ThinkerThunker: Provo, Utah Bigfoot Video
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 31st, 2014
ThinkerThunker takes a closer look at this video and it looks legit!
See also:
A New Provo, Utah Bigfoot Video
New Provo, Utah Bigfoot Video: Slowed and Stabilized
Provo, Utah Bigfoot Video: Parabreakdown
Provo, Utah Bigfoot Video: A Closer Look at the Subject
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
lol… how in the hell is this “legit”?
1. the girl starts off saying “this corner”… so she knew something was already there.
2. they drive by, then she says “over there”… its pitch black outside mind you… and then they reverse to the “spot”.
3. why would a bigfoot just stand there waiting for them to shine their lights? makes zero sense. (not that you can even see anything in the video)
maybe someone writing this post missed these things… or didnt think they were important, I dunno.
But there’s no way in hell that video is legit.
legit BS.
You ignore the points raised in the video, dconstrukt. Explain how would someone have faked a creature the height and bulk of the one displayed–it’s clearly massive. Perhaps it is hoaxed, but then offer a theory as to how they pulled it off, rather than focusing on irrelevant details.
One wonders how they managed to find the exact same spot. After all, one tree pretty much looks like another. Even with a cell phone image, I challenge anyone to find the exact same spot along a wooded country road with just the aid of a photograph, even driving at very slow speed. Are there GPS coordinates that narrow the location down to 10 feet or so?
More interestingly, one has to wonder why they were filming in the first place. “Oh gee, let’s drive down a deserted country road and photograph a lot of trees in the dark!” Really?
I also have to wonder why they keep photographing the dark tree tops. Are they looking for the mother ship? Or are they covering the retreat of the guy in the monkey suit?
And actually, no, the object isn’t larger, it’s simply farther back and higher up. Look at the location of the feet. The rest of the bulk can be explained by the padding in the monkey suit. Someone needs to put together a database of how various monkey suits look at various times of day and in various lighting conditions against various backgrounds. Then we could just say, “Oh, that’s a WNH3,” wooded/nighttime/headlight type 3.
Blobsquatch lives!
Apparently she saw it, THEN, started filming after they were returning to the spot and she’s giving the driver instructions. I say ; It could be legit. But, need better footage of course -cause; “COULD BE” ain’t good enough.
LordBalto–the fact that the (presumed) creature *is* further back makes its size an even more compelling factor, not less of one. (And since it does stand much taller, that implies the person in the suit must have been standing on a very large rock, or a log.) This is basic perspective–i.e., the further back something is, the larger it is, not smaller. And the sheer girth of the creature suggests the person in the suit would have to be wearing a hundred pounds of padding or so, far as I can calculate. Doesn’t quite make sense to me, frankly.
But as for your other point–why did they have the camera on at all while driving down that dark road, pointing in that direction?–I agree with you, that’s suspicious. I’d like to hear a good explanation of that.
Well, I think a logical (and probable) explanation as to why they are filming in the dead of night, is that they had just driven past this spot, spotted the mysterious form and turned around and doubled back to see if they could spot it again.The girls comments were, “Around this corner, I think”, which would make sense, if they had just driven by it just moments earlier. They were retracing their steps.
I don’t think it is at all ludicrous to guess that they then begin to film (looked like cell phone video to me) the second trip up the road, to capture it on film, whatever it was. I also don’t think it’s far fetched to believe they were able to find the spot again the next day, in order to take a comparison shot with their friend posing in the same spot. If I put myself in the same situation (and I am a fairly observant person, regarding my surroundings), then I would have made a mental note of where I saw the thing and between that mental picture and using the video to see the tree structures themselves, would have been able to pinpoint the spot as I slowly drove back matching the trees to the video (the next day). Also, I noticed an orange-ish reflective sign (though undefined) that was probably nailed to one of the trees on the right hand side, near the curve of the road. That’s another marker I would have used to find the spot again the next day.
Also, I agree that it would take a heck of a padded costume to fill the space as Thinker Thunker pointed out. There was quite the difference between the dark figure and the human stand-in shot. While still a “Blogsquatch” it’s interesting. In spite of the oft hoaxed photos and videos thrown in the mix with the real “possibles”, hopefully someday, something as substantial and clear as the Patty film will come forth.
no way you could see *anything* as you’re driving by UNLESS you’re specifically having a spotlight looking for something
strike 1.
if something wants to remain hidden, and sees lights, I highly doubt it will just stand there, waiting for the lights to come back
strike 2
I didnt see jack in the video (which should tell you something)… but anything like that can EASILY be hoaxed… a still photo can be hoaxed even easier… i can photoshop an image and you’d never know it was bogus…
OK. Much to respond to here.
1. the girl starts off saying “this corner”… so she knew something was already there.
Right. According to the backstory, she saw it on their first pass, no camera. They turned around and re-drove the route. She was looking at a place she had just seen. The video starts after her initial sighting. They have just turned around to drive back to the spot.
2. they drive by, then she says “over there”… its pitch black outside mind you… and then they reverse to the “spot”.
It took me a couple takes to see it, but remember, she is responding to the shape YOU SEE IN THE VIDEO. It wasn’t “pitch black” where the headlights were shining. That’s when she saw it; the inevitable reaction time put them past the spot before backing up.
3. why would a bigfoot just stand there waiting for them to shine their lights? makes zero sense. (not that you can even see anything in the video)
One thing I know from much experience: a black bear would be gone (that’s how I know it wasn’t a bear). “Freeze” behavior, however, even in headlights, is a feature of many night encounters with sasquatch by motorists. And again, you can clearly see the shape in the video. I missed it on my first two reviews. Not on my third, and not since. Your eye just catches stuff sometimes. Hers did this time.
Explain how would someone have faked a creature the height and bulk of the one displayed–it’s clearly massive. Perhaps it is hoaxed, but then offer a theory as to how they pulled it off…
That is clearly massive, and clearly not a bear. I’ve never seen a hoax that wasn’t laughable. This isn’t; the size of it and its behavior are typical of roadside sasquatch reports.
One wonders how they managed to find the exact same spot.
They didn’t. According to the backstory they were re-driving the stretch. The video starts *after* her initial sighting; and they’re almost past it again when she notices it. She almost missed it. She wasn’t looking for a spot in the woods; she was looking for what she saw, and saw it again. Seeing it out the other side of the car didn’t help any.
More interestingly, one has to wonder why they were filming in the first place. “Oh gee, let’s drive down a deserted country road and photograph a lot of trees in the dark!” Really?
The most consistent ‘skeptical’ failing I see in these is the refusal to consult and properly account for backstory. (Which, btw, hoaxes never have.) This was their second pass. She was looking for what she saw on the first one, when the camera wasn’t rolling.
No hoax video I have seen looks or sounds like this. It’s enigmatic; intriguing; not a tree, and not any other indigenous animal.
Grasshopper: right.
Parabreakdown (Phil Poling, a definite skeptic) is intrigued by this one. When I see why, that’s enough for me.
I also have to say, on another look including their size comparisons:
Folks don’t go out trying hard to shoot down their hoax.
Everything about this says they saw something they couldn’t explain and are trying to.
[N]o way you could see *anything* as you’re driving by UNLESS you’re specifically having a spotlight looking for something
strike 1.
Sure you can. My personal experience on many night drives puts the lie to that one. Headlights are sufficient “spotlights” for this task. The videocam got the figure; and the videocam is much worse at this sort of thing than the human eye is.
[I]f something wants to remain hidden, and sees lights, I highly doubt it will just stand there, waiting for the lights to come back
strike 2
Behavior reported in many encounters makes the behavior of this animal plausible. It probably got out of there when it could clearly see the car backing up the second time. The first time, it probably figured the freeze worked, and here comes another car (as they went out of sight, then turned around), stay put. Nothing unusual about it at all, really.
I didnt see jack in the video (which should tell you something)… but anything like that can EASILY be hoaxed… a still photo can be hoaxed even easier… i can photoshop an image and you’d never know it was bogus…
I saw it the third time, and it’s been there every time subsequent, which says more to me. This isn’t as easy to hoax as one might think (as the many obvious laughers put up here should make obvious). If this is faked, it’s a really good job.
This is what I have been waiting for: a size comparison. From the first time I saw this video, I’ts become a minor obsession with me; indeed it’s been hard to think of anything else. I look at this particular film subject and I feel a certain unpleastantness of a type I find quite hard to convey; I most certainly feel this is a real, flesh and blood animal. It is quite reassuring to see certain of you feel that this is at least a possibilty…..I must have watched this a thousand times now, and everytime I gaze at this wretched beast I want to quit my job and go after it; I believe at long last we are looking at a North American Great Ape.
No, it’s not larger because it’s farther back a few inches. It looks larger because the land slopes upward from the edge of the road. This is fairly obvious from the film, if you look at the feet of the supposed bigfoot. They are higher up than the feet of the friend photographed later. The suspicious thing is that the witnesses didn’t bother to take several photos in various locations to see what happened to the apparent height.
Thanks for the coverage Craig, I’m a long time fan of Cryptomundo! 🙂