Archive for the “Sea Serpents”

io9’s Cryptid Summer

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 16th, 2011

Cryptomundo has been asked to participate in io9’s Cryptid Summer by io9 Editor-in-Chief Annalee Newitz.

io9 Cryptid Summer

This summer, io9 is going cryptozoological. We’re offering a $2000 bounty to the person who sends us the best authentic photo or video of a “cryptid,” or mystery animal. And that’s just the beginning of Cryptid Summer.

Read: io9’s Cryptid Summer »

Sea Serpent Carcass or Gaff?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 8th, 2011

Sea Serpent Carcass or Gaff


Read: Sea Serpent Carcass or Gaff? »

Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof

Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 7th, 2011

I posted Nick’s article from his Lair of the Beasts column earlier today here on Cryptomundo.

Loren responded with his post Cryptids Are Not Totally Elusive, Actually.

Nick further expounds on his theory here exclusively on Cryptomundo.

Read: Nick Redfern Further Expounds on Monsters and Proof »

Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof

Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 7th, 2011

When will we have proof that Bigfoot is a giant ape, and the creatures of Loch Ness represent a surviving, relic population of plesiosaurs?

And that’s the problem we have when it comes to securing proof: If Bigfoot is just a large, unclassified ape then we would surely have secured the evidence in support of such a scenario by now. It’s the same with Nessie: where are the bodies?

Read: Nick Redfern on Monsters and Proof »

Stalking Altie: Does Georgia have its own Loch Ness Monster?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 5th, 2011


The Altamaha-ha, known more casually as “Altie,” defies scientific explanation. Even before European settlement, the Tama tribes people told stories of a giant, snake-like river animal that hissed and bellowed. Over the past century, fishermen, lumberjacks and boy scouts have reported sightings of a creature in the tributaries and marshes of the Altamaha River, which feeds one of the largest river basins on the Atlantic Coast. The eyewitness consensus holds that the Altamaha-ha has a dark, smooth hide, apart from the tire-tread-like ridges on its back, as well as a narrow neck, prominent snout and flat, porpoise-like tail.

Read: Stalking Altie: Does Georgia have its own Loch Ness Monster? »

What’s Eating You? Florida’s Hungry Sea Serpent Revisited

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 30th, 2011

Edward McCleary Sea Monster

Aboard an rubber raft, the five companions paddled toward the Massachusetts, but they ran afoul of unexpected currents, gale-force winds, and fog that left them stranded on a buoy anchored to the sunken hulk. At nightfall, according to McCleary, a long-necked and foul-smelling sea monster approached the buoy, prompting all five boys to swim in panic through the fog. McCleary saw the beast grab Eric Ruyle and drag him underwater, followed shortly by the sound of Salley shouting, “It’s got Brad!” Moments later, a scream signaled Salley’s fate, while McCleary lost sight of Larry Bill in the mist. McCleary alone reached the shore, spending the night in World War II-era gun emplacement near Fort McRae, where a helicopter crew from Pensacola’s Naval Air Station found him at 7:45 A.M. on Sunday.

Read: What’s Eating You? Florida’s Hungry Sea Serpent Revisited »

Mystery Mersey Monster

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 28th, 2011

Mystery Mersey Monster

A Cryptomundian sent us a link to this report with the following comment:

Did you see this link? It almost looks like a Cadborosaurus head sticking out.A Cryptomundian

Read: Mystery Mersey Monster »

Reviving Gloucester’s Sea Serpent

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 28th, 2011

The legend of either Gloucester’s biggest fish tale or greatest harbor phenomenon — depending on who you’re talking to — carves though yellowing newsprint across a few decades in the early 1800s.

Read: Reviving Gloucester’s Sea Serpent »

Discovery Channel Replies to Cryptomundian on Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 27th, 2011

I emailed Discovery asking if the Cadborosaur footage was real and if it was to be shown, and got a response that hints toward them having the footage and it being used soon.Cryptomundian

Answer in post.

Read: Discovery Channel Replies to Cryptomundian on Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage »

Chinese Lake Monster Sighted Again

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 27th, 2011

Over 30 tourists from Heilongjiang witnessed the whole process of a lake monster’s appearance in Kanas Lake with the duration of eight minutes at 18:56 on Tuesday.


Read: Chinese Lake Monster Sighted Again »

Update: Scaly Sea Monster Discovered Under Brooklyn Bridge

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 26th, 2011

The body of a massive, bony creature was spotted in New York City’s East River and dragged onto a beach on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge May 21. Onlookers assumed it was some sort of mutated animal and dubbed it “the East River monster.”

Marine biologists, however, knew immediately what they had on their hands.

Read: Update: Scaly Sea Monster Discovered Under Brooklyn Bridge »

Scaly Sea Monster Discovered Under Brooklyn Bridge

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 26th, 2011

On his evening commute, a Manhattan cyclist spied a strange beast at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. It had the scales of a fish, body of a serpent, head of a pit bull, and was the size of a large alligator.


Read: Scaly Sea Monster Discovered Under Brooklyn Bridge »

Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage Owner Speaks Up

Posted by: John Kirk on May 25th, 2011

As I said earlier here, Cryptomundo readers should bombard Discovery with letters, phone calls and emails asking that the footage be aired with the best enhancements possible. We need to launch a PR campaign to get this shown. I am that impressed by the footage that I feel everybody deserves to see it and make up their own minds on the amazing animals in this footage.

Read: Alaska Cadborosaurus Footage Owner Speaks Up »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update

Posted by: John Kirk on May 25th, 2011

There’s more to this story yet and I’ll keep all updated.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update »

Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 24th, 2011

Cryptomundian ogopogo2011 weighs in with further opinion regarding this much discussed footage.

Read: Alaskan Cadborosaurus Footage Update »

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