Hairy Bipeds of the Red River Basin
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on May 19th, 2017
iTF 82 Bipeds of the Red River Basin
Dee Doss has spent the last ten months dedicated to his field research of the Sasquatch and Dogman creature, both in his area of northern Texas, and in southern Oklahoma. Sasquatch are reported more frequently, but the even more terrifying Dogman/Werewolf creature is also said to inhabit the area.
Dee has also decided during our chat, to delve more specifically into an encounter he says he had with one of these Dogman-type creatures. It almost made him give up researching all together. He has videos, pictures and much data collected, during his time in the field. His You Tube channel covers more than just Cryptids, but on this episode…it’s all we had time for.
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Shannon LeGro
My name is Shannon LeGro and I've been researching the paranormal since I was a teen, having had my own experience which started me on this path. And for the past several years, a focus on the phenomena that is Sasquatch. I strive to bring a fresh perspective and an open mind to the most intriguing mysteries in our little known universe. Visit my site for more information and the latest episodes of Into the Fray.