Mountain Monsters: Sheepsquatch of Boone County Review
Posted by: Joe Watson on May 13th, 2014
This camera footage shows that there is no doubt in the existance of the Sheepsquatch.
Mountain Monsters: Sheepsquatch of Boone County
Also airs:
Wednesday, May 14 at 10/
Thursday, May 15 at 1/12c
This is one of my favorite episodes of Mountain Monsters. Included are thermal cam shots, trail cam shots, scratches on tree trunks, audio, video and even a bucket of sheepsquatch scat.
Trapper takes to Team to Boone County, West Va. in search of the Sheepsquatch. He is a blend of many creature… wool like a sheep, Big Horn sheep horns, Wild Boar type teeth, hind feet like a deer or elk and a tail like an opossum. He’s also Bipedal meat eater and a big S.O.B.
The team catches the Sheepsquatch on thermal cam, beating his head against a tree. When the team gets to the tree the Sheepsquatch is gone but the fun isn’t far behind as Trapper comments about the creature ‘pissing’ on the tree. While looking up at the tree, drops fall into his eyes and the intense burning blinds him. Trapper goes down fast and hard. After washing his eyes out the other team members lead him out to safety.
Wild Bill and Willie devise the perfect trap for Sheepsquatch, a chain link fence wrapped in razor wire.
It doesn’t take long on the second night investigation for the action to begin. The team encounters the Sheepsquatch and the hunt is on, but who is hunting who? Did it attack Trapper and Huckleberry? Did it destroy the razor wire trap? Does Bucky become a respected member of the team? Did the creature pee on the other team members? Watch it to find out.
The entire episode is full of action, adventure and laughs. I’m not sure about the existence of the Sheepsquatch but this is without a doubt one of my favorite episodes of Mountain Monsters.
See also: Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot: Research or Entertainment?
Joe Watson
Joe Watson has been interested in the unknown since he was a young boy.
Growing up in rural Northeast Texas his interests were mostly in the classic sci-fi movies, King Kong, The Day the Earth Stood Still and Creature from the Black Lagoon.
In the 1970s his oldest sister was living in Portland, Oregon when word of Bigfoot hit national news. He was instantly captivated by the thought of a giant man-ape in the Pacific Northwest. Then it happened, The Legend of Boggy Creek was released to theaters and was showing in Paris, Texas … only about 100 miles west of Fouke.
In a matter of weeks Joe visited Fouke and for years proudly displayed
the Fouke Monster bumper sticker on his truck.
As the years passed Joe’s interest in unknown creatures continued to grow. He was known to always carry a camera and was not shy about asking questions when someone mentioned creatures. He also developed a keen eye for both photo and video hoaxes.
Being a fan of Art Bell’s “Dreamland” and “Coast to Coast AM” radio shows was also an influence. Learning from both experts and frauds on the radio shows was great entertainment. Mountain Monsters, The Walking Dead, Finding Bigfoot, Monsters and Mysteries are all favorite shows on television these days.
Joe is currently producing a film about a Bigfoot creature called “The Powderly Prowler”. It’s a fictional story about a creature terrorizing a small rural community in Texas. Which happens to be where Joe grew up. “We are a bunch of amateurs who have a dream to create our own movie. We have a script, our camera and a little experience
editing video. Regardless of the outcome we are sure to have a lot of fun. As a kid growing up in Powderly, Texas, I heard and saw a lot of creepy stuff I’d like to share with others.
I do believe there is a creature out there but have not seen it myself.”
Currently you will find Joe teaching computer applications and video broadcasting in a local Jr High School.
I guess you can call it entertainment. It’s pretty much a joke and utterly ridiculous. I mean borrowed or stole the Finding Bigfoot template , but these guys make the Finding Bigfoot team look like real scientists.