Minnesota Iceman Found in a Block of Ice
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 26th, 2013
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 26th, 2013
An incredible end to a year of activity that has set a new level of interaction with the sasquatch people and our forest friend Nephatia.
We continue to progress our unique situation showing that these are not the perceived apes as many portray, but rather a people, an older more refined and evolved people that don’t rely on technology for their existence.Sasquatch Ontario
Read: Discussions From Another Realm »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 26th, 2013
A recent sighting of a living pterosaur.
What amazing encounters! In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have seen strange featherless creatures flying overhead. These are not bats; most have long tails and are bigger than any bat.
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 25th, 2013
On Finding Bigfoot’s third visit to California, we focused our efforts on the Lake Tahoe area. Among bigfooters, arguably the most famous piece of evidence out of this area is the Tahoe Scream, a high-pitched scream thought to have been made by a juvenile sasquatch, which to this day is not publicly distributed.
Read: Behind the Scenes of Finding Bigfoot: “Sketching Sasquatch” with Cliff Barackman »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 25th, 2013
A giant winged creature terrifies its witnesses and plunges the town into panic and fear. Eyewitnesses go on record and recount stories of the Van Meter Monster.
Monsters and Mysteries in America: Momo, Shadow People, Van Meter Monster Premieres Sunday, December 29 9:00 PM Central.
Read: Visiting the Van Meter Visitor »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 24th, 2013
Who’s Krampus, you ask? Why, he’s Santa’s age-old partner in crime. While Santa delivers toys to the good lil girls and boys, Krampus doles out comeuppance to all the naughty brats of the world.
Read: Seasons Greetings from Krampus! »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 24th, 2013
A vicious hairy beast terrifies its witnesses and plunges the town into panic and fear. Eyewitnesses go on record and recount stories of the Momo.
Monsters and Mysteries in America: Momo, Shadow People, Van Meter Monster Premieres Sunday, December 29 9:00 PM Central.
Premieres Sunday, December 29 9:00 PM Central
Read: That Ol’ Momo Mojo »
Posted by: The Discerning Man's Squatch on December 24th, 2013
Why do some people try to pull the wool over other’s eyes? I think there are many reasons and to name a few, there is to push an agenda, to gain notoriety and to make a buck. Some of course are just for fun as well, so not all hoaxers come from the same mold, but those who deliberately misinform to gain a profit of some kind, we should try and peer inside their heads.
Read: Anatomy of a Hoaxer »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 23rd, 2013
Despite repeated warnings about humans from their father, the Abominable Snowman, two Abominable Snowkids find themselves in a sleepy Colorado mountain town after being chased out of their hideaway by a scientist determined to capture them.
This sounds like something for the junior cryptozoologists out there!
Featuring the voices of Emilio Estevez, Matthew Lillard, Ray Liotta, Jane Lynch and more!
Read: Abominable Christmas »
Posted by: Nick Redfern on December 23rd, 2013
“’Belief,’ the Fortean writer John Keel once said, ‘is the enemy.’ For a researcher who many in skeptical communities would call a credulous writer of bunk-subjects and speculation, this simple adage might appear to stand in contrast to those critical perspectives taken against Keel and his work.”
Read: Bigfoot and Belief Systems »
Posted by: Lyle Blackburn on December 23rd, 2013
If you follow bigfoot research, you’ve no doubt heard the controversial name of Justin Smeja. Smeja is, of course, the bear hunter who claims to have shot and killed a juvenile sasquatch in the Sierra mountains in 2010. Since coming forward, his story has been widely spread on the internet (through both interviews and a small documentary), and lately featured in several television shows including Bigfoot: The New Evidence. The DNA evidence has been analyzed, but still the question remains: did Smeja actually kill a bigfoot?
These type of stories tend to polarize the bigfoot community as researchers struggle to sort out the truth. In an effort to do just that, bigfoot researcher and independent filmmaker, Ro Sahebi, in association with The Sierras Evidence Initiative, has created a new feature documentary titled Dead Bigfoot: A True Story. In the doc, Sahebi interviews the witnesses, initiates a polygraph test, and takes a look at the various shreds of evidence that have thus far been presented.
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 23rd, 2013
I don’t know what the source of this video is to be able to verify its authenticity.
Check it out here and see if you know anything
Read: New/Old Caddy Video? »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 22nd, 2013
The Bridgewater Triangle is shrouded with inexplicable phenomena and UFO sightings. A deadly swamp Pukwudgie attacked Bill Russo; the Hewins sisters are used as a breeders for aliens; and the Dover Demon reigns over an entire town.
Premieres Sunday, December 22 9:00 PM Central
Read: Monsters and Mysteries in America: Pukwudgie, Aliens, Dover Demon »
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 22nd, 2013
A deadly swamp Pukwudgie attacked Bill Russo…
Read Bill’s account here…
Read: Speaking of Pukwudgies and the Bridgewater Triangle… »
Posted by: Guy Edwards on December 21st, 2013
Kultus: A bigfoot novel written by Kirk Sigurdson. A social commentary about non-human intelligence is at once captivating, and also chilling. A must-read book!
Read: Kultus a Bigfoot Novel Written by Accomplished Author Kirk Sigurdson »
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