Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

The Dodu: Man Beast of Cameroon – Africa’s Own Sasquatch Part II

Posted by: John Kirk on April 15th, 2006

In Part I of this article, you might recall that in November, 2000 Bill Gibbons and Dave Woetzel had stumbled upon a possible new hominid while interviewing pygmies and Bantus about Mokele-mbembe in southern Cameroon. The pygmies had described a dark haired manlike creature which only had three digits on its hands and feet. This […]

Read: The Dodu: Man Beast of Cameroon – Africa’s Own Sasquatch Part II »

Abominable Mouth

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 14th, 2006

With reference to the just-released movie Abominable, does this one image tell us all we want to know? For the full Fangoria review, click here. See also “Abominable Attacks Idol Hottie.

Read: Abominable Mouth »

Corwin’s Yeti

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 14th, 2006

Corwin’s quest for Yeti is revealed, and the results are what we expected from a skeptic. For months we’ve known that Jeff Corwin went to the Himalayas on October 20, 2005, to be filmed for the Discovery production (Animal Planet) documentary on the Yeti. See Cryptomundo postings here: 1; 2; and 3. The program airs […]

Read: Corwin’s Yeti »

The Dodu: Man Beast of Cameroon – Africa’s Own Sasquatch Part I

Posted by: John Kirk on April 13th, 2006

Some readers may no doubt know of Ivan Sanderson’s delightful book Abominable Snowmen – Legend Come to Life. In this very readable tome, written in Sanderson’s classic Scottish old-school intellectual style, the wily naturalist makes reference to the unknown bipedal hominids of Africa, some of whom were small in stature. Most notable is the Agogwe […]

Read: The Dodu: Man Beast of Cameroon – Africa’s Own Sasquatch Part I »

Leap The CryptoHaiku Carnivorous

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 12th, 2006

As Cryptomundo readers might recall, I named Carnivorous Nights: On the Trail of the Tasmanian Tiger, one of the "Top Cryptozoology Books" of last year, specifically bestowing it as "The Best Cryptozoological Expedition Book of 2005." The book is by Margaret Mittelbach and Michael Crewdson (with illustrations by Alexis Rockman). The well-written record of three […]

Read: Leap The CryptoHaiku Carnivorous »

Dinner with Peter Byrne

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 11th, 2006

After the presentations wrapped up at the museum Saturday night, members of the TBRC, along with Kathy & Bob Strain and Peter Byrne, hung around until the museum closed at 6 PM. Some went back through the exhibit, taking photographs and viewing the exhibit as it was a lot less crowded than earlier in the […]

Read: Dinner with Peter Byrne »

Minnesota Iceman at Sideshow World

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 9th, 2006

In an effort to share some cryptozoological information with a new group of readers, and to obtain new information on the “mysterious millionaire,” I worked with John Robinson at Sideshow World to add an overview on that specialty site about the Minnesota Iceman. Check it out at their specific page now devoted to the Minnesota […]

Read: Minnesota Iceman at Sideshow World »

Abominable Attacks Idol Hottie

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 8th, 2006

April 10, 2006, marks the world premiere of Abominable, in New York City. The almost-straight-to-DVD horror flick is directed and produced, respectively, by the husband-wife team of Ryan and Theresa Schifrin. The Abominable debut (no pun intended, I think) will take place as part of Fangoria’s Monster Mondays screening series at New York City’s Two […]

Read: Abominable Attacks Idol Hottie »

Tom Slick, Snowmen, and Spying

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 8th, 2006

In conjunction with the University of Texas’ display, "Bigfoot in Texas?" this weekend, one of the speakers will be Catherine Nixon Cooke, a niece of Tom Slick. Ms. Cooke in 2005 published her book, Tom Slick, Mystery Hunter from Paraview, Inc. A question I would ask her if I was there: Was the late Texas […]

Read: Tom Slick, Snowmen, and Spying »

Opening Day Recap

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 8th, 2006

The day started early with breakfast here at the Radisson. We left for the Institute at 9:20 AM to see the exhibit for the first time. Kathy Moskowitz-Strain, her husband Robert Strain, and Kathy’s 2 kids followed Marcy and myself to the museum. We got there at 9:30 AM and were promptly greeted by Alison, […]

Read: Opening Day Recap »

Bigfoot in Texas? Yet Another Exhibit Photo

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 8th, 2006

Click on image above for full-size version.

Read: Bigfoot in Texas? Yet Another Exhibit Photo »

Bigfoot in Texas? Another Exhibit Photo

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 7th, 2006

This is the other panel as you enter the exhibit. Click on image above for full-size version.

Read: Bigfoot in Texas? Another Exhibit Photo »

Bigfoot in Texas? Exhibit Photos

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 7th, 2006

This is the opening panel as you enter the exhibit. Click on image above for full-size version. And here is just the text from the panel.

Read: Bigfoot in Texas? Exhibit Photos »

Killing a Sasquatch For Science?

Posted by: John Kirk on April 6th, 2006

If we are unable to know for sure what a sasquatch is in the order of things in nature, how can anyone brazenly suggest that you kill one? if it is indeed in the same branch as human beings, then by killing one, you have committed homicide. The last time I had a look at […]

Read: Killing a Sasquatch For Science? »

McGirk Exclusive: Tracks Like Giant Gorilla’s

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 6th, 2006

“Myths do not leave footprints,” Vincent Chow told the media at the end of March 2006. A new expedition is in the works, and certainly there are no shortage of tracks being found in Malaysia. But who has been finding them, and where? And what do they say they look like, beyond the media hype? […]

Read: McGirk Exclusive: Tracks Like Giant Gorilla’s »

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