Sasquatch Caught On Thermal?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 20th, 2015
this is exactly what it shows … what you see is what you get i dont know what it was but if you listen close at the end of the video you can hear them walking up and surrounding me.. thats why i retreated back into the RV .. i had some close calls there and they even pushed on my door a couple times i have that on another video i thought they were coming in …
yea its not great footage by any means ..for one i have an angel eye dvr recorder to attach to my argus 2 thermal camera but i am still waiting on some cables. for another i was terrified and trying to record the screen but, when i did i couldnt see what was going on around me and, if you look at the footage my hands were shaking so bad i could barely hold both cameras but, you live and you learn and ill be more prepared next time and i have been in the field since and, i have not felt the fear i felt there i am wondering if it might of been the affects of infra sound but that is pure speculation. That footage alone i wouldnt of even posted but, there was so much going on if you look at my youtube page you will see trees pushed into the ground and a tree getting pushed over when i went to check my bait station along with a video of rocks getting trown at my rv and, something making bird sounds out my window at 1 in the morn during a rain storm.. could of been just birds but that is not what i think it was but what i think means little to nothing . if you go to my facebook Derek Humbert you will see some trees that were twisted in half some 3 toed tracks and a tee pee structure i found all during the same investigation. I also have some footage of either somthing pushing on my door or trying to get in i actually have it uploaded but dont want to make it public because i was so scared i was praying and about to dry heave. it was a crazy couple weeks i logged everything …
~ Crypto Christian
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
For some reason this footage really unnerved me. I could feel the guys fear.
It may show something . . . or it may just be goofiness at its finest. Either way the footage doesn’t show us enough of anything. Let’s see the other footage and maybe we get something more.
On the other hand, when someone withholds supposed evidence because it scared them, that’s when my spider sense starts tingling…
I can’t see squat.
oh damn. This guy seems real… i don’t see this guy as a hoaxer but who knows these days…. but I don’t get the sense of him trying to pull a fast one.
there IS something on the screen around 2:40
no clue what it is… but there IS a big heat signature.
for all we know it could be a person a bear, or another animal….
but you can’t definitely say its a bigfoot from that alone, can you?
real crazy video. Great find.
Very interesting. I agree the guy does seem genuine. It would be interesting to know where he is. The “image” does appear to be upright and big. At that hour, I don’t know if a bear would be active. Believe it or not, their night vision is about the same as ours. With all the attention the phenomenon has been getting, I’ve been concerned that there have not been more sightings posted over the past several months. But good video.
Compelling but I would like to see footage of the area in the daytime for size and distance refrance
ya, i mean i don’t get the sense this guy is trying to hoax… he seems genuine i think… but with wall these damn hoaxed videos who the hell knows anymore?
no clue whats on that thermal but there is something with a heat signature.
wonder if theres any updates to this story?
the only problem I see with this video is that it appears that there is no panning of the night vision camera. He turns it on and the object is standing directly in his line of sight, almost like he knew where it was standing before he went outside.
I briefly thought I could see the secondary signature he mentioned, but it’s not much to go on.
I agree that it seems to be really big, but with no point of reference, it’s hard to know. That’s a whale of a thermal signature. And the swaying can’t be seen, but I’ve heard that swaying thing mentioned in many a Bigfoot sighting report.
And I agree with all. This is no put-on on his part; he’s genuinely shaken up.
@goodfoot – ya, i couldn’t see the swaying either (other than the guy holding the camera lol)…