Siberian Yeti Resort to Open
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 21st, 2013
A new Yeti resort in Siberia is to be opened to encourage tourists to find the elusive Abominable Snowman
The development is in an area of the world that claims to have one of the highest number of sightings of a legendary creature also known as Bigfoot.
Igor Idimeshev, 48: ‘We are building the Yeti Park now, and of course there will be a chance for people who come here to see creature. For me having Yetis here means something much more than the tourist attraction’.
The new Yeti Park will be constructed at Sheregesh ski resort, in the stunning Shoria Mountain area of Kemerovo region in southern Siberia. The development comes with a pledge by the region’s governor Aman Tuleyev to offer a one million rouble ($33,000) reward to anyone who can catch a Yeti and prove its existence.
‘I’ll pay a million to anyone who will find the Yeti and bring it to see the me. I’ll sit down with him, chat and have a cup of tea’, he promised.
Critics see the Yeti Park – with a hotel and a themed children’s playground – as a crude attempt to bring in both Russian and foreign tourists.
‘We can see how Scotland exploits the Loch Ness Monster, who why can’t we do the same with the Yeti?’ admitted one official. ‘We hope people will come from all over the world.’
Recent tours to remote caves in the region have found samples of Yeti hair, though various promises of definitive DNA research on them have somehow failed to materialise.
Despite this, local officials insist the Yeti is real, even if Igor Idimeshev, 48, deputy head of the local administration in Sheregesh, and the man behind the new park, has a novel explanation for its existence.
‘I’ve seen this creature several times’, he said. ‘I think it is most likely of the extraterrestrial origin, not from this world. The Yeti might suddenly disappear and re-materialise. Another extraordinary thing is that Yeti’s hair is luminous at night, and also that the Yeti can walk on water.’
Later in an interview with The Siberian Times, he elaborated on his close encounters with the Yeti, despite admitting his mother told him not to tell people because they would not believe him.
‘I’ve met these creatures several times here in Tashtagol district and also in the area where I was born in the village of Toz close to Zelenaya Mountain.
Source: The Siberian Times
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
There absolutely, positively will NOT be any persons in bigfoot suits. Really no one will dress up in a suit, especially NOT any employees.
Great!! I’m gald to see something like this. I might visit someday!
Eco-tourism taken to the next logical(?) step…
Half of me sees a similarity to Loch Ness and the resulting tourist infrastructure that has sprung-up around Nessie and I want to say, “It’s worked for them; go ahead and try to make a buck off of the alleged Yeti(s) in Siberia.” At the very least it will generate some extra rubles for the locals, raise awareness of the creature outside of the area and may even result in securing additional evidence for the Yeti’s existence.
However, the other half questions how a “SEE THE YETI” attraction can possibly exist without a documented yeti population? (Think of the Tyrannosaur paddock in Jurassic Park – before all hell breaks loose – The SUV rolls-up and there’s nothing to be seen. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!) Consider also how long the African safari business would survive if there were little-to-no chance of spotting elephants, giraffes, lions, etc. on a regular basis. However, those animals are known to exist and can regularly be located by the guides, assuring tourists receive some “bang” for their buck and creating a draw for future visitors.
I fear, as mandors suggests above, that the only way to guaranty a better-than-(almost)zero chance of seeing a Yeti, or evidence thereof, will necessitate some type of chicanery on the locals’ part leading inevitably to charges of fraud; providing ammunition to skeptics eager to dismiss the Yeti, Almas, Bigfoot, etc. as myths/hoaxes; and tainting any actual evidence that might come to light.
Still, I’m interested to see just how this pans-out.