Archive for the “Bigfoot”

Finding Bigfoot: British Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 4th, 2015

The team heads to the United Kingdom to investigate possible sasquatch sightings. Bobo and Cliff head to Scotland where they search for sasquatches near the famed Loch Ness, while Matt and Ranae search for bigfoots in England.

Read: Finding Bigfoot: British Bigfoot »

Is Bigfoot Attracted to Fire?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 4th, 2015

Does the great beast desire fire? Is it attracted for other reasons?

Read: Is Bigfoot Attracted to Fire? »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Archive-Ian Weston

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on January 3rd, 2015

Today, I will be speaking with Ian Weston. He is a British-based researcher, who has had his own sighting of the also elusive, British version of our own, North American Sasquatch. He says the U.K. version is unique to that area, so we will be discussing this at length.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Archive-Ian Weston »

Dr. Anna Nekaris on Finding Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 3rd, 2015


This Sunday night!

Read: Dr. Anna Nekaris on Finding Bigfoot »

Killing Bigfoot Tonight

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 2nd, 2015


Killing Bigfoot airs tonight on Destination America!

Read: Killing Bigfoot Tonight »

Does Bigfoot Climb Trees?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 2nd, 2015

Michael (Merchant) shares an eye witness recollection from 1950’s in Maine. Does Bigfoot climb trees? Are researchers not looking up enough? Weigh in with your opinions below.

Read: Does Bigfoot Climb Trees? »

The Mind of Sasquatch

Posted by: Christopher Noël on January 2nd, 2015

Although we cannot study the psychology of Sasquatch directly, we are in good position already to make educated guesses about their mentality based on behavioral analysis.

Skeptics are fond of asking, as though no answer were remotely possible, “HOW could an eight-foot-tall primate exist undiscovered in our backyard?”

Read: The Mind of Sasquatch »

Shell Rock Mine Bigfoot Sighting

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 2nd, 2015

Another Sasquatch encounter recounted by Kelly Shaw of the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization.

Read: Shell Rock Mine Bigfoot Sighting »

Family of Sasquatch Photographed in Arizona?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 2nd, 2015

Arizona Department of Transportation posted the following photo on their Facebook page:

Read: Family of Sasquatch Photographed in Arizona? »

Discussing the Dogman with Linda Godfrey

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 2nd, 2015

Linda is an author, illustrator and researcher of strange creatures, eccentric people and other curious things! She’ll talk about her search for the Dogman with Dave! She’s familiar with various types of upright canids, ETs, and has been authoring books as well! Look for her latest book, American Monsters from Tarcher Penguin!

Read: Discussing the Dogman with Linda Godfrey »

Monster X Radio Archive: End of the year recap on all things Bigfoot

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on January 1st, 2015

Join Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson Sunday December 21st at 4 p.m. as they recap all things Bigfoot from the past year, and discuss what is possibly in store for the upcoming New Year.

Read: Monster X Radio Archive: End of the year recap on all things Bigfoot »

New Jersey Town Hall Brings Forth Believable Tales From the Garden State

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 1st, 2015

The team assembles a group of townspeople who claim to have witnessed sightings over the years. And these stories are pretty convincing!

Read: New Jersey Town Hall Brings Forth Believable Tales From the Garden State »

Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014: Bill Munns

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 1st, 2015

The Year 2014 saw some intriguing discoveries made and research revealed. One individual stands out in the field of Bigfoot research, Sasquatch studies, and cryptozoology for his work in pushing forward serious, thoughtful, analytic work on a specific piece of evidence – the Patterson-Gimlin footage. That person is our “Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014.” He is Bill Munns.

Read: Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014: Bill Munns »

Turner Maine Bigfoot Drone Recon

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 31st, 2014

Team Rogue heads out to investigate a recent Sasquatch Sighting and we used the Drone to Pre Scout the area.. Here you can see how we use the drone.. Be sure to Subscribe! Part 2 will feature Amazing Bigfoot footage shot by the Eyewitness.

Read: Turner Maine Bigfoot Drone Recon »

Crypto-Paranormal Road Trip

Posted by: Bill Brock on December 31st, 2014

Join the trip!!

Read: Crypto-Paranormal Road Trip »

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