The Best Bigfootage: Famous Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Footage from 1962

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 19th, 2014

Filmed five years before the Patterson/Gimlin film!

Investigate Further: The Best Bigfootage: Famous Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Footage from 1962 »

East Coast Bigfooter Passes Away

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 19th, 2014

Sad news passed on by William Dranginis of Virginia Bigfoot Research Organization

Investigate Further: East Coast Bigfooter Passes Away »

Bigfoot North Radio Archive: Bill Cacciolfi of New World Expeditions

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 19th, 2014


Archive of show featuring guest Bill Cacciolfi, of New World Expeditions, who is organizing an international conference on relict hominoids to be held at Zulu Nyala, in South Africa, next Spring (March 17-24, 2015) combined with photo safaris and excursions to the Indian Ocean. Confirmed speakers include Jeff Meldrum, John Bindernagel, John Mionczynski, Dmitry Pirkulov, Jeff McNeeley, Ian Redmond with several more to be announced.

Investigate Further: Bigfoot North Radio Archive: Bill Cacciolfi of New World Expeditions »

Dyer Releases Photo of “Real” Hank?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 18th, 2014

In this video is a still image of what looks to be hair covered piece of flesh…

Investigate Further: Dyer Releases Photo of “Real” Hank? »

The Best Bigfootage: A Bigfoot Stealing a Candy Bar? Could Be!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 18th, 2014

In the first season of Finding Bigfoot, the team investigated this thermal footage of a Bigfoot apparently swiping a candy bar from a campsite. Could it be?

Investigate Further: The Best Bigfootage: A Bigfoot Stealing a Candy Bar? Could Be! »

Bigfoot North Radio: Bill Cacciolfi of New World Expeditions

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 18th, 2014


Our guest Wednesday, June 18th, at 6:00 Mtn Time on Bigfoot North Radio will be Bill Cacciolfi, owner and operator of New World Expeditions. Bill lives the adventures that many of us only imagine. He has guided many tours in remote regions of the globe, including many cryptozoological expeditions with Dr. Marc Miller. Bill will also discuss plans underway for a world conference on relict hominoids to be held in South Africa next year. Tune in!

~ Jeff Meldrum

Investigate Further: Bigfoot North Radio: Bill Cacciolfi of New World Expeditions »

More Meldrum on Killer Russian Yeti

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 18th, 2014


Dr. Meldrum further expounds on his involvement with the Discovery Channel project Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives.

Investigate Further: More Meldrum on Killer Russian Yeti »

Mountain Monsters: Photographic Evidence of the Snallygaster

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 18th, 2014

The AIMS team arrives in “Snallygaster Circle,” and quickly finds they may have bitten off more than they can chew. The AIMS crew learns the Snallygaster is an 800-pound expert aerial predator who is as equally dangerous on land as it is in the sky.

Investigate Further: Mountain Monsters: Photographic Evidence of the Snallygaster »

Adam Davies & John Carlson Summarize Their Trip to Dr. Matthew Johnson’s Research Area

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 18th, 2014


Adam Davies & John Carlson weigh in on their outing at Dr. J’s Southern Oregon Habituation Area.

Investigate Further: Adam Davies & John Carlson Summarize Their Trip to Dr. Matthew Johnson’s Research Area »

Nessie Is Not A Plessie

Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 17th, 2014

“When the Wiltshire-based host asked me to comment on the theory that the Nessies are plesiosaurs, I replied it was complete nonsense. For a second or so, there was a noticeable silence…”

Investigate Further: Nessie Is Not A Plessie »

Curious Creature Caught on Cop Car Dash Cam Debunked?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 17th, 2014

Last week I posted this video that was offered in a new format from Animal Planet, The Best Bigfootage: Curious Creature Caught on Cop Car Dash Cam.

Cryptomundian macVato brought up that the video had been debunked on another website.

Investigate Further: Curious Creature Caught on Cop Car Dash Cam Debunked? »

A Squatchy Photograph: Bigfoot or Bear?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 17th, 2014

The Finding Bigfoot team heads out to assess whether this photograph contains evidence of a Bigfoot or a bear. Due to certain characteristics such as the length of the arm and foot of the creature in the photograph there is much discussion amongst the team about the figure’s identity.

Investigate Further: A Squatchy Photograph: Bigfoot or Bear? »

Huge, Roaring Creature in the Woods of Virginia

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 16th, 2014

Ranae and Cliff meet up with a local man who claims to have seen a huge, roaring Bigfoot in the woods of Virginia.

Investigate Further: Huge, Roaring Creature in the Woods of Virginia »

Behind the Hunt: Shadow Creature

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 16th, 2014

Bill defends his cooking abilities and Jeff talks about how he was able to get video footage of the Shadow Creature. Also, hear how Huckleberry felt when he had to sit out a night investigation.

Investigate Further: Behind the Hunt: Shadow Creature »

Hybrid History: Sasquatch Sexuality and Prehistoric Pairing

Posted by: Micah Hanks on June 16th, 2014

Reports of hairy humanoids in the Americas like Bigfoot have captured the public’s fascination for decades. The proposed existence of such creatures beckons to us, after a fashion, and hints at a primal element that even modern humans seem to possess after all these many thousands of years of evolution and pairing that have made us what we are today.

Investigate Further: Hybrid History: Sasquatch Sexuality and Prehistoric Pairing »

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