Seeing Sasquatch
Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 16th, 2012
“At the time, I called it a ‘Bigfoot’ because, frankly, that was the only way I could have described it. It wasn’t human…it wasn’t an ape. For over 30 years my encounter with this being has left a strange hole in my understanding of nature and reality. I have tried to comprehend exactly what it was I witnessed.”
If that has caught your attention, read on!
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
I don’t get why they call it a “monster”, from that composite image it looks quite human-like. Not very kind to call a human-like, large animal a monster, for all we know it’s a gentle, intelligent giant.
Very interesting article. I did know there was an occasional sighting or two over the years in the state of Maryland. However, I had no idea that there were several in Baltimore County. I don’t live too far from the area you had your sighting.
I believe there is enough open space and wooded area in Baltimore County to harbor all types of wildlife. I even remember a cougar sighting in that area. Your article is very interesting. I feel a bit energized by it. I think I am going to get my camera gear together and go for a little hike.
Nick, did you ever read about the Bigfoot sighting in the area that is now Arundel Mills Mall? I have come across it a couple of times on the internet. It is a documented report from some Bigfoot group. I forget which group it is from. But the essence of it is that Arundel Mills Mall was being built. There was a lot of construction activity going on. A huge 8 foot hairy bipedal animal was reported by a civilian witness. Both police and a DNR police officer investigated the report. The DNR officer saw exactly what the witness saw. He stated it was no bear or dog. It was sighted on a dirt mound, probably dirt from the construction sight. When the officers tried to approach, the creature swiftly moved away on two legs and they could not catch up with it.
Let me know if you know about that sighting. Or let me know if you would like a professional photographer to accompany you on a trip to the Patapsco area. I would be more than happy to donate some time towards this project. I guarantee you, if I am able to get a photograph, it will not be a blobsquatch. I’d be willing to help you in your quest.
Loren has my contact information and could confirm my contributions to the cryptozoological community.
The report was originally investigated by the Enigma Project.
Here is the link to the report: The Arundel Mills Mall Incident.
Absolutely wrong image to go with this story. It looks like a website headline writer found a standard drawing of a Neandertal, and put it with the old Sykesville Monster case from Maryland. Whether than has a thing to do with Bigfoot remains to be seen.
Thats a great sketch, with one exception. the eyes….way to small.
perhaps there are some with small eyes but i doubt it..
for some reason the artist always draws human sized eyes..??
good article
Craig–Thanks for the link. Much appreciated. Yes, that is the information I was referring to in my post.
PhotoExpert: you go, man!
Maryland has a lot more habitat conducive to large omnivores than most think. A bear – from all evidence a wild one – was shot in St. Mary’s County, about four counties or so at least away from recognized habitat, in 1985. (You can see its mounted head at Point Lookout State Park.) It didn’t get there sticking up Seven-Elevens. The bear is now established as far east as Frederick County, and it may have gotten farther. The DNR reported sightings from Savage Park – near the Anne Arundel/Prince George’s County line – a few years back. (A loud crash my wife and I heard on a hike there, which didn’t sound to me like a falling tree or limb, suddenly became a bit easier to understand. The thing I thought when I heard it: that’s what a startled bear dropping out of a low limb sounds like. It was close to us, which, well, do the math.)
Maryland joins Ohio and Pennsylvania (not to mention the Virginias) as states rich in sasquatch encounter lore right up to the present day.
There’s no scientific attention. And there is lots to eat.