Archive for “November, 2006”

New Review of CZ in KC

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 12th, 2006

A new review of the Kansas City cryptozoology exhibit was published today, Sunday, November 12, 2006, in the Kansas City Star. Please find it here.

Read: New Review of CZ in KC »

Jeff Meldrum on NPR

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 12th, 2006

On Friday, November 10, Dr. Jeff meldrum was interviewed on NPR by Ira Flatow on his Talk of the Nation: Science Friday show. Anthropologist, author and scientist Jeff Meldrum talks about the evidence for (and against) the existence of Bigfoot. Are there animals hiding in the woods that we know nothing about? Meldrum’s new book […]

Read: Jeff Meldrum on NPR »

New Zealand’s Waitoreke

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 12th, 2006

Could the Waitoreke be related to the Oriental small-clawed otter (Amblonyx cinereus)? Next to the giant moa reports, the most discussed mystery animal of New Zealand is the waitoreke. Maoris and early colonists on the nation’s South Island frequently reported a small otterlike animal known as the kaureke and also as the waitoreke. Late nineteenth-century […]

Read: New Zealand’s Waitoreke »

Wamsley’s Mothman Interview

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 12th, 2006

Let the anniversary articles begin. Let the 40th anniversary parties commence. Above: Mothman Museum director Jeff Wamsley holds his most recent book, Mothman: Behind the Red Eyes. With him is museum co-worker Todd Wiseman, an Ohio University film student making a documentary about Mothman. I earlier today posted on the question of whether the 12th, […]

Read: Wamsley’s Mothman Interview »

“First” Mothman Sighting

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 12th, 2006

Technically, should November 12th (or even November 1st) be the 40th anniversary of the first sighting of Mothman? Since Kenneth Duncan only came forth with his and others’ encounter after the Scarberry-Mallette-Partridge events of three days later, the sighting on the 12th is hardly ever awarded the recognition of the honors of being mentioned as […]

Read: “First” Mothman Sighting »

Nessie Revealed?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 12th, 2006

Sunday Funnies Reveal the truth about the Loch Ness Monster by clicking on Nessie’s neck. Thanks to Emilio Diaz and Brad Steiger for sharing this with Cryptomundo.

Read: Nessie Revealed? »

Not Bigfoot?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 11th, 2006

Witness denies labeling large animal Bigfoot West Bend, Wisconsin – A 39-year-old Menasha man has found himself in the middle of Washington County “wildman of the wilderness” fever. Steven Krueger doesn’t know where all this Bigfoot talk came from, but he will not be sorry to see it stop. “I hope it just goes away. […]

Read: Not Bigfoot? »

Godfrey: Wisconsin Bigfoot – NOT!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 11th, 2006

The following is authored by Linda Godfrey: The Washington County Bigfoot is not a Bigfoot! Much ado about something…but NOT a Bigfoot! Two Milwaukee TV stations, WTMJ ch. 4 and WISN ch. 12, reported Nov. 9 and 10, 2006, that Steven Krueger, a contractor who picks up roadkill for Washington and several other counties in […]

Read: Godfrey: Wisconsin Bigfoot – NOT! »

11/11 Winged Weirdies

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 11th, 2006

Eleven years ago on the eleventh day of the eleventh month… November 11, 1995, Zacapa, Guatemala – During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a strange winged creature on her property at around one o’clock in the morning. She described it as about four feet tall, with large bat-like […]

Read: 11/11 Winged Weirdies »

YouTube Johor

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 11th, 2006

People might wish to view YouTube’s Malaysian Bigfoot video, which is an extract from Jonathan Kent’s BBC report on the subject. The drawings of what the sighted Johor Bigfoot looked like, have a bulky appearance to them, and are worth the viewing alone. There is also footage of Vincent Chow (above) on the YouTube clip. […]

Read: YouTube Johor »

Slave Ships’ Apes

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 11th, 2006

Could the “North American Apes” (Napes) have come over from Africa via slave ships? Napes is the term I coined to gather the names of Skunk Apes, Boogers, Swamp Apes, and other cryptid anthropoids from the SE USA under one umbrella moniker. I see Napes as a form of unknown ape, and not the Neo-Giant, […]

Read: Slave Ships’ Apes »

More On Deer-Grabbing Bigfoot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006

What did the deer-grabbing Bigfoot look like? We still don’t know, and the above drawing by Richard Klyver has nothing to do with this Wisconsin report. Please, someone, ask Steven Krueger to describe what he saw, how it moved, how it jumped, and how it carried the deer, for starters! Please. In the wake of […]

Read: More On Deer-Grabbing Bigfoot »

Southeast Texas Police Officer Sees Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on November 10th, 2006

The Texas Bigfoot Research Center received an interesting report a few days ago. The witness’s statement follows:  I am a police officer. I was traveling northbound on FM 1008 and there was an 18-wheel truck in front of me at the time and we were traveling at approx. 55 mph. I observed a large creature […]

Read: Southeast Texas Police Officer Sees Bigfoot »

KC’s Kids CZ Book List

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006

Looking for some suggestions for your holiday gift-giving to add to the book shelves of cryptozoologists-in-training? Trying to come up with colorful presents for those stockings? Here’s some book ideas that are being put out there for kids who are visiting the activities and the current Missouri home of the traveling exhibition that left Bates […]

Read: KC’s Kids CZ Book List »

Paranthropus News

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006

The following news release is shared here, as I consider the fossil candidate Paranthropus more compelling than Giganthropithecus for what is reported in several locations as "Bigfoot". I discussed this debate about these two fossil species here on Christmas Day 2005, please see “Bigfoot: Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus?” Not too many people read that blog, probably, […]

Read: Paranthropus News »

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