Archive for the “Into The Fray”
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on February 11th, 2016

Tonight I speak to Daniel S. Green, author of Shadows in the Woods: A Chronicle of Bigfoot in Maine. Maine has a very long history of Sasquatch sightings in the state, from mountain tops to people’s property near towns. Some of the first reports of Bigfoot in Maine was in the 1800’s, near the Mt. Katahdin area. The Indians from that region would call the Sasquatch there, “Pomoola” or “Injun Devil.”
Read: iNTO THE FRAY 21-Shadows in the Woods: A Chronicle of Bigfoot in Maine Reminder »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Forteana, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on iNTO THE FRAY 21-Shadows in the Woods: A Chronicle of Bigfoot in Maine Reminder
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 24th, 2015
Mark and Seth return! This time they bring along Shannon Legro and Clint Granberry to discuss the Bigfoot in the Lone Star State. Shannon is, of course, the host of Into the Fray, her new show that covers all aspects of unusual phenomena. Clint is a radio professional and host of OK Talk Show, a podcast that occasionally delves into the unusual. He’s also based out of Texas sooo… kinda made sense to have him on.
Together they talk about some of the unusual cases out of Texas such as the Lake Worth Monster and this one BFRO case that involved a minister preaching to a Bigfoot. Fascinating. Simply fascinating…
Read: SasWhat: The Sasquatch of Texas »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: The Sasquatch of Texas
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 23rd, 2015
Mark and Seth return to catch us up on what they’ve been doing. Seth just returned from the home of the legendary Fouke Monster, Fouke Arkansas. He talks about his experiences in the land that bred The Legend of Boggy Creek, his time at the Boggy Creek Festival and his brush with a neighbor blowing leaves into his yard…
Read: SasWhat: Boggy Creek Bigfoot Memories »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Expedition Reports, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Swamp Monsters | Comments Off on SasWhat: Boggy Creek Bigfoot Memories
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 21st, 2015
This week Mark and Seth sat down with Scott Herriott. Scott was a co-host on the now-defunct Bigfoot Show and was a staple in the Bigfoot community. Lately, he’s taking new roads as a full-time hiker and filmmaker. We talked about his experiences in the world of “super-indie-filmmaking” and his views on the Bigfoot world.
Read: SasWhat: Talking Squatch and Indie Film with Scott Herriott »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: Talking Squatch and Indie Film with Scott Herriott
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 8th, 2015
This week Mark and Seth are joined by Brandon Dalo (again) to catch up on the last couple weeks worth of life-stuff. What’ve they all been up to? Well, Brandon and Mark visited Point Pleasant, West Virginia for the annual Mothman festival while Seth visited Mickey Mouse down at his crib in Florida. They also read a letter from a listener that details some theories on wild hogs (no not the motorcycle) and Bigfoots.
Read: SasWhat: Mothman vs Bigfoot! »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Conferences, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Festivals, Flying Humanoids, Folklore, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Mothman, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: Mothman vs Bigfoot!
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on November 2nd, 2015
In this episode Mark and Seth are joined by a plethora of guests to discuss various Small Town Monsters projects. They dig into the ongoing case of the Minerva Monster and discuss
Read: SasWhat: Beast of Whitehall with the Small Town Monsters crew (and more) »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Conferences, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: Beast of Whitehall with the Small Town Monsters crew (and more)
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 22nd, 2015

So far, iTF has covered UFO’s, serial killers and even massive flying insects. We now travel to the woods and hear a terrifying Sasquatch encounter from David.
Read: iNTO THE FRAY-Boundaries Crossed Tonight »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Conspiracies, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on iNTO THE FRAY-Boundaries Crossed Tonight
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 21st, 2015
Mark and Seth journey back to the frozen North in this second part of their Alaska “saga”. They discuss a number of mysterious encounters with Bigfoot-type creatures. Are Bigfoots in Alaska unnaturally mean and nasty? Apparently not…
Read: SasWhat: Back to Alaska »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: Back to Alaska
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on October 1st, 2015
Dark Artist, Mister-Sam Shearon rounds out my team for iNTO THE FRAY. He encouraged me throughout the process of creating the show and is also the brainchild behind my logos, artwork and upcoming merchandise. I am lucky to call him a friend as well as a colleague and will be joining us on our many adventures down the rabbit hole. He has had many interesting personal experiences, a few of which we touch on in this episode. P.S. Send me the emails about your anomalous, large insect sightings. You’ll understand why later. But first, Ryan and I discuss big Interstellar news, and then touch on a flying humanoid report out of PA.
Read: iNTO THE FRAY Mister-Sam Shearon Tonight »
Categorized as: Conspiracies, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Flying Humanoids, Folklore, Into The Fray, Mothman, Podcast, Pop Culture | Comments Off on iNTO THE FRAY Mister-Sam Shearon Tonight
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 29th, 2015

I walked down to the creek behind the house with my cousin while my parents and other family were back at the house. We got about 25 feet from the creek and saw what at the time looked like a giant dog or polar bear sitting there…
Read: Sasquatch Encounter in Quebec, Canada »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Cryptozoology, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Sasquatch | Comments Off on Sasquatch Encounter in Quebec, Canada
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 24th, 2015
On this inaugural episode of Into the Fray, Ryan Sprague, Sam Shearon and I discuss strange and wonderful news of interest ranging from odd looking beasts in the UK to a family harassed and pressured by the government into selling their land near the famed Area 51. I then talk with Nick Redfern, prolific author and public speaker who has also appeared on countless TV and radio shows, spanning many Fortean subjects. Tonight, Into the Fray couldn’t welcome a more appropriate first guest.
Read: iNTO THE FRAY: Nick Redfern »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Chupacabras, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on iNTO THE FRAY: Nick Redfern
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 21st, 2015
This week Mark and Seth head north to Alaska! Grab your parka and favorite pair of snowshoes and trek with them as they uncover a mysterious case of a town that was abandoned due to Bigfoots, discuss the huge scale of the snowbound Sasquatch and delve into the art of “pooking”.
Read: SasWhat: Sasquatch in Alaska »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: Sasquatch in Alaska
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 19th, 2015
They’re back and they’re badder than ever. This week, Mark and Seth talk about some of the latest, greatest Bigfoot stories on the net today. Want to hear them talk about that new Ohio Howl recording? They do that. Want to hear them talk (more) about the Honey Island Hoax Monster? They do that too. Want to hear them praise the heroic acts of Yorkie? That happens.
Read: SasWhat: Yorkie the Heroic, Bigfoot-chasing Dog »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, CryptoAudio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on SasWhat: Yorkie the Heroic, Bigfoot-chasing Dog
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 17th, 2015
Shannon LeGro’s new show, Into the Fray is here. It is a multi-topic venture featuring guests and investigators covering a broad range. With collaborators such as UFO Journalist, Ryan Sprague and Crypto Dark Artist, Sam Shearon, each show will be unique and offer a fresh take on the heavily debated topics in the community.
Read: Into the Fray Radio Debut Tonight »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Breaking News, CryptoRadio, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Into The Fray, Men in Cryptozoology, Paranormal Investigators, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch | Comments Off on Into the Fray Radio Debut Tonight
Posted by: Shannon LeGro on September 7th, 2015
This week we welcome our friend and colleague cryptid researcher/author Lyle Blackburn to Arcane Radio
Lyle Blackburn is an author, musician, and cryptid researcher from Texas.
Read: Arcane Radio Presents: Lyle Blackburn-Cryptid Researcher/Author tonight »
Categorized as: Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Books, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Into The Fray, Lizard People, Men in Cryptozoology, MonsterQuest, Podcast, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Swamp Monsters | Comments Off on Arcane Radio Presents: Lyle Blackburn-Cryptid Researcher/Author tonight