Archive for the “Abominable Snowman”

Bigfoot Exhibit Opens in Two Days…

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 5th, 2006

The Bigfoot in Texas? exhibit opens in two days. Needless to say, I am pretty nervous, waiting to see the exhibit. Anyone that knows me, knows that I get pretty anxious before one of my events opens. The University of Texas San Antonio’s website featured this article on the event today.  The quote that was […]

Read: Bigfoot Exhibit Opens in Two Days… »

Yeti Mania Begins

Posted by: Loren Coleman on April 5th, 2006

In a kingdom built on make-believe, it is a big deal when the masters of fun and fantasy decide to place a focus of cryptozoology into the midst of their own real-life zoo. This covert positioning was not lost on reporter Buck Wolf. Wolf talked to me a couple of weeks ago because he knows […]

Read: Yeti Mania Begins »

Counting Down to San Antonio

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 4th, 2006

Well, it’s just about here. Opening weekend of the Bigfoot in Texas? exhibit at the Institute of Texan Cultures in San Antonio. The exhibit opens Friday morning at 10 AM. I’m leaving Dallas around noon on Thursday. Gotta be at the museum at 9 AM Friday morning for the press conference. Then I’m off to […]

Read: Counting Down to San Antonio »

MA HB Ends

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 31st, 2006

It is Friday, March 31 (a day I predicted on Wednesday we would hear about earthquakes). This day will see the hardcover and paperback editions of Mysterious America from Paraview go out of print. No more hardback copies of Mysterious America again. Famed natural history artist Alexis Rockman painted the cover depicting a real encounter […]

Read: MA HB Ends »

From Almas & Bili to Ebu Gogo & Yeti

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 30th, 2006

Review of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by T. Peter Park Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman and science writer & Fortean researcher Patrick Huyghe have now updated their classic The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide (New York: Avon Books, 1999). They have just published The Field Guide to […]

Read: From Almas & Bili to Ebu Gogo & Yeti »

Skeptics and Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 28th, 2006

The Spectrum, the University at Buffalo campus newspaper, reported on a lecture titled "Applying Science to the Paranormal" that Benjamin Radford gave last Friday night there. The next target for Radford’s objective and critical approach was Bigfoot. He had molds of footprints and lots of popular pictures, such as the Bigfoot who sells Spam, as […]

Read: Skeptics and Bigfoot »

Fortean Evolution

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 28th, 2006

Regarding the ongoing Mysterious America, which goes out of print Friday, here’s a review of it from Bob Rickard, editor of Fortean Times: MYSTERIOUS AMERICA Loren Coleman Paraview Press, New York; 2001. 334pp, index, illus, appendix. A fortean’s view of forteana. Essential reading. This book was first published in 1983; at that time is was […]

Read: Fortean Evolution »

Jumping Johor Roundup

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 25th, 2006

Considering the recent Johor Bigfoot news was about the destruction of footprints, things have taken a positive turn, by week’s end. Reports of new encounters, a commitment to evidence preservation, and a May 2006 expedition make for an exciting roundup of Malaysian Bigfoot happenings. Be forewarned, however, this is not your grandparents’ “Bigfoot”. As noted […]

Read: Jumping Johor Roundup »

Cryptozoo Museums Worldwide

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 24th, 2006

What and where are your favorite cryptozoology and Bigfoot museums throughout the world? Scotland’s cryptozoology collection at the National Museums of Scotland was recently highlighted in the Scotsman. The easiest exhibits to record, unfortunately, are often the hoaxes. Shown here are a Japanese-made mermaid and a Canadian-created furred trout, both taxidermy fakes. Dr. Geoff Swinney […]

Read: Cryptozoo Museums Worldwide »

Cryptozoology Model Kits

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 24th, 2006

A few days ago, I talked about cryptozoology action figures here on Cryptomundo. Today, I want to talk about cryptozoology model kits. These are different than action figures, they require assembly. My good friend Jeff Johnson, a Dallas-based model-maker and sculptor has a line of really nice cryptozoology model kits. They can be ordered in […]

Read: Cryptozoology Model Kits »

The Skamania County Sasquatch Saga Continues

Posted by: John Kirk on March 23rd, 2006

My own sasquatch encounter in Skamania County took place in the late 1990’s. I had come down to visit my father for Christmas and brought my son with me. On Christmas Eve morning we made a mad dash for the store in a town several miles away as a winter storm was heading our way […]

Read: The Skamania County Sasquatch Saga Continues »

Cryptozoology Action Figures

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 22nd, 2006

Bigfoot and Mothman and Nessie, oh my! Do you have any? Huh, huh, do ya? What’s in your collection? There have been some pretty cool cryptozoology action figures over the years. The Mezco Cryptozoology series were anticipated for quite some time before being eventually released. Supposedly, they were delayed due to negotiations over the licensing […]

Read: Cryptozoology Action Figures »

Bigfoot in Texas ?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 20th, 2006

Bigfoot in Texas? A museum exhibit and lecture series. A joint collaborative effort by the University of Texas San Antonio’s Institute of Texan Cultures and the Texas Bigfoot Research Center. April 7–July 30 Do you believe? There are many documented sightings of Bigfoot right here in Texas! You are invited to join us as we […]

Read: Bigfoot in Texas ? »

The Yowie of Australia’s Blue Mountains

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 19th, 2006

Loren wrote about the April issue of Fortean Times in a previous entry here on Cryptomundo. One of the authors of an article in the Monster Hunters section of that issue, Mike Williams, weighs in with a guest blog for Cryptomundo. In the April 2006 issue of Fortean Times I have co-written an article with […]

Read: The Yowie of Australia’s Blue Mountains »

Claws in Tracks

Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 18th, 2006

Could this drawing, done from life, demonstrate why there are seemingly “claw” marks in some Bigfoot prints?

Read: Claws in Tracks »

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