Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

Bigfoot’s 50th Anniversary: August 27th!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 23rd, 2008

This month the cryptozoological enigma termed specifically and collectively “Bigfoot” advances to its fifth decade milestone.

Read: Bigfoot’s 50th Anniversary: August 27th! »

New Japanese Yeti Expedition Departs

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 14th, 2008

The Pink Tentacle (what a great blog name) is reporting on a new six-week long Yeti expedition. The seven-member crew of experienced climbers, led by veteran Yeti hunter and mountaineer Yoshiteru Takahashi, will depart Japan on on Saturday, August 16, 2008. Their destination is in the Dhaulagiri mountains in central Nepal, where they will establish […]

Read: New Japanese Yeti Expedition Departs »

Yeti News

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 9th, 2008

The Associated Press carries an article today, in essence, saying the belief in the Yeti is on a decline in Bhutan as it becomes modernized. Here are some snippets from “Losing the Yeti in Forgotten Nation of Bhutan,” by Tim Sullivan: In the West, yeti-like creatures long ago were reduced to myth. The Abominable Snowman […]

Read: Yeti News »

New At The Museum

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 6th, 2008

All the donations to the museum are not fiscal. Here is a sampling of some recent acquisitions contributed to the International Cryptozoology Museum. Jeff H. Johnson-painted new Thylacine model. The Teslin, Yukon, “Sasquatch” hair samples from Dr. David Coltman, University of Alberta. Coltman published the scientific paper discussing how the sample turned out to be […]

Read: New At The Museum »

John Green To Speak

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 1st, 2008

John Green at his home, July 2004. Photo by Gerry Matthews. Famed Sasquatch author and researcher John Green will be a guest speaker at the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club (BCSCC) barbecue at Green Point day use facility at Sasquatch Provincial Park near Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada, on August 9, 2008, at 11 […]

Read: John Green To Speak »

New Yeti Hairs and Hillary

Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 29th, 2008

The Yeti hair sample shows split ends. The first update to the testing of the Yeti hair sample is in, and the results are “inconclusive,” not too surprisingly. Initial results showed it had human and ape-like characteristics. Ian Redmond, a biologist and expert in ape conservation, said the hairs found in the Indian jungle resembled […]

Read: New Yeti Hairs and Hillary »

Monsters of Legend: Bigfoot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 28th, 2008

The History Channel, in conjunction with “MonsterQuest” via MSN, have been issuing videotaped interviews with myself and others. These vignettes are presented from the “files of The History Channel with cryptozoologist, author and lecturer Loren Coleman, anthropologist David Gilmore, biologist Richard Ellis and folklorist Adrienne Mayor” offering commentary on the legends of Bigfoot, the Loch […]

Read: Monsters of Legend: Bigfoot »

DNA Test For Yeti Hair

Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 24th, 2008

Technician John Wells looks at the hairs through a microscope as Anna Nakaris, anthropolgist, and Ian Redmond, primatologist, look on. The hunt for the mysterious Yeti – otherwise known as the Abominable Snowman – has frustrated scientists for decades. Yesterday, scientists at Oxford Brookes University joined in the hunt after being given a number of […]

Read: DNA Test For Yeti Hair »

Hire Me To Find Bigfoot For $150,000!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 15th, 2008

Yes, you can sign up and bid on an eBay auction for a Bigfoot hunter’s services! David Pescovitz over at Boing Boing has alerted me to a unique type of auction going on over at eBay. There’s a hunter who is selling his/her services to hunt “Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti,” and the person “will search for […]

Read: Hire Me To Find Bigfoot For $150,000! »

GI Joe: Search for the Sasquatch

Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 3rd, 2008

For the long Independence Day weekend, how about some light matters to enjoy? Sean Whitley, writer/director of Southern Fried Bigfoot, has run across a couple new items of interest. The first is a limited edition “Search for the Sasquatch” set (see above). It was an exclusive item sold at the Official GI Joe Convention held […]

Read: GI Joe: Search for the Sasquatch »

What Is Yowie?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 22nd, 2008

Allegedly, this is an artist’s impression of the Yowie. What is happening here? Are folks saying that the Yowie is nothing more than an Australian form of Bigfoot? What kind of beast is the Yowie? First, a little introduction to why I am asking… The Ray Wallace-created wooden tool, above, is compared with an often-published […]

Read: What Is Yowie? »

Creature Creator’s Cryptids

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 21st, 2008

The following is a guest blog from Miguel Romero, a.k.a Red Pill Junkie, and Cryptomundo appreciates his insights into this speciality topic: Electronic Arts (EA), one of the biggest developers of videogames in the world, is about to release the much anticipated Spore, created by Will Wright, the man behind the acclaimed SIMs titles that […]

Read: Creature Creator’s Cryptids »

Martian Yeti?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 20th, 2008

In honor of ice being discovered on Mars, Henry Stokes has posted about the closest Martian equivalent to the Yeti he could find over at “I Love The Yeti.” And there are even replicas. For more, see Henry’s posting here.

Read: Martian Yeti? »

The Cryptozoology Season

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 20th, 2008

Is there a new public attack on the Bigfoot and Sasquatch research work of Grover Krantz to be launched soon in London? Or, actually, less melodramatically, what will be said? Cryptozoology Season at the Grant Museum: The Grant Museum is located at the University College London – Gower Street – London – WC1E 6BT – […]

Read: The Cryptozoology Season »

What Is Bigfoot?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 17th, 2008

Of the routine and infrequent fossil candidates submitted for consideration as to the origins of Bigfoot/Sasquatch, which one is your favorite? I begin with the premise that this unknown, yet-to-be-verified, hairy bipedal hominoid is an actual biological species. Getting beyond the argument of whether or not Bigfoot exists, what do you think might be the […]

Read: What Is Bigfoot? »

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