New Bigfoot DNA Study

Posted by: Bigfoot Evidence on January 8th, 2015

JC Johnson of Crypto Four Corners research has announced that a new “faction” has been formed to conduct a new bigfoot genome study. Johnson, along with other participants in the study, still believe the results of the previous Ketchum study are correct, and hope the results of this new project will vindicate those findings.

Regardless of the outcome, the group claims they will accept the results. The group has enlisted the assistance of Dr. Christopher, from the anthropology department of the University of New Mexico, and once the samples are collected, they will be sent to Dr. Jeff Meldrum who has agreed to oversee the study.

Many of the participants were previously involved with the Ketchum study. In light of the findings and ridicule of the Melba Ketchum genome results, which JC and others still believe are valid, each participant has agreed to accept the findings of this new study. The hope is that the findings from the Ketchum study are validated by the new conclusions.

JC has produced a 30 minute video that details some of the stories behind individual encounters and the evidence collection. – Sasquatch DNA Gathering
The video depicts Dr. Christopher interviewing several of the participants in the group.

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