Archive for the “Bigfoot”

Sasquatch Chronicles: Bigfoot Charged My Car!

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 9th, 2014

We are looking for people to call in, the call in number is 646-716-8791. Tonight we interview a listener who contacted the show and wanted to share encounter story of a Sasquatch running towards her car. We will try to take as many calls as we can. Join us this Sunday for a great show.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Bigfoot Charged My Car! »

Finding Bigfoot: Squatching in the Midnight Sun

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 9th, 2014

New evidence brings the team back to Alaska, where they decide to divide and conquer. While Matt and Bobo are down in the small village of Bethel, Ranae and Cliff are investigating near Fairbanks.

Read: Finding Bigfoot: Squatching in the Midnight Sun »

SasWhat: The Wonder of White Bigfoot

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 9th, 2014

This week Mark and Seth are joined, once again, by Shannon LeGro as they examine white Bigfoot reports from across the country. Are there patterns? Is this infrequently-seen version of Sasquatch an Albino? Is it a SheepSquatch? Find out as we start to unravel the mystery that is… the White Bigfoot. Shannon does a show with Wes Germer and William Jevning called Sasquatch Chronicles.

Read: SasWhat: The Wonder of White Bigfoot »

Is Bigfoot a Hairy Man?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 9th, 2014

If Bigfoot exists, is it actually a form of primitive early human still surviving on Earth?

Read: Is Bigfoot a Hairy Man? »

Is Bigfoot a Giant Ape?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 8th, 2014

Could Bigfoot be descended from the prehistoric giant ape known as Gigantopithacus?

Read: Is Bigfoot a Giant Ape? »

The Best Bigfootage: Skunk Ape Leaves Greasy Hand Print on Front Door in Florida

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 8th, 2014

A lovely couple from the Florida panhandle finds a suspicious, greasy hand print on their front door. Did a Skunk Ape pay them a visit?

Read: The Best Bigfootage: Skunk Ape Leaves Greasy Hand Print on Front Door in Florida »

Giant Footprints in the Alaska Mud

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 8th, 2014

A local man in Fairbanks, Alaska captured some very interesting footprints on video a while back. Could they be the footprints of a Sasquatch?

Read: Giant Footprints in the Alaska Mud »

The Best Bigfootage: Tree-shaking Bigfoot? Or a Hoaxer?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 7th, 2014

A father and son duo captured what they thought was a Bigfoot in the woods, shaking a tree violently. The team is not convinced. Are you?

Read: The Best Bigfootage: Tree-shaking Bigfoot? Or a Hoaxer? »

Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Ape Canyon Sasquatch Attacks!

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 7th, 2014

“First of all, I wish to give an account of the attack and tell of the famous incident of July, 1924, when the “Hairy Apes” attacked our cabin. We had been prospecting for six years in the Mt. St. Helens and Lewis River area in Southwest Washington. We had, from time to time, come across large tracks by creek beds and springs. In 1924 I and four other miners were working our gold claim, the Vander White. It was two miles east of Mt. St. Helens near a deep canyon now named “Ape Canyon” — which was so named after an account of the incident reached the newspapers”-Fred Beck

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Ape Canyon Sasquatch Attacks! »

Large Creature Awakens Father and Son While Camping

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 7th, 2014

A father and son go on an overnight bird watching trip and, while sound asleep, are woken up when something large, angry and growling shakes them awake in their tent.

Read: Large Creature Awakens Father and Son While Camping »

Patterson-Gimlin Film: Fake or Fact?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 7th, 2014

The subject of Bigfoot – the existence or non-existence thereof – is a complex and thorny one. It’s also a highly emotive subject, as last week’s BBC documentary demonstrated. It’s an emotive subject in Bigfoot’s home territory of North America, anyhow. The strongest reason for believing in something is having seen it with your own eyes… and thousands of Americans say they’ve done just that. People who haven’t seen Bigfoot – and that includes most people on this side of the Atlantic – are more likely to be skeptical: “If you can’t produce physical evidence, then it doesn’t exist.” Personally, though, I prefer to keep an open mind.

Read: Patterson-Gimlin Film: Fake or Fact? »

Monsters No Longer Have Cooties!

Posted by: Chalupacabra on November 7th, 2014

They’re in, they’re hip, and suddenly (after thousands of years) they rule pop culture. Up until recently, telling someone you were into monsters and cryptozoology was not a shortcut to popularity. But things are changing. Monsters are taking over TV, starring in more movies, as well as appearing on beer labels and hipster T-shirts. And since monsters are now cool, that means the people who look for them are cool, too. Right?

Read: Monsters No Longer Have Cooties! »

Reservation Police Record Violent Sasquatch On Dash Cam

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 6th, 2014

… one story is about the police being called about a Sasquatch attacking a trailer and them recording it on the patrol cars dash cam.

Read: Reservation Police Record Violent Sasquatch On Dash Cam »

Water Truck Driver Encounters Bigfoot at Deadwood River

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 6th, 2014

2nd of three Bigfoot sightings in 24 hours at Ghost Town of Deadwood.

Read: Water Truck Driver Encounters Bigfoot at Deadwood River »

Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Sasquatch on the Reservation

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 6th, 2014

We speak to a local on a indian reservation who talks about several encounters her and her family have had while growing up on the reservation. The witness also talks about some possible cover ups going on with the peoples encounters.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Sasquatch on the Reservation »

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