 1 year old granddaughter…