Archive for “September, 2014”

White Bigfoot Caught at Night

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 8th, 2014

ThinkerThunker takes a look at some interesting footage from Pennsylvania of a purported white Bigfoot.

Read: White Bigfoot Caught at Night »

Siberian Lake Serpent

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 7th, 2014

Russian Serpent – For centuries, strange reports of a large, underwater creature have come from people living near the remote Lake Labynkyr in Siberia.

Read: Siberian Lake Serpent »

Guy Chases Growling Sasquatch Into The Woods!

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 7th, 2014

Another look at this controversial video, some say fake, some researchers and enthusiasts say real! What do you think?

Read: Guy Chases Growling Sasquatch Into The Woods! »

Killing Bigfoot

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 7th, 2014

One hour TV Special – an exPro wrestler and a Vietnam Vet are on the hunt for Bigfoot. Entering the forests at night the two men and a team of paramilitary men brandishing assault weapons are intent on killing Bigfoot. They are determined to prove to the rest of the world and the scientific community that Bigfoot is real.

Read: Killing Bigfoot »

Dung-Heaps, Devil-Pigs, and Monckton’s Gazeka

Posted by: Karl Shuker on September 6th, 2014

With an area of more than 340,000 square miles, New Guinea is second only to Greenland as the largest island in the world (Australia is bigger than both but is officially deemed an island continent, rather than a mere island). Throughout its length and breadth, however, are dense and often little-explored rainforests where various surprising […]

Read: Dung-Heaps, Devil-Pigs, and Monckton’s Gazeka »

Bigfoot Encounter At The Kettle Moraine Forest

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 6th, 2014

Linda Godfrey, noted investigator and author on the dogman, talks about the encounter she had with a blonde bigfoot in a Wisconsin state park 2 years ago.

Read: Bigfoot Encounter At The Kettle Moraine Forest »

Creatureplica at HorrorHound

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 6th, 2014


Read: Creatureplica at HorrorHound »

Cryptologic Radio Archive: Bigfoot Sasquatch Investigations

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 6th, 2014

This week we will be speaking with Timothy Bastin and Wayne Barnes of Bigfoot Sasquatch Investigations (BSI). Both Tim and Wayne hail from Indiana, have known each other for 30 years, and formed the BSI a little over a year ago in order to conduct research into their area. They have collected witness testimony and conducted research into Daniel Boone National Forest, Hoosier National Forest, Harrison County, Blue River, and Lake Monroe.

Read: Cryptologic Radio Archive: Bigfoot Sasquatch Investigations »

2014 Original Texas Bigfoot Conference

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 5th, 2014


The Original Texas Bigfoot Conference returns to Jefferson, TX. Established in 2001 as the original annual Bigfoot Conference in Texas by the Texas Bigfoot Research Center. Craig Woolheater, Monica Rawlins and Gino Napoli bring back the event on Texas Bigfoot Weekend as proclaimed on October 15, 2005 by the mayor of the City of Jefferson, TX. The third weekend in Jefferson is proclaimed as Texas Bigfoot Weekend.

The event takes place on October 18, 2014.

Read: 2014 Original Texas Bigfoot Conference »

Sasquatch Seen By 3 People Near Bella Coola BC

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 5th, 2014

Three people in a boat seen a brown colored creature at Jacobsen Bay bending down in the water near the shore, all thinking it was a bear until it stood up!

Read: Sasquatch Seen By 3 People Near Bella Coola BC »

Attenborough Reveals Yeti Ambition

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 5th, 2014

I love his nature programs. He’s eighty something, but the Yeti remains on the list of creatures he wants to find.

What a guy!

Read: Attenborough Reveals Yeti Ambition »

Bigfoot Wars Review

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 5th, 2014

The DVD is available at

Read: Bigfoot Wars Review »

Today in Bigfoot History

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 4th, 2014

The Bigfoot beat its massive chest and roared at the boys. Its roar was deafening.

Once complete silence settled over the river. The boys too terrified to make another peep, the Bigfoot shook its monstrous head. Slowly, it turned and moved up the embankment to disappear into the woods

Read: Today in Bigfoot History »

Bathing Sasquatch Terrifies Kid

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 4th, 2014

A boy comes up on a Sasquatch in a creek which terrifies him!

Read: Bathing Sasquatch Terrifies Kid »

Monsters Underground Moves to Discovery

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 4th, 2014

The Monsters Underground premiere was postponed and moved from Destination America to Discovery.

Tonight the show premieres with two episodes at 10:02/9:02c and 10:32/9:32c.

Read: Monsters Underground Moves to Discovery »

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