Tasmanian Tiger Footage?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 6th, 2017
Could this be a Tasmanian Tiger I filmed last week while filming the foggy sunrise? You decide.
~ AuthorPaulGDay
Paul Day
Paul G Day specializes in books aimed at children and young adults. He has a unique narrative style designed to draw the reader’s attention to the images of the setting as well as the predicament of the protagonist. Through human and non human characters, his books tell a very human drama and the complicated emotional journey we all sometimes find ourselves taking as we search for meaning and answers to profound and often confronting questions. Every one of his characters reflect a personality which has its beginning in the heart and mind of the writer himself. Paul’s stories are about love, loyalty, family and courage. They represent a coming of age, where the central character must learn and grow in order to survive the complex and sometimes unforgiving world about them. Paul believes in strong young characters who stubbornly and sometimes defiantly challenge the troubles that compound their lives, finding a way, even in the darkest, bleakest moments of their otherwise unremarkable existence, to overcome adversity, thereby ultimately becoming extraordinary.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Wow!! That just might actually be a tasmanian tiger… Profound…
It’s not a fox. That’s a start.
This animal, whatever it is, is not “bounding”. It is hurt and is limping due to a rear leg injury. Most likely caused by a trap. This footage was filmed in mainland Australia – according to original YouTube page narration – where thylacines had become extinct thousands of years ago.
This is most likely a dog or a mangy fox. The footage shot against a sunrise makes the animal figure basically a silhouette and devoid of any details for identification.
Again, I say most likely…the thought of a surviving thylacine caught in a trap or worse shot/hit by a vehicle gives me shudders.
On a different note, if this were thought to be a thylacine by the cameraman, why not follow the animal and make sure. The injured creature wouldn’t be getting anywhere fast hop-limping like that.
The object in question looks and moves like a CGI. It also appears to be out of scale with the few other objects that are in the video (the ‘telephone poles’ in the background and the flying object, which also moves like a CGI). It appears to be in excess of 15′ long. Also, since we know a lot about Thylacine physiology, it is unlikely that a thylacine would be able to run with that gait. It more resembles that of a large rodent, such as a capybara or nutria. A thylacine’s gait would be more like that of a coyote, or dingo.
There is not enough detail, or information to be able to make a determination of the objects identity. Nothing in the foreground, nothing in the same plane as the object, no information as to the exact location, etc… It is pretty typical of most cryptid videos….very vague and questionable. I don’t suppose the person taking the video made any effort to collect footprints, or track the animal, look for droppings for samples, etc….? Of course not….
Totally agree with Gigmaster!
As soon as I saw it I thought CGI. It just doesn’t look right. Out of scale, weird repetitive motion. Doesn’t appear to be a real life animal trotting across a field.
I wonder what the guy who filmed it will be writing about in his upcoming books?
Call me cynical but it has a whiff of marketing about it.
Recognising what he allegedly filmed, he would surely have known the importance of such a sighting. Why not try and back up the film with some kind of physical evidence or further footage as mentioned?
” This footage was filmed in mainland Australia – according to original YouTube page narration – where thylacines had become extinct thousands of years ago.” ~ Cryptokellie
The Thylacine was considered extinct only since 1936, not thousands of years ago.
This very well could be a Thylacine as sightings have been reported quite frequently. This wouldn’t be the first creature, thought to be extinct, to pop back into the world of the living. The Coelacanth is a good example. Thought to have gone extinct 66 million years ago, a living example was discovered in 1938, and many more have been found since.
Re Old Dog;
Do some research…check the facts a bit.
The thylacine became near-extinct on the Australian mainland around 2,000 years ago, with the arrival of settlers and dogs delivering the final blow and surviving on the islands state of Tasmania early into the 20th century.
The last thylacine in captivity was captured in 1933 in Tasmania and died 3 years later in the Hobart zoo. The possibility of thylacines surviving on the mainland is very remote. They could however be hanging on by a thread in the more remote parts of Tasmania.
Re: Cryptokellie;
Since it was believe to be “rare” on the mainland about 2000 years ago, and still sighted when the British settled the area, I wouldn’t call that “thousands” of years ago since Australia was settled by England in the late 1700’s. I guess you could split hairs and get all caught up in semantics about the difference between rare and extinct.
The Australian Rare Fauna Research Association reports having 3,800 sightings on file from mainland Australia since the 1936 extinction date. I still say it’s a possibility that it exists.
Unfortunately, sightings are just that – not proof. There hasn’t been a thylacine living or dead obtained in mainland Australia for a millennium. Their survival there is very, very, doubtful in the extreme.
There are no semantics between rare and extinct. The Iberian lynx is rare, maybe only 100 left in the wild. The Smilodon (saber toothed cat) is extinct…none left anywhere forever.
If the thylacine is still roaming anywhere, it’ll be in remote Tasmania. Having followed and studied cryptic animals for almost 60 years, I truly hope that this is the case.
In fact, of all the cryptids discussed here on Cryptomundo, I would rank the thylacine number 2, right behind the orang pendek as the most probable cryptids likely to be proven to exist and still exist.
Hi cryptokellie.
Having studied so long the huge list of claimed cryptic animals, what things, in particular, lead you to believe that the ‘orang pendek’ may be classed as a ‘most probable crytid’?, compared to the many, many others. I am purely curious.
Keen to know what you think.
I know I’m putting myself directly in the cross hairs but, here it goes.
1. Orang pendek
Reported from Sumatra and other Indonesian locations for over 100 years. Small and reticent, the Orang pendek could very well survive undetected in these sparsely populated, tropical regions. Hair evidence and footprint casts have been collected. This area of southeast Asia has a history of providing new and undocumented species over the years. It is very possible that Orang pendek is an undocumented primate or subspecies of a known one.
2. Thylacine
The Thylacine is technically not a cryptid but a documented animal with its scientific details being complete. Extinct in it’s former wide range in Oceania, the Thylacine may be hanging on in remote Tasmania locations. The conditions haven’t changed drastically there and it’s survival is entirely possible. Some evidence and video footage have been obtained.
3. Bigfoot
The enigma that is Bigfoot leaves me on the fence in this instance. While thousands of footprint casts have been collected and the creature is now a fixture in popular culture, the total real evidence for Bigfoot is not overwhelming given the media attention it receives that is rivaled by no other cryptid. The P/G film still provides the high water mark for positive evidence. The fact that no conclusive evidence has been obtained in populated areas while other large animals are routinely encountered and documented is troubling. That such a large creature can remain undocumented over almost all of North America for over a century certainly gives one cause to doubt. Rampant hoaxing for fun and profit do not help matters. Yet all of those footprints cannot have been faked…Possible yes, but unlikely.
4. Sea Monsters
Lumping all the reports of Sea Monsters together. Who knows what may be swimming around in the vast oceans. Very little real evidence. They are certainly possible, even likely but as yet unproven.
5. Lake Monsters
Once high on my list, Lake Monsters led by Loch Ness and a few others have become less convincing due mostly to the Loch Ness classic evidence base being debunked or explained over the years. I believe that all long necked sightings and images are misidentifications or hoaxes and inconclusive at best. Could some form of unknown or at least unusual animal be living in these cold, deep lakes? Yes, it’s possible but unlikely.
6. Yeti and other types
Far less evidence than Bigfoot. Collected evidence mostly explained. Possible but highly unlikely. Mostly folklore.
7. What about (enter cryptid name)?
No reliable evidence. Scientifically doubtful or impossible. Paranormal experiences. Folklore.
Thanks cryptokellie for your detailed response, I like how you conduct your process of reaching conclusions. Looking at the pertinent data and drawing a conclusion ONLY from the evidence, I like it.
I see the Patterson/Gimlin footage in a different light.
From the many ‘documentaries’ I have seen on the subject, I have learned at least these things:
A human could not have created the strides and other movement of this thing.
A good physical actor can re-create these movements well.
Two dogs were visually evident in the footage, dogs which didn’t react or move at all as the thing walked among them.
A sometimes visual external hemorrhoid or whatever they are called, proves that this was not a man in a costume. (It took some explaining to help me see what the researcher was talking about, which -for all I know- could have been a hemorrhoid or whatever they are called.
The foot of the creature, clearly up-turned in its stride at some points could not have possibly created the nearby tracks which were claimed as corroborative evidence.
Patterson had long been a bigfoot believer and had self-published a book about bigfoot, with a picture of one of the creatures on the cover which bore quite a resemblance to the figure in the footage. Hollywood had not shown much interest in Patterson’s efforts so far.
They, all of them, had been in the process of planning to make a documentary about bigfoot, when lo and behold …
The thing had raised hackles on its back and shoulders. (This kind of thing is observable on canines but mostly anecdotal on primates and since earlier footage of the thing with those same hairs laying flat against its pelt are not available, we can only guess.)
As I carry on, I realize how many and often contradictory these ‘findings’ are.
As a skeptic, I am quite happy to conclude that -without additional good evidence – I cannot form a conclusion and therefore claim only that I don’t know, which is a valid conclusion in my book.
In addition, I like how you have raised the subject of ‘folklore’, which alone can play such a part in other factors of the mystery.
Example, many reports over a long, long period can indicate that something physically real is happening to validate many or at least some of these anecdotes.
But as you know, the multiple of ‘anecdote’ is not ‘data’.
Besides, the myth of the huge hairy ape-man, so common in the mythology of ancient peoples, can mean that many reports over hundreds of years can logically and reasonably be stretched out over thousands of years by common local belief.
Areas are different, different older belief systems and different new fascinations which can mirror the earlier folklore, but some things show again and again in otherwise different ancient societies, things like bigfoot.
Great sharing ideas with you, crytokellie, your style is more of the skeptical than I had known, maybe more than you had known.
All the best