Archive for “April, 2013”

Ontario Bigfoot Video Footage

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 3rd, 2013

The witness supposedly attached a GoPro camera to the bumper of his truck and captured this amazing image of a possible Bigfoot from the Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.

Watch the video here and voice your opinions!

Read: Ontario Bigfoot Video Footage »

Micah Hanks on Lake Monsters

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 2nd, 2013

“…these creatures are either writhing scaly coils of slithering serpent stuff, or perhaps…aquatic holdovers from prehistoric times…”

Read: Micah Hanks on Lake Monsters »

HopsSquatch Kicks off in Portland, Oregon

Posted by: Guy Edwards on April 2nd, 2013

HopsSquatch: a unique beer and Bigfoot speaker series in Portland, OR. Cliff Barackman will kick off the series with a preview of his brand new DVD, “Bigfoot Road Trip.” Be the first to see the DVD.

Read: HopsSquatch Kicks off in Portland, Oregon »

Christopher Noël: Shooting Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 2nd, 2013


Say that we wished to learn more about a newly discovered tribe in the Amazon–would we trap one of them, blow his brains out, and haul him from the jungle and into a laboratory?

Read: Christopher Noël: Shooting Bigfoot »

In the Valley of the Wood Ape

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 2nd, 2013

Over many centuries numerous appellations have been ascribed to the huge hairy hominoids said to inhabit North America, “Bigfoot” being one of the more widely used in recent decades. In his opening address at the 2013 Texas Bigfoot Conference, Brian Brown first announced the TBRC move to officially change its name to the North American Wood Ape Conservancy and the rationale behind the NAWAC decision to largely cease using the media moniker “Bigfoot” when referring to the species.

Read: In the Valley of the Wood Ape »

Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues to Stop Texas Bigfoot Hunt

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 1st, 2013

Today, the national nonprofit Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) is filing a lawsuit against the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, requesting judicial review of the agency’s May 2012 administrative finding that Bigfoot is an indigenous “nongame” species that can therefore be hunted without a permit.

Read: Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues to Stop Texas Bigfoot Hunt »

April Fools’ Day Cryptids?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 1st, 2013


Did any Cryptomundians see any April Fools’ Day Cryptids?

Read: April Fools’ Day Cryptids? »

In Search of Living Dinosaurs

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 1st, 2013

The last time we heard from Dino Dave Woetzel here at Cryptomundo, he’d had an Ogopogo sighting and taken a photo of the alleged creature.

What’s he been up tp lately?

Read: In Search of Living Dinosaurs »

The Spiny-Backed Chimpanzee

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 1st, 2013

Spiny-backed chimpanzee, Philippe Coudray3

A Congolese Chupacabra Chimp!

Read: The Spiny-Backed Chimpanzee »

Bigfoot and Language

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 1st, 2013

“…how does the study of Sasquatch come into the discussion about the origins of human language and culture…?”

Read: Bigfoot and Language »

What’s the Frequency, Kenne…, er, Sasquatch?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 1st, 2013


Bigfoot researchers for years have speculated that Bigfoots avoided game cameras because said cameras produced detectable audio emissions undetectable to humans but yet detectable by Bigfoots.

What has a scientific study shown?

Read: What’s the Frequency, Kenne…, er, Sasquatch? »

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