Native American Elder Witnesses a Deer Being Chased by a Sasquatch
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 18th, 2015
BFRO investigators Ron Boles and Larry Newman interview a Native American Elder regarding a sighting involving a possible Sasquatch running down a deer. The witness was 75 yards from the incident.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I won’t comment on the gentleman’s interesting narrative. The white-tailed deer is one of the fastest of all cervids and has be recorded reaching speeds of 47 mph. They are also able to leap over 8 ft high obstacles and achieve jump distances of over 30 feet. There is no biped alive on the planet today that surpass that speed and ability. The ostrich is the fastest bipedal animal alive today and has been clocked at around 40 mph. The gentleman said that the deer was “running fast” and did not say that the deer was lame or hobbled in any way and that the Bigfoot actually ran down and caught the deer. The fastest human alive today is Usain Bolt who can reach speeds of almost 28 mph. Nothing even close to the speed a deer. If ballooned up to Bigfoot size, Bolt’s speed would not increase it would decrease. Shaquille O’Neal is roughly Bigfoot size and for a big man Shaq is very fast but nowhere near the speed of Bolt. Frankly, this story is a little suspect as there is no biped – primate or bird – that can out run a white-tailed deer. Only animals of equal speed and ability can prey on adult deer. These would include; bears, mountain lions, wolves and coyotes, the latter two in pack formations.
cryptokellie, I agree. There is simply ZERO way something supposedly the size of a Bigfoot running down a deer in good shape. The physics just don’t jive. Nothing with that mass on 2 legs could be as agile as a deer. People will say the Bigfoot is powerful, well so are body builders but you don’t see them out there running down deer. I really used to think they existed but I’m very much on the skeptical side now.
If Bigfoot are somehow able to move as fast and agile as a deer, that would be a very creepy sight. Imagine something 8-9′ tall running over 40mph and being able to leap over anything in the wild. I wouldn’t want to see that unless I was packing something that could defend from such a creature.
ya, its just not possible.
a 8-10 ft “thing” weighing 400-600+ lbs running? and running fast?
do you have any idea of the stress that would place on the body?
this is why big NBA centers are always getting hurt… broken feet, etc.
shaq is an anomaly. a huge guy with athleticism of a smaller guy.
but to think a bigfoot can run after a deer?
lol… if you just spend a few minutes using your brain like we are… you can see that while the story SOUNDS great…. it’s nowhere near accurate.
plus… look at patty.
if that PG thing is real.
wouldn’t it try to run away fast after being seen?
it walks briskly.
doesn’t run or haul ass.