iTF 102 The Skunk Ape
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 14th, 2017
Tonight, Thursday September 14th at 7pm PST, 10pm EST at or your Podcatcher to include iHeartRadio.
iTF 102 The Skunk Ape
David Sidoti of the Independent Sasquatch Research Team out of Florida is on to talk about Skunk Apes. He runs an investigative group and has had some close encounter with the creatures himself. We go over interesting sighting reports from the state, and David has brought some audio he captured from in the field.
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Shannon LeGro
My name is Shannon LeGro and I've been researching the paranormal since I was a teen, having had my own experience which started me on this path. And for the past several years, a focus on the phenomena that is Sasquatch. I strive to bring a fresh perspective and an open mind to the most intriguing mysteries in our little known universe. Visit my site for more information and the latest episodes of Into the Fray.
This was a really interesting episode. David Sidoti of the Independent Sasquatch Research Team seems like a genuine, serious and conscientious cryptozoology researcher who is making an effort to employ the scientific method (or a reasonable approximation thereof) to obtain results that can be viewed as credible, which is of paramount importance in cryptozoology. He is interested in having only like-minded individuals as part of his organization and screens out the less-than-genuinely-serious types.
I have to say, though, that on the audio clips, I did hear the wood knocks (but odds are good that after half a decade of the Finding Bigfoot yahoos screamin’ and knockin’ out in the woods, that an awful lot of wood knocks one hears nowadays are just Matt/Cliff/Bobo wannabes mucking around out in the forest after dark. However, as to the screams that were supposed to be ‘squatches and not coyotes, I didn’t hear that. Even with headphones turned all the way up, the faint sounds I heard sounded like coyotes to me. And he did advocate trying a mock ‘squatch scream, which I think will be more likely to get other Finding Bigfoot fans screaming than attract anything real and non-human.
Any other Cryptomundo fans listen to ITF? I’ve posted a number of comments praising how interesting and well-done this Fortean phenomena podcast is, but in the past 6 months or more, I don’t think anyone else has posted a single comment to any of Shannon’s posts, which is a shame, if it reflects the level of followers of ITF here on Cyptomundo. In fact, I’ve got to say that I’ve been looking so forward to each Thursday night’s new ITF podcast (I get more entertainment and thought out of this podcast than I get value from my TV subscription that costs 20x as much), that I just joined the ITF Insiders, the show’s premium content monthly subscription, as a means of getting a bit more content and contributing toward Shannon’s very significant efforts and rewarding her for the excellent job that she does.
If any other Cryptomundo fans are regular listeners, give a shout-out in support of this excellent podcast. If you’ve never listened to a podcast before, well, there’s a purple icon on your iPhone (and presumably something similar on your Android phones) for podcasts, so tap that, do a search for Into The Fray, download a couple episodes, and have a listen as you do dishes or other household chores, do some yardwork, go for a walk, etc…. If you visit this website, I pretty much guarantee you’ll like most, if not all, ITF episodes.
I won’t deny that I’ve been accused more than a few times of having a cynical bent, seeing the glass half-empty, being too judgmental, etc…. However, I also like to give credit where credit is due (I just recently tracked down a restaurant manager to praise the outstanding server we had, something I’ll do at least a few times a year, which most other people, including self-proclaimed always-cheery types, won’t ever do), and ITF deserves some very enthusiastic kudos.