Archive for the “Bigfoot”

Finding Bigfoot: Baked Potato Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 16th, 2014

The team travels to Idaho in search of their elusive adversary. After sending a scout team of researchers ahead of the group, they split into teams and disperse across the state. They put an elaborate plan in motion to find a Gem State squatch.

Read: Finding Bigfoot: Baked Potato Bigfoot »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Government Cover-up Reminder

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 16th, 2014

Tonight, Nov 16th at 5pm PST:

Tonight we speak with a ex-police officer who was investigating a Sasquatch encounter on a property and was told to back off of his investigation and when he didn’t he was forced out of the police force. Join us for a crazy night, you will not want to miss this government cover-up.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Government Cover-up Reminder »

This Bump in the Night Could be a Lurking Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 16th, 2014

Ranae and her Squatchin’ partner meet up with a local witness who encountered Bigfoot while camping solo in the woods.

Read: This Bump in the Night Could be a Lurking Bigfoot »

Bobo Schools Fellow Squatcher in Squatch Calls

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 15th, 2014

The team splits up into four teams with four other fellow Squatchers to cover as much Idaho ground as possible. During their night investigation, Bobo is none too impressed with his partner’s Squatch call. So, Bobo shows him the ropes.

Read: Bobo Schools Fellow Squatcher in Squatch Calls »

The Best Bigfootage: Apple Thieving Sasquatch Caught on Camera With a Baby Bigfoot in Tow

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 15th, 2014

Does this photograph contain a Bigfoot carrying a baby Bigfoot while picking up apples off the ground? You be the judge.

Read: The Best Bigfootage: Apple Thieving Sasquatch Caught on Camera With a Baby Bigfoot in Tow »

A Figure in the Distance Plus Giant Tracks Could Add Up to a Squatch!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 15th, 2014

This week, the team splits into four groups to cover more ground in Idaho. Matt and his partner Rob meet with two witnesses who claim to have seen a large figure – along with tracks – up on a hill near a casino in Idaho. Watch Sunday @ 10 PM E/P.

Read: A Figure in the Distance Plus Giant Tracks Could Add Up to a Squatch! »

Cryptologic Radio Archive: Taylor James Johnson of Taylor Trash Productions

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 15th, 2014

Join us this week as we speak with Taylor James Johnson out of Texas. Taylor is a radio show producer and producer/filmmaker for his production company, Taylor Trash Productions. Taylor Trash makes short and feature films, documentaries, web series, music videos and animations. He has always been interested in film and cryptozoology so it’s no surprise that he often utilizes cryptozoology as a theme for many of his films and projects and has gone on quite a few expeditions in search of Bigfoot, sea creatures in Georgia, big cats in Texas, “Hogzilla”, and Chupacabras.

Read: Cryptologic Radio Archive: Taylor James Johnson of Taylor Trash Productions »

Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Bigfoot charged my car!

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 14th, 2014

Tonight we interview a listener who contacted the show and wanted to share an encounter story of a Sasquatch running towards her car.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Bigfoot charged my car! »

The Best Bigfootage: Peeping Bigfoot on a Riverbank in Oregon Could be the Real Thing

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 14th, 2014

Two men fishing in Oregon unknowingly captured an interesting creature watching them on the riverbank. Could it be a Squatch?

Read: The Best Bigfootage: Peeping Bigfoot on a Riverbank in Oregon Could be the Real Thing »

Wes Germer Talks About His Terrifying Sasquatch Encounter

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 14th, 2014

Seth sat down with Wes Germer to talk about his Bigfoot sighting. They also dig into other Bigfooty topics.

Wes does a show called Sasquatch Chronicles on Blog Talk Radio with his brother, Woody, and Will Jevning.

Read: Wes Germer Talks About His Terrifying Sasquatch Encounter »

Bigfoot Language Recorded: Here’s How Ron Morehead Did It

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 14th, 2014

Ron Morehead is the father of the “Sierra Sounds”. It’s one of the best evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot. Morehead gave this hair-raising interview with Dreamland not too long ago. Morehead explains the strange creatures and their personalities

Read: Bigfoot Language Recorded: Here’s How Ron Morehead Did It »

Sonoma Bigfoot Video: Nine Years Ago Today

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 14th, 2014

Today marks the nine year anniversary of this hoaxed Bigfoot video footage.

In the end, the footage was hoaxed by and for Showtime’s Penn & Teller: Bullshit!

Read: Sonoma Bigfoot Video: Nine Years Ago Today »

The Best Bigfootage: Texas Ain’t Just for Exes. It’s Also for Bigfoots!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 13th, 2014

Texas isn’t the first place Keith thinks of for Bigfoots, but the environment is conducive to their survival. Check out this bit of Bigfootage that’s pretty darn compelling.

Read: The Best Bigfootage: Texas Ain’t Just for Exes. It’s Also for Bigfoots! »

Support Sasquatch Research with This One-Of-Kind Coast Salish Sasquatch TShirt

Posted by: Guy Edwards on November 13th, 2014

You can help contribute to the some of the best most productive Sasquatch research happening today.

Read: Support Sasquatch Research with This One-Of-Kind Coast Salish Sasquatch TShirt »

Bigfoot Stomps Into North Carolina

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 13th, 2014

Los Angeles-based filmmaker Dan Riesser has a bone to pick with the so-called “Hicksploitation” horror genre.

Riesser, a native of Greensboro, is an Emmy-nominated TV producer for E! network show “The Soup.” He returned to North Carolina to put a new spin on Southern horror with his debut feature, “Stomping Ground,” a genre-melding Bigfoot epic shot in the beautiful Uwharrie Mountains of North Carolina.

Read: Bigfoot Stomps Into North Carolina »

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