Last Call for Small Town Monsters Mothman and Kecksburg Kickstarter
Posted by: Seth Breedlove on February 27th, 2017
The next two Small Town Monsters films (both slated for release in 2017) are entering their final week of crowdfunding through and have already reached over 200% of their initial goal. Two stretch rewards have been added, which include a signed poster for the fifth film being released under the Small Town Monsters banner, (Invasion on Chestnut Ridge) and the official Mothman of Point Pleasant score by composer Brandon Dalo on cd. More stretch rewards are planned including a Mothman mini figure. Among the rewards included in the campaign are t-shirts, posters and a Mothman statue by Jean St. Jean which is being produced by CreatuReplica. Jean St Jean has just posted the first, updated look at the in-production statue which is included in the Kickstarter as a variant exclusive.
The campaign will wrap up on Saturday evening at 6:58 pm EST. Proceeds from the campaign are going toward archival footage and post production costs on “Mothman” and equipment and transportation costs for the in-development “Invasion”. Invasion on Chestnut Ridge takes a wide-ranging look at the history of bizarre happenings along the infamous Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania. Beginning with the Kecksburg UFO crash in 1965 and bringing viewers through history to the present day, the film begins production in early Summer.
The Mothman of Point Pleasant details a thirteen month span of time that kicked off in November of 1966 with the first sightings of a bizarre, winged, man-like creature in the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia and ended in 1967 with the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The film takes an in-depth chronological look at the case. Featuring numerous interviews with original witnesses, film promises to be a thoroughly terrifying account of an event that stretched the boundaries of belief. The film will have its big-screen premiere at the Mothman Festival this September.
The previous Small Town Monsters films include Minerva Monster, Beast of Whitehall, and Boggy Creek Monster. Brandon Dalo produced the first three films and acts as composer for the forthcoming “Mothman” and “Invasion” films while Seth Breedlove writes, produces and directs. Lyle Blackburn is executive producing The Mothman of Point Pleasant while Zac Palmisano is director of photography.
Visit the official Small Town Monsters store for DVD copies of the films or search for them on Amazon, Vimeo OnDemand, and soon, iTunes and Google Play.
Seth Breedlove
Seth Breedlove is a freelance investigative journalist, filmmaker, and radio show host. He has contributed content to numerous websites on a variety of topics. He served as a columnist for the Massillon Independent, helming a weekly column titled "Slice of Life" that ran on the front page of the paper. In addition to his column he has covered news stories and daily assingnments for the Medina Gazette.
In 2014 he started SasWhat: a Podcast About Bigfoot with co-host Mark Matzke where each week they discuss the subject as a whole and interview various personalities from the field. Seth has also researched and examined historical Bigfoot reports from across the country, compiling an extensive database of newspaper articles dating back to the early 1800's.