Archive for the “Bigfoot”

Meldrum Responds: Critical Examination of Standing/Sylvanic Bigfoot Videos

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 4th, 2014

I have been challenged and badgered to respond to the criticisms aimed at Todd Standings images. So today I set things aside and wrote a quick and dirty response to Falconer and Poling report. I still have not drawn a conclusion myself, but I am certainly not convinced by their arguments that these are definitely hoaxed. I continue to be dismayed by the tenuous arguments and baseless certitude by so many on this. A lot more work needs to be done.

Let me reiterate — neither my visit to Nordegg for a few days, nor my co-hosting, what I thought turned out to be a very interesting radio show, constitute an endorsement of everything else that Todd has done. I am still considering the evidence.

~ Don Jeffrey Meldrum

Download his paper here on Cryptomundo.

Read: Meldrum Responds: Critical Examination of Standing/Sylvanic Bigfoot Videos »

Cryptologic Radio: Nick Redfern Reminder

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 3rd, 2014

Tonight! – Wednesday December 3rd – 5pm PST / 8pm EST

This week our guest is prolific author and investigator Nick Redfern. Originally from the UK, he now resides in Dallas Texas. Nick has written over 40 books on a wide array of topics and is also a journalist for a number of online and print publications. He has appeared on a multitude of television programs worldwide and is popular on the lecture circuit. We’ll be discussing how Nick became interested in journalism and the world of cryptozoology, some of the more interesting cryptids and stories on them throughout the world, and about his upcoming research and book on the Lake Worth Monster and The Big Thicket. Please join us as the conversation is sure to be interesting.

Read: Cryptologic Radio: Nick Redfern Reminder »

Profiling The British Bigfoot

Posted by: Nick Redfern on December 3rd, 2014

“My main reason for thinking there is something in the UK is the sheer number of sightings. People have been reporting hairy, upright figures since around the 1870s. One misconception is that the UK doesn’t have sightings – but there are many.”

Read: Profiling The British Bigfoot »

Sasquatch: A New Estimate of the Situation

Posted by: Micah Hanks on December 3rd, 2014

Bigfoot is the name commonly given to a large, bipedal creature presumed to exist in North America, with similar varieties of man-monster reported in countless other parts of the world. Right from the outset, we must ask, in fairness, whether this rather awkward name is entirely warranted; are we really to presume that the creature, if it exists, possesses feet any larger in proportion to the rest of its body than its hands, nose, or any other part?

Read: Sasquatch: A New Estimate of the Situation »

Sasquatch Chronicles: The Wrap Up Show with Shannon Archive-Craig Woolheater

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 2nd, 2014

The Wrap Up Show with Shannon, and guest co-host, Craig Woolheater

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: The Wrap Up Show with Shannon Archive-Craig Woolheater »

Farmer Watches Juvenile Bigfoot Slaughter a Turkey

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 2nd, 2014

This story was told to me by an older man by the name of Pete. Now Pete was a farmer that lived up on the hill from my Uncle who claimed to have strange visitors a few times a year. This was one of those visits…

Read: Farmer Watches Juvenile Bigfoot Slaughter a Turkey »

Does Bigfoot/Sasquatch Need our Protection?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 2nd, 2014

An article by Ron Morehead, author of Voices in the Wilderness.


Bigfoot/Sasquatch will not be protected until they have been scientifically established as an existing species.

Read: Does Bigfoot/Sasquatch Need our Protection? »

The Science of Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 2nd, 2014

For many Bigfoot enthusiasts, science has becomes synonymous with knee-jerk debunking. But to ignore science altogether is to throw the baby out with the bathwater. If Bigfoot is a real flesh-and-blood creature, and not some kind of paranormal apparition, there is ultimately no alternative to approaching the subject in a scientific way.

Read: The Science of Bigfoot »

2015 Bigfoot Babes Calendar: Benefitting Charity

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 1st, 2014

ALL proceeds ($10 per calendar) will directly benefit the children at the St. Joseph Children’s Home. Please consider helping this terrific cause.

Read: 2015 Bigfoot Babes Calendar: Benefitting Charity »

Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Bigfoot on the family farm

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on December 1st, 2014

Tonight we speak to a listener who grew up on a farm. Over several weeks he noticed animals that either came up missing or had their necks broke. The family had no idea what was killing their animals until one day he came across a Sasquatch while he was pickng berries. The encounter changed his life.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles Archive: Bigfoot on the family farm »

Suburban Sasquatch Sighting

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 1st, 2014

Some kids playing basketball hear a scream come from a nearby forested area, upon investigating they find footprint evidence of a creature, and manage to catch a photo of the beast!

Read: Suburban Sasquatch Sighting »

Bigfoot Sighting While Turkey Hunting

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 1st, 2014

Did this turkey hunter capture three Bigfoots on cell phone video?

Read: Bigfoot Sighting While Turkey Hunting »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Reminder

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 30th, 2014

Dec 1st at 7:30am PST:

On this episode, Shannon will be discussing the events that our Sunday guest Jason, encountered growing up on his family farm.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Show Notes with Shannon Reminder »

Monster X Radio: Shelly Covington-Montana of Cryptologic Radio Reminder

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 30th, 2014

Tonight, Nov. 30th at 4pm PST:

Join us for Monster X Radio as we talk Bigfoot with Shelly Covington-Montana of Cryptologic Radio. Shelly describes herself as “just a simple girl from Texas”. She loves the wilderness and is always seeking to learn about wildlife and the great mysteries that exist. Shelly has traveled extensively around the U.S. meeting interesting people and learning about different ecosystems.

Read: Monster X Radio: Shelly Covington-Montana of Cryptologic Radio Reminder »

Sasquatch Chronicles: Bigfoot on the family farm Reminder

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 30th, 2014

Tonight, Nov. 30th at 5pm PST:

Tonight we speak to a listener who grew up on a farm. Over several weeks, he noticed animals that either came up missing, or had their necks broke. The family had no idea what was killing their animals until one day he came across a Sasquatch while he was picking berries. The encounter changed his life.

Read: Sasquatch Chronicles: Bigfoot on the family farm Reminder »

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